A data model for describing configurations / stylesheets for visualzing graphs, and in particular Knowledge Graphs or Ontologies. These graphs are characterized by features such as
- having meaningful edge labels (subClassOf, partOf, developsFrom)
- node IDs/URIs in addition to names/labels
- node categories
- additional rich metadata on the nodes or edges
An example of a use of this specification is obographviz
The main way in which this specification is intended to be used to to specify stylesheets for graphical applications in the form of a JSON document, so examples here are in JSON
These should conform to the JSON-Schema
However, other serializations are possible - e.g. RDF. See further on for details
Global styling
An example of a minimal JSON file instantiating a StyleSheet class:
"style": "filled",
"fillcolor": "green"
This uses two properties:
Each of these properties are mapped to the URIs in the GraphViz documentation
These indicate that boxes should be filled and colored green
Styling predicates (relations
relationProperties maps a set of predicate CURIEs to edge properties:
"relationProperties": {
"rdfs:subClassOf": {
"color": "black",
"penwith": 3,
"arrowhead": "open",
"label": ""
"BFO:0000050": {
"arrowhead": "tee",
"color": "blue"