Slot: inverse_of
Used to specify a class-slot tuple that is the inverse of the derived/target slot. This is used primarily for mapping to relational databases or formalisms that do not allow multiple values. The class representing the repeated element has a foreign key slot inserted in that 'back references' the original multivalued slot.
URI: linkmltr:inverse_of
Applicable Classes
Name | Description | Modifies Slot |
SlotDerivation | A specification of how to derive the value of a target slot from a source slo... | no |
- Range: Inverse
Identifier and Mapping Information
Schema Source
- from schema:
LinkML Source
name: inverse_of
description: Used to specify a class-slot tuple that is the inverse of the derived/target
slot. This is used primarily for mapping to relational databases or formalisms that
do not allow multiple values. The class representing the repeated element has a
foreign key slot inserted in that 'back references' the original multivalued slot.
rank: 1000
alias: inverse_of
owner: SlotDerivation
- SlotDerivation
range: Inverse