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Slot: apply_to

Used to extend class or slot definitions. For example, if we have a core schema where a gene has two slots for identifier and symbol, and we have a specialized schema for my_organism where we wish to add a slot systematic_name, we can avoid subclassing by defining a class gene_my_organism, adding the slot to this class, and then adding an apply_to pointing to the gene class. The new slot will be 'injected into' the gene class.

URI: linkml:apply_to

Applicable Classes

Name Description Modifies Slot
Definition abstract base class for core metaclasses no
EnumDefinition an element whose instances must be drawn from a specified set of permissible ... no
SlotDefinition an element that describes how instances are related to other instances yes
ClassDefinition an element whose instances are complex objects that may have slot-value assig... yes


Identifier and Mapping Information

Schema Source

  • from schema:

LinkML Source

name: apply_to
description: Used to extend class or slot definitions. For example, if we have a core
  schema where a gene has two slots for identifier and symbol, and we have a specialized
  schema for my_organism where we wish to add a slot systematic_name, we can avoid
  subclassing by defining a class gene_my_organism, adding the slot to this class,
  and then adding an apply_to pointing to the gene class. The new slot will be 'injected
  into' the gene class.
status: testing
rank: 1000
domain: definition
multivalued: true
alias: apply_to
- definition
range: definition