Python ====== .. seealso:: :doc:`Using Python ` Example Output -------------- ` `_ Overview -------- The Python generator will generate a Python object model from a LinkML schema To run: .. code:: bash gen-python personinfo.yaml > This object model can now be used to create, load, and serialize objects. For example: .. code:: python from personinfo import Person p1 = Person('P1', name='John Smith') The linkml-runtime framework can be used to serialize these objects to JSON, YAML, RDF, and TSV, as well as to load them Dataclasses ^^^^^^^^^^^ We use the standard `Python dataclasses framework `_ Note that there is an alternative generator for using Pydantic, see :doc:`Pydantic Generator ` Inheritance ^^^^^^^^^^^ The linkml is_a slot is mapped to superclasses in the generated classes. Note that mixins are not currently handled in the same way - we avoid multiple inheritance. Instead, mixins are "rolled down" to their implementing classes. The root term for all classes is the class YAMLRoot in the linkml-runtime. Object Creation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Generated class include specific initialization code in ``post_init`` that is permissive in how objects are created. For example, when adding inlined objects any of the following can be used: .. code:: python event = EmploymentEvent(...) # method 1: creation with objects p1 = Person('P1', name='John Smith', employment_history=[event]) # method 2: creation with dicts p1 = Person('P1', name='John Smith', employment_history=[{...}]) # method 3: implicit lists p1 = Person('P1', name='John Smith', employment_history={...}) Non-inlined references ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ In LinkML schemas, references to other objects can be declared as :doc:`inlined `. If a reference is *not* inlined, and the referenced object has an identifier, then the value of the reference will be that identifier. In the generated python, class are created for these foreign keys For example, in the personinfo schema, the employment event class references organization via a non-inlined reference, so the following code is generated: .. code:: python class OrganizationId(NamedThingId): ... @dataclass class EmploymentEvent(Event): employed_at: Optional[Union[str, OrganizationId]] = None Types ^^^^^ In LinkML types represent terminal scalar values and are mapped to built in Python objects such integers. For user-defined types, a class is created which inherits from that Python base type. Code Docs --------- Command Line ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. currentmodule:: linkml.generators.pythongen .. click:: linkml.generators.pythongen:cli :prog: gen-python :nested: short Code ^^^^ .. autoclass:: PythonGenerator :members: serialize Additional Notes ---------------- Code generation for LinkML slots -------------------------------- The generation of slot entries in class definitions is split into two parts: * 1) The declaration of the slot type * 2) The ``__post_init__`` processing transforms several allowable input forms into single, consistent internal representation. The elements that control the python for slot generation include * Whether ``range`` references an instance of a LinkML ``type`` or a LinkML ``class`` * If the slot range is a ``class``: - Whether the class has a key (``key: ``), an identifier (``identifier: ``), or neither - If the class has a ``key`` or ``identifier``, whether the instances are inlined as a dictionary (``inlined: true``), inlined as a list (``inlined_as_list: true``) or are referenced elsewhere in the model (Default). * Whether the slot is concrete (``abstract: false``) or abstract (``abstract: true`` or ``mixin: true``) (Default: ``false``) * Whether a slot is required (``required: true``) or optional (``required: false``) (Default: ``false``) * Whether a slot is single-valued (``multivalued: false``) or multi-valued (``multivalued: true``) (Default: ``false``) * The ``ifabsent`` attribute (not covered in this document) * The ``default`` value (not covered in this document) These various situations are described more detail below: 1) Slot range is a LinkML ``type`` definition ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ LinkML type definitions can take one of three forms: - 1) Builtin python type ``yaml types: : base: (e.g. 'str', 'int', 'float', etc) ...`` - 2) Defined type ``yaml types: : base: (e.g. URIorCURIE, Date, NCName, etc) ...`` 3) Inherited type ``yaml types: : typeof: `` Each of these are outlined below 2) Python generation for basic python Type. