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Slot: is_a

A primary parent class or slot from which inheritable metaslots are propagated from. While multiple inheritance is not allowed, mixins can be provided effectively providing the same thing. The semantics are the same when translated to formalisms that allow MI (e.g. RDFS/OWL). When translating to a SI framework (e.g. java classes, python classes) then is a is used. When translating a framework without polymorphism (e.g. json-schema, solr document schema) then is a and mixins are recursively unfolded

URI: linkml:is_a

Applicable Classes

Name Description Modifies Slot
Definition abstract base class for core metaclasses no
AnonymousClassExpression no
EnumDefinition an element whose instances must be drawn from a specified set of permissible ... no
SlotDefinition an element that describes how instances are related to other instances yes
ClassDefinition an element whose instances are complex objects that may have slot-value assig... yes


Identifier and Mapping Information

Schema Source

  • from schema:

LinkML Source

name: is_a
description: A primary parent class or slot from which inheritable metaslots are propagated
  from. While multiple inheritance is not allowed, mixins can be provided effectively
  providing the same thing. The semantics are the same when translated to formalisms
  that allow MI (e.g. RDFS/OWL). When translating to a SI framework (e.g. java classes,
  python classes) then is a is used. When translating a framework without polymorphism
  (e.g. json-schema, solr document schema) then is a and mixins are recursively unfolded
- SpecificationSubset
- BasicSubset
- ObjectOrientedProfile
- OwlProfile
rank: 11
abstract: true
domain: definition
alias: is_a
- definition
- anonymous_class_expression
range: definition