GraphQL ======== `GraphQL `_ is a language for describing the structure of data to be returned in an API. .. note:: This generator will only create GraphQL definitions, it will not create runtime bindings. Example Output -------------- `personinfo.graphql `_ Overview -------- Graphql can be generated from a LinkML schema. To run: .. code:: bash gen-graphql personinfo.yaml > personinfo.graphql Inheritance ^^^^^^^^^^^ :: type Person implements HasAliases { id: String! name: String description: String image: String primaryEmail: String birthDate: String ageInYears: Integer gender: GenderType currentAddress: Address hasEmploymentHistory: [EmploymentEvent] hasFamilialRelationships: [FamilialRelationship] hasMedicalHistory: [MedicalEvent] aliases: [String] } Docs ---- Command Line ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. click:: linkml.generators.graphqlgen:cli :prog: gen-graphql :nested: full Code ^^^^ .. currentmodule:: linkml.generators.graphqlgen .. autoclass:: GraphqlGenerator :members: serialize