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Subset: BasicSubset

An extension of MinimalSubset that avoids advanced constructs and can be implemented by a broad variety of tools.


This subset roughly corresponds to the union of most standard constructs used in relational datamodel modeling,

object oriented modeling, and simple JSON-style modeling, while avoiding more advanced constructs from these languages.


It is often possible to translate from a more expressive schema to a BasicSubset schema, through a schema derivation


URI: BasicSubset

Identifier and Mapping Information

Schema Source

  • from schema:

Classes in subset

Class Description
SchemaDefinition A collection of definitions that make up a schema or a data model
ClassDefinition an element whose instances are complex objects that may have slot-value assig...
SlotDefinition an element that describes how instances are related to other instances
TypeDefinition an element that whose instances are atomic scalar values that can be mapped t...
EnumDefinition an element whose instances must be drawn from a specified set of permissible ...
SubsetDefinition an element that can be used to group other metamodel elements
Prefix prefix URI tuple
PermissibleValue a permissible value, accompanied by intended text and an optional mapping to ...
UniqueKey a collection of slots whose values uniquely identify an instance of a class
CommonMetadata Generic metadata shared across definitions
Element A named element in the model
Definition abstract base class for core metaclasses
Example usage example and description
AltDescription an attributed description


A collection of definitions that make up a schema or a data model.


an element whose instances are complex objects that may have slot-value assignments


an element that describes how instances are related to other instances


an element that whose instances are atomic scalar values that can be mapped to primitive types


an element whose instances must be drawn from a specified set of permissible values


an element that can be used to group other metamodel elements


prefix URI tuple


a permissible value, accompanied by intended text and an optional mapping to a concept URI


a collection of slots whose values uniquely identify an instance of a class


Generic metadata shared across definitions


A named element in the model


abstract base class for core metaclasses


usage example and description


an attributed description

Slots in subset

Slot Description
id The official schema URI
name the unique name of the element within the context of the schema
prefix_prefix The prefix components of a prefix expansions
class_uri URI of the class that provides a semantic interpretation of the element in a ...
slot_uri URI of the class that provides a semantic interpretation of the slot in a lin...
type_uri The uri that defines the possible values for the type definition
prefix_reference The namespace to which a prefix expands to
title A concise human-readable display label for the element
classes An index to the collection of all class definitions in the schema
slot_definitions An index to the collection of all slot definitions in the schema
description a textual description of the element's purpose and use
enums An index to the collection of all enum definitions in the schema
identifier True means that the key slot(s) uniquely identifies the elements
types An index to the collection of all type definitions in the schema
multivalued true means that slot can have more than one value and should be represented u...
typeof A parent type from which type properties are inherited
subsets An index to the collection of all subset definitions in the schema
required true means that the slot must be present in instances of the class definition
base python base type in the LinkML runtime that implements this type definition
recommended true means that the slot should be present in instances of the class definiti...
repr the name of the python object that implements this type definition
prefixes A collection of prefix expansions that specify how CURIEs can be expanded to ...
is_a A primary parent class or slot from which inheritable metaslots are propagate...
default_prefix The prefix that is used for all elements within a schema
mixins A collection of secondary parent classes or slots from which inheritable meta...
default_range default slot range to be used if range element is omitted from a slot definit...
slots collection of slot names that are applicable to a class
text The actual permissible value itself
imports A list of schemas that are to be included in this schema
meaning the value meaning of a permissible value
slot_usage the refinement of a slot in the context of the containing class definition
inlined True means that keyed or identified slot appears in an outer structure by val...
inlined_as_list True means that an inlined slot is represented as a list of range instances
attributes Inline definition of slots
license license for the schema
tree_root Indicates that this is the Container class which forms the root of the serial...
pattern the string value of the slot must conform to this regular expression expresse...
rank the relative order in which the element occurs, lower values are given preced...
conforms_to An established standard to which the element conforms
categories Controlled terms used to categorize an element
keywords Keywords or tags used to describe the element
id_prefixes An allowed list of prefixes for which identifiers must conform
aliases Alternate names/labels for the element
deprecated Description of why and when this element will no longer be used
todos Outstanding issues that needs resolution
notes editorial notes about an element intended primarily for internal consumption
comments notes and comments about an element intended primarily for external consumpti...
in_subset used to indicate membership of a term in a defined subset of terms used for a...
see_also A list of related entities or URLs that may be of relevance
owned_by agent that owns or is the steward of the element
created_by agent that created the element
contributors agent that contributed to the element
created_on time at which the element was created
last_updated_on time at which the element was last updated
modified_by agent that modified the element
status status of the element
source A related resource from which the element is derived
publisher An entity responsible for making the resource available
abstract Indicates the class or slot cannot be directly instantiated and is intended f...
mixin Indicates the class or slot is intended to be inherited from without being an...
code_set the identifier of an enumeration code set
code_set_version the version identifier of the enumeration code set
code_set_tag the version tag of the enumeration code set
pv_formula Defines the specific formula to be used to generate the permissible values
permissible_values A list of possible values for a slot range
enum_uri URI of the enum that provides a semantic interpretation of the element in a l...
version particular version of schema
default_curi_maps ordered list of prefixcommon biocontexts to be fetched to resolve id prefixes...
metamodel_version Version of the metamodel used to load the schema
source_file name, uri or description of the source of the schema
source_file_date modification date of the source of the schema
source_file_size size in bytes of the source of the schema
generation_date date and time that the schema was loaded/generated
unique_keys A collection of named unique keys for this class
unique_key_name name of the unique key
unique_key_slots list of slot names that form a key
extra_slots How a class instance handles extra data not specified in the class definition
allowed Whether or not something is allowed
range defines the type of the object of the slot
singular_name a name that is used in the singular form
key True means that the key slot(s) uniquely identify the elements within a singl...
minimum_value For ordinal ranges, the value must be equal to or higher than this
maximum_value For ordinal ranges, the value must be equal to or lower than this
alt_description_text text of an attributed description
alt_description_source the source of an attributed description
alt_descriptions A sourced alternative description for an element
value example value
value_description description of what the value is doing
value_object direct object representation of the example
examples example usages of an element
slot_group allows for grouping of related slots into a grouping slot that serves the rol...
is_grouping_slot true if this slot is a grouping slot

Enumerations in subset

Enumeration Description

| PvFormulaOptions | The formula used to generate the set of permissible values from the code_set ... |