LinkML Map Data Model
Datamodel for LinkML schema mappings and transformations.
A mapper generates instances of a target data model from instances of a source data model. This transformation process is guided by a TransformationSpecification.
The specification is independent of any one method for transforming data. It allows different approaches, including:
- direct implementation, transforming python or json objects
- translation of the specification into SQL commands, to operate on relations
- translation of the specification into SPARQL CONSTRUCTs, to operate on triples
- translation into another specification language, such as R2RML
Name: linkml-map
Class | Description |
AliasedClass | alias-class key value pairs for classes |
Any | None |
CopyDirective | Instructs a Schema Mapper in how to map to a target schema. Not used for data transformation. |
Inverse | Used for back references in mapping to relational model |
KeyVal | None |
SpecificationComponent | None |
ElementDerivation | An abstract grouping for classes that provide a specification of how to derive a target element from a source element. |
ClassDerivation | A specification of how to derive a target class from a source class. |
EnumDerivation | A specification of how to derive the value of a target enum from a source enum |
PermissibleValueDerivation | A specification of how to derive the value of a PV from a source enum |
PrefixDerivation | None |
SlotDerivation | A specification of how to derive the value of a target slot from a source slot |
TransformationSpecification | A collection of mappings between source and target classes |
StringificationConfiguration | None |
UnitConversionConfiguration | None |
Slot | Description |
add | |
alias | name of the class to be aliased |
cast_collection_as | |
class_derivations | Instructions on how to derive a set of classes in the target schema from clas... |
class_name | |
class_named | local alias for the class |
comments | A list of comments about this component |
copy_all | |
copy_directives | |
delimiter | |
derived_from | Source slots that are used to derive this slot |
description | description of the specification component |
dictionary_key | |
element_name | |
enum_derivations | Instructions on how to derive a set of enums in the target schema |
exclude | |
exclude_all | |
expr | An expression to be evaluated on the source object to derive the target slot |
expression_to_expression_mappings | A mapping table in which the keys and values are expressions |
expression_to_value_mappings | A mapping table in which the keys are expressions |
hide | True if this is suppressed |
id | Unique identifier for this transformation specification |
implements | A reference to a specification that this component implements |
include | |
inverse_of | Used to specify a class-slot tuple that is the inverse of the derived/target ... |
is_a | |
joins | Additional classes to be joined to derive instances of the target class |
key | |
mirror_source | |
mixins | |
name | Name of the element in the target schema |
over_slots | |
overrides | overrides source schema slots |
permissible_value_derivations | Instructions on how to derive a set of PVs in the target schema |
populated_from | Name of the class in the source schema |
prefixes | maps prefixes to URL expansions |
range | |
reversed | |
slot_derivations | Instructions on how to derive a set of top level slots in the target schema |
slot_name | |
source_magnitude_slot | |
source_schema | name of the schema that describes the source (input) objects |
source_unit | |
source_unit_scheme | |
source_unit_slot | |
sources | |
stringification | |
syntax | |
target_magnitude_slot | |
target_schema | name of the schema that describes the target (output) objects |
target_unit | |
target_unit_scheme | |
target_unit_slot | |
title | human readable title for this transformation specification |
type_designator | |
unit_conversion | |
value | |
value_mappings | A mapping table that is applied directly to mappings, in order of precedence |
Enumeration | Description |
CollectionType | |
SerializationSyntaxType |
Type | Description |
Boolean | A binary (true or false) value |
ClassReference | |
Curie | a compact URI |
Date | a date (year, month and day) in an idealized calendar |
DateOrDatetime | Either a date or a datetime |
Datetime | The combination of a date and time |
Decimal | A real number with arbitrary precision that conforms to the xsd:decimal speci... |
Double | A real number that conforms to the xsd:double specification |
EnumReference | |
Float | A real number that conforms to the xsd:float specification |
Integer | An integer |
Jsonpath | A string encoding a JSON Path |
Jsonpointer | A string encoding a JSON Pointer |
Ncname | Prefix part of CURIE |
Nodeidentifier | A URI, CURIE or BNODE that represents a node in a model |
Objectidentifier | A URI or CURIE that represents an object in the model |
SlotReference | |
Sparqlpath | A string encoding a SPARQL Property Path |
String | A character string |
Time | A time object represents a (local) time of day, independent of any particular... |
Uri | a complete URI |
Uriorcurie | a URI or a CURIE |
Subset | Description |