Common Data Model Elements
Name: linkml-common
Class | Description |
Agent | Represents an Agent |
Any | None |
CreationMetadata | None |
Entity | A physical, digital, conceptual, or other kind of thing with some common characteristics |
Event | A thing that happens |
ClinicalCohortEnrollment | An event relating a patient to a clinical cohort |
EngineeringProcess | None |
ExecutionOfProcedure | None |
PlannedProcess | A process that follows a defined procedure or plan |
ComputationalPlannedProcess | Application of a mathematical operation to one or more inputs to produce one or more outputs |
FoodPreparation | None |
InvestigativeProcess | None |
DataGenerationFromSample | None |
SampleCollectionProcess | None |
MaterialCollection | None |
MaterialProcessing | None |
EngineeringMaterialProcessing | None |
FoodProcessing | None |
SampleProcessing | None |
HealthcareConditionOccurrence | None |
HealthcareEncounter | An interaction between a patient and one or more healthcare providers |
Investigation | None |
LifeEvent | None |
Observation | A statement about the state of something |
Measurement | None |
QualitativeObservation | None |
Intangible | An entity that is not a physical object, process, or information |
ComputationalModel | None |
DigitalTwin | None |
Simulation | None |
ClimateModel | None |
Concept | None |
CurrencyConcept | A currency |
ExtractiveIndustryProduct | A product extracted from an extractive industry facility |
ExtractiveIndustryWaste | Waste material generated from extractive industry operations |
FoodTypeConcept | None |
BasicFoodType | None |
CompositeFoodType | None |
PowerPlantType | The type of power plant |
QuantityKind | None |
UnitConcept | None |
DataStructure | None |
EntitySet | A group of things. The collection may be heterogeneous or homogeneous. |
InformationEntity | An entity that describes some information |
ClinicalCohortDefinition | A definition of a clinical cohort |
Dataset | None |
OrgChart | None |
Publication | None |
Specification | A specification of a thing |
Procedure | A canonical series of actions conducted in a certain order or manner |
EngineeringSpecification | None |
FoodRecipe | None |
InvestigativeProtocol | None |
StudyDesign | None |
StudyHypothesis | None |
StudyResult | None |
PlannedProcessConfiguration | None |
Prediction | None |
AggregatePrediction | None |
SimplePrediction | None |
PredictionSummaryStatistics | A class for collecting totals of various outcomes. |
Quantity | None |
Duration | A length of time |
FoodIngredient | None |
Ratio | A tuple of two quantities |
SimpleQuantity | A quantity is a property that can be measured or counted |
MoneyQuantity | A quantity of money |
QuantityRange | A quantity range is a property that can be measured or counted |
Relationship | None |
OrganismalRelationship | None |
OrganizationPersonnelRelationship | None |
PersonInRole | None |
TemporalRelationship | A relationship to another time point |
Role | None |
HealthcareRole | None |
HealthcareProvider | None |
Patient | None |
OrganizationalRole | None |
Service | A service provided by an organization |
FinancialProduct | A product or service offered by a bank whereby one may deposit, withdraw or transfer money and in some cases be paid interest. |
FinancialAccount | A bank account |
SetOfObservations | None |
StructuredValue | A value that is a structured collection of other values |
Location | None |
GeoBoxLocation | None |
PointLocation | None |
GeoPointLocation | None |
PostalAddress | Represents an Address |
TimePointOrTemporalInterval | None |
TemporalInterval | A period of time |
TimePoint | A point in time. Can be fully specified, or specified in relative terms. |
Variable | None |
PhysicalEntity | None |
AutomatedAgent | Represents an Automated Agent |
BuiltEnvironmentFeature | None |
BuiltSystem | None |
ElectricalGrid | A network of electrical transmission lines |
Facility | None |
Building | None |
PowerPlant | A facility for generating electrical power |
FossilFuelPlant | A power plant that uses fossil fuels |
NuclearPlant | A nuclear power plant |
RenewablePlant | A power plant that uses renewable energy sources |
HydroelectricPlant | A hydroelectric power plant |
SolarPlant | A solar power plant |
WindFarm | A wind farm |
ExtractiveIndustryFacility | A facility where natural resources are extracted from the earth |
MiningFacility | A facility where mineral resources are extracted from the earth |
QuarryFacility | A facility where stone, sand, or gravel are extracted from the earth |
WellFacility | A facility where fluid resources (e.g., oil, gas, water) are extracted from the earth |
ClinicalCohort | A group of patients who share a common set of characteristics |
CreativeWork | The most generic kind of creative work, including books, movies, photographs, software programs, etc. |
Equipment | None |
ExtractiveIndustryEquipment | The equipment used in extractive industry operations |
IndividualOrganism | None |
Person | Represents a Person |
VeterinaryAnimal | None |
Organization | Represents an Organization |
FinancialOrganization | An organization that provides financial services |
HealthcareOrganization | An organization that provides healthcare services |
PhysicalDevice | None |
PhysicalSystem | None |
EconomicSystem | None |
EnvironmentalSystem | None |
Climate | None |
Place | Entities that have a somewhat fixed, physical extension. |
AstronomicalBody | None |
EnvironmentalSite | A location or site that is the subject of environmental monitoring |
HealthcareSite | None |
Landform | A natural feature of the solid surface of the Earth or other planetary body |
RawMaterial | None |
SampleMaterial | None |
SubjectHistory | None |
SubjectObservationHistory | None |
ClinicalHistory | None |
Identified | None |
