Source code for linkml.utils.mergeutils

import dataclasses
import logging
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union, cast

from linkml_runtime.linkml_model.meta import (
from linkml_runtime.utils.formatutils import camelcase, underscore
from linkml_runtime.utils.namespaces import Namespaces
from linkml_runtime.utils.yamlutils import extended_str
from rdflib import URIRef

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def merge_schemas( target: SchemaDefinition, mergee: SchemaDefinition, imported_from: Optional[str] = None, namespaces: Optional[Namespaces] = None, merge_imports: bool = True, ) -> None: """Merge mergee into target""" assert is not None, "Schema name must be supplied" if target.license is None: target.license = mergee.license target.imports += [imp for imp in mergee.imports if imp not in target.imports] set_from_schema(mergee) if namespaces: merge_namespaces(target, mergee, namespaces) if merge_imports: for prefix in mergee.emit_prefixes: if prefix not in target.emit_prefixes: target.emit_prefixes.append(prefix) if imported_from is None: imported_from_uri = None else: if imported_from.startswith("http") or ":" not in imported_from: imported_from_uri = imported_from else: imported_from_uri = namespaces.uri_for(imported_from) merge_dicts(target.classes, mergee.classes, imported_from, imported_from_uri, merge_imports) merge_dicts(target.slots, mergee.slots, imported_from, imported_from_uri, merge_imports) merge_dicts(target.types, mergee.types, imported_from, imported_from_uri, merge_imports) merge_dicts(target.subsets, mergee.subsets, imported_from, imported_from_uri, merge_imports) merge_dicts(target.enums, mergee.enums, imported_from, imported_from_uri, merge_imports)
[docs]def merge_namespaces(target: SchemaDefinition, mergee: SchemaDefinition, namespaces) -> None: """ Add the mergee namespace definitions to target :param target: :param mergee: :param namespaces: :return: """ for prefix in mergee.prefixes.values(): # Handle local prefixes special: we assume that these happen because we are in different (levels of) folders, # and we assume that they reference the same linkml file if "://" not in prefix.prefix_reference: # We cannot resolve this to an absolute path, so we have to assume that # this prefix is already defined correctly in the target if prefix.prefix_prefix not in namespaces: "Adding an unadjusted relative prefix for %s from %s, " + "as the prefix is not yet defined, even as we cannot adjust it relative to the final file. " + "If it cannot be resolved, add the prefix definition to the input schema!", prefix.prefix_prefix,, ) namespaces[prefix.prefix_prefix] = prefix.prefix_reference else: if ( prefix.prefix_prefix in target.prefixes and target.prefixes[prefix.prefix_prefix].prefix_reference != prefix.prefix_reference ): "Ignoring different relative prefix for %s from %s, " + "as we cannot adjust it relative to the final file. " + "Assuming the first found location is correct: %s!", prefix.prefix_prefix,, namespaces[prefix.prefix_prefix], ) continue namespaces[prefix.prefix_prefix] = prefix.prefix_reference # if prefix.prefix_prefix not in target.prefixes: # target.prefixes[prefix.prefix_prefix] = prefix if ( prefix.prefix_prefix in target.prefixes and target.prefixes[prefix.prefix_prefix].prefix_reference != prefix.prefix_reference ): raise ValueError(f"Prefix: {prefix.prefix_prefix} mismatch between {} and {}") for mmap in mergee.default_curi_maps: namespaces.add_prefixmap(mmap)
[docs]def set_from_schema(schema: SchemaDefinition) -> None: for t in [schema.subsets, schema.classes, schema.slots, schema.types, schema.enums]: for k in t.keys(): t[k].from_schema = if isinstance(t[k], SlotDefinition): fragment = underscore(t[k].name) else: fragment = camelcase(t[k].name) if schema.default_prefix in schema.prefixes: ns = schema.prefixes[schema.default_prefix].prefix_reference else: ns = str(URIRef( + "/") t[k].definition_uri = f"{ns}{fragment}"
[docs]def merge_dicts( target: Dict[str, Element], source: Dict[str, Element], imported_from: str, imported_from_uri: str, merge_imports: bool, ) -> None: for k, v in source.items(): if k in target and source[k].from_schema != target[k].from_schema: raise ValueError(f"Conflicting URIs ({source[k].from_schema}, {target[k].from_schema}) for item: {k}") target[k] = deepcopy(v) # currently all imports closures are merged into main schema, EXCEPT # internal linkml types, which are considered separate # if imported_from is not None: if ( not merge_imports or imported_from.startswith("linkml") or imported_from_uri.startswith("") ): target[k].imported_from = imported_from
[docs]def merge_slots( target: Union[SlotDefinition, TypeDefinition], source: Union[SlotDefinition, TypeDefinition], skip: List[Union[SlotDefinitionName, TypeDefinitionName]] = None, inheriting: bool = True, ) -> None: """ Merge slot source into target :param target: slot to merge into :param source: slot to be merged from :param skip: Properties to not merge (used to prevent provenance such as 'inherited from' from propagating) :param inheriting: True means source is the parent. False means that everything gets copied """ if skip is None: skip = [] for k, v in dataclasses.asdict(source).items(): if k not in skip and v is not None and (not inheriting or getattr(target, k, None) is None): if k in source._inherited_slots or not inheriting: setattr(target, k, deepcopy(v)) else: setattr(target, k, None) target.__post_init__()
[docs]def slot_usage_name(usage_name: SlotDefinitionName, owning_class: ClassDefinition) -> SlotDefinitionName: """ Synthesize a unique name for an overridden slot :param usage_name: :param owning_class: :return: Synthesized name """ return SlotDefinitionName(extended_str.concat(, "_", usage_name))
[docs]def alias_root(schema: SchemaDefinition, slotname: SlotDefinitionName) -> Optional[SlotDefinitionName]: """Return the ultimate alias of a slot""" alias = schema.slots[slotname].alias if slotname in schema.slots else None if alias and alias == slotname: raise ValueError("Error: Slot {slotname} is aliased to itself.") return alias_root(schema, cast(SlotDefinitionName, alias)) if alias else slotname
[docs]def merge_classes( schema: SchemaDefinition, target: ClassDefinition, source: ClassDefinition, at_end: bool = False, ) -> None: """Merge the slots in source into target :param schema: Containing schema :param target: mergee :param source: class to merge :param at_end: True means add mergee to the end. False to the front """ # List of grounded slots referenced in the target class target_base_slots = set(alias_root(schema, s) for s in target.slots) for slotname in source.slots if at_end else source.slots[::-1]: slotbase = alias_root(schema, slotname) if slotbase in target.slot_usage: slotname = slot_usage_name(slotbase, target) if slotbase not in target_base_slots: target.slots.append(slotname) if at_end else target.slots.insert(0, slotname) target_base_slots.add(slotbase)
[docs]def merge_enums( schema: SchemaDefinition, target: EnumDefinition, source: EnumDefinition, at_end: bool = False, ) -> None: """Merge the slots in source into target :param schema: Containing schema :param target: mergee :param source: enum to merge :param at_end: True means add mergee to the end. False to the front """ # TODO: Finish enumeration merge code pass