Slot: value_mappings

A mapping table that is applied directly to mappings, in order of precedence

URI: linkmltr:value_mappings

Applicable Classes

Name Description Modifies Slot
EnumDerivation A specification of how to derive the value of a target enum from a source enu... no
ElementDerivation An abstract grouping for classes that provide a specification of how to deri... no
PrefixDerivation no
SlotDerivation A specification of how to derive the value of a target slot from a source slo... no
ClassDerivation A specification of how to derive a target class from a source class no
PermissibleValueDerivation A specification of how to derive the value of a PV from a source enum no


Identifier and Mapping Information

Schema Source

LinkML Source

name: value_mappings
description: A mapping table that is applied directly to mappings, in order of precedence
rank: 1000
multivalued: true
alias: value_mappings
owner: ElementDerivation
- ElementDerivation
range: KeyVal
inlined: true