Model | None |
OutcomeStatistics | A class for collecting totals of various outcomes. |
Typed | None |
Slot | Description |
abstract | A summary of the item |
account_holder | The person or organization that holds the account |
account_number | The account number |
accuracy | Accuracy is calculated as (TP + TN) / (TP + FP + TN + FN) |
address | |
age_in_years | Number of years since birth |
allowed_units | The units that are allowed for this variable |
altitude | The altitude of the location |
annual_production | |
area | |
bank | The bank that holds the account |
birth_date | Date on which a person is born |
bounding_coordinates | The bounding coordinates of the place |
capacity | |
capex | Capital expenditure for the plant |
care_site | |
city | The city |
classification | A precise classification of the thing, using a concept from an ontology, cont... |
cohort | |
collected_as_part_of | |
collected_from | |
commissioning_date | |
components | |
contacts | A contact point for a person or organization |
contributors | A person or organization that contributed to the creation of the work |
country | The country |
creators | The person or organization who created the work |
dam | The dam used by the hydroelectric plant |
date_value | |
datetime_value | |
decommissioning_date | |
definition | |
denominator | The denominator of the ratio |
depth | |
describes | The thing that is being described |
description | A human-readable description for a thing |
design | |
east_bounding_coordinate | The easternmost coordinate of the location |
economy_of_place | |
ends_at | |
events | |
expected_value | |
f1_score | F1 Score is the harmonic mean of precision and recall |
facility_type | |
false_negative_count | Total number of false negatives (FN) |
false_positive_count | Total number of false positives (FP) |
follows_procedure | |
for_organization | |
fuel | |
geolocation | The geolocation of the place |
grade | |
happens_at | |
has_duration | |
has_interval | |
has_person_roles | |
has_quantity_kind | The kind of quantity |
hypothesis | |
id | A unique identifier for a thing |
immediate_preceding_steps | The steps that immediately precede this step |
ingredients | |
inputs | The inputs to the operation |
interpretations | |
is_ongoing_as_of | |
is_person | |
keywords | Keywords or tags used to describe this item |
latitude | The latitude of the location |
located_at_place | The place where the entity is located |
location | |
longitude | The longitude of the location |
lower_bound | The lower bound of the range |
marker_event | |
material_collected | |
measured_using | |
measurements | |
members | The members of the collection |
mining_method | |
models | |
name | A human-readable name for a thing |
north_bounding_coordinate | The northernmost coordinate of the location |
numerator | The numerator of the ratio |
object | The object of a relationship |
objectives | |
observation_subject | |
observations | |
observed_during | |
ontology_types | A collection of concepts that help to classify the thing, using concepts from... |
operator | |
opex | Operating expense for the plant |
outcome | |
outputs | The outputs of the operation |
over_interval | |
part_of | |
parts | The parts of the process |
patient | |
person_role | |
plant_type | |
plants | |
postal_code | The postal code or zip code |
precision | Precision is calculated as TP / (TP + FP) |
predicate | |
predicted_value | |
predictions | |
primary_email | The main email address of a person |
processing_method | |
product_type | |
production_capacity | |
products | |
protocols_io_url | |
provider | |
provides_services | |
quantity_measured | The quantity being measured |
recall | Recall is calculated as TP / (TP + FN) |
relationships | |
relative_to | |
reserves | |
result | |
results | |
rights | Information about rights held in and over the item |
south_bounding_coordinate | The southernmost coordinate of the location |
speciality | |
starts_at | |
state | The state |
steps | |
street_address | The street address |
street_address_additional | |
subject | The subject of a relationship |
subject_person | |
time_value | |
title | The title of the item |
true_negative_count | Total number of true negatives (TN) |
true_positive_count | Total number of true positives (TP) |
type | A type for a thing |
unit | The currency of the quantity |
upper_bound | The upper bound of the range |
uses_configuration | |
uses_dataset | |
uses_physical_device | |
value | The value of the quantity |
variable_measured | The variable being measured |
variable_predicted | |
variables | |
vital_status | living or dead status |
well_type | |
west_bounding_coordinate | The westernmost coordinate of the location |
year_value |
Type | Description |
Boolean | A binary (true or false) value |
CountScalar | |
Curie | a compact URI |
Date | a date (year, month and day) in an idealized calendar |
DateOrDatetime | Either a date or a datetime |
Datetime | The combination of a date and time |
Decimal | A real number with arbitrary precision that conforms to the xsd:decimal speci... |
Double | A real number that conforms to the xsd:double specification |
Float | A real number that conforms to the xsd:float specification |
Integer | An integer |
Jsonpath | A string encoding a JSON Path |
Jsonpointer | A string encoding a JSON Pointer |
Ncname | Prefix part of CURIE |
Nodeidentifier | A URI, CURIE or BNODE that represents a node in a model |
Objectidentifier | A URI or CURIE that represents an object in the model |
Sparqlpath | A string encoding a SPARQL Property Path |
String | A character string |
Time | A time object represents a (local) time of day, independent of any particular... |
Uri | a complete URI |
Uriorcurie | a URI or a CURIE |
Subset | Description |