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ For this example, we show basic permutations on the python ``int`` type as a base YAML: .. code-block:: yaml types: integer: uri: xsd:integer base: int description: An integer classes: Integers: description: various permutations of the integer type attributes: opt_integer: range: integer mand_integer: range: integer required: true opt_multi_integer: range: integer multivalued: true mand_multi_integer: range: integer multivalued: true required: true Generated Python: .. code-block:: python class Integer(int): """ An integer """ type_class_uri = XSD.integer type_class_curie = "xsd:integer" type_name = "integer" type_model_uri = METATYPE.Integer @dataclass class Integers(YAMLRoot): """ various permutations of the integer type """ mand_integer: int = None mand_multi_integer: Union[int, List[int]] = None opt_integer: Optional[int] = None opt_multi_integer: Optional[Union[int, List[int]]] = empty_list() def __post_init__(self, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]): if self.mand_integer is None: raise ValueError("mand_integer must be supplied") if not isinstance(self.mand_integer, int): self.mand_integer = int(self.mand_integer) if self.mand_multi_integer is None: raise ValueError("mand_multi_integer must be supplied") elif not isinstance(self.mand_multi_integer, list): self.mand_multi_integer = [self.mand_multi_integer] elif len(self.mand_multi_integer) == 0: raise ValueError(f"mand_multi_integer must be a non-empty list") self.mand_multi_integer = [v if isinstance(v, int) else int(v) for v in self.mand_multi_integer] if self.opt_integer is not None and not isinstance(self.opt_integer, int): self.opt_integer = int(self.opt_integer) if self.opt_multi_integer is None: self.opt_multi_integer = [] if not isinstance(self.opt_multi_integer, list): self.opt_multi_integer = [self.opt_multi_integer] self.opt_multi_integer = [v if isinstance(v, int) else int(v) for v in self.opt_multi_integer] super().__post_init__(**kwargs) The python first emits a class declaration for the base class – in this case, the class ``Integer`` which derives from the builtin type ``int``. Four class variables are included in the generation: \* ``type_class_uri`` - the URIRef for the type itself \* ``type_class_curie`` - the string CURIE representation of the type \* ``type_name`` - the non-mangled name assigned to the type in the original definition \* ``type_model_uri`` - the URIRef of the type definition in the default LinkML namespace The python then emits a class definition for the ``Integers`` class, where we have defined four slot type permutations: 1) ``mand_integer`` - a single valued required type: - The type, ``int``, is from the ``base`` attribute. The python generator does make use of strictly positional parameters, so all type declarations will have an appropriate default, which is ``None`` in this case: ``mand_integer: int = None`` - Check for the presence of the value itself: ``if self.mand_integer is None: raise ValueError("mand_integer must be supplied")`` - Coerce the input value to ``int`` if it isn’t one already: ``if not isinstance(self.mand_integer, int): self.mand_integer = int(self.mand_integer)`` 2) ``mand_multi_integer`` - a mandatory list of integers - Accept *either* a list of integers or a single integer, which will be converted to a list: ``mand_multi_integer: Union[int, List[int]] = None`` - Check that the value is present. *Note:* LinkML treats an empty list as the same as an absent value. :: if self.mand_multi_integer is None: raise ValueError("mand_multi_integer must be supplied") - Convert a non-list value into a list. This allows constructors to be lazy when it comes to single valued entries. Note, however, that this *does* require that list-of-list constructs to be explicitly declared because, while the code treats ``x = C(1)`` as the same as ``x = C([1])`` in the multivalued case, it does *not* attempt to differentiate ``x = C([1])`` and ``x = C([[1]])``. This could be done if there is a compelling reason to, however: :: elif not isinstance(self.mand_multi_integer, list): self.mand_multi_integer = [self.mand_multi_integer] - Check that the mandatory list has at least one element (our definition of ``mandatory list``: ``elif len(self.mand_multi_integer) == 0: raise ValueError(f"mand_multi_integer must be a non-empty list")`` - Coerce all of the member of the list into the target type (``int``): ``self.mand_multi_integer = [v if isinstance(v, int) else int(v) for v in self.mand_multi_integer]`` 3) ``opt_integer`` - Optional non-list. - Accept either an ``int`` or ``None``, the latter being entailed in the ``Optional`` type: ``opt_integer: Optional[int] = None`` - Coerce to an integer if the value is present, otherwise let it be: ``if self.opt_integer is not None and not isinstance(self.opt_integer, int): self.opt_integer = int(self.opt_integer)`` - Type is ``Optional[]`` - ``__post_init__`` adds type coercion if necessary 4) ``opt_multi_integer``: list: - Accept one of ``None``, ``int``, list of ``int``, or anything that can be coerced into ``List[int]``: ``opt_multi_integer: Optional[Union[int, List[int]]] = empty_list()`` - The absence of a list property is always represented as an empty list: ``if self.opt_multi_integer is None: self.opt_multi_integer = []`` - Coerce any other non-list into a list: ``if not isinstance(self.opt_multi_integer, list): self.opt_multi_integer = [self.opt_multi_integer]`` - Coerce all the members of the list into the range type ``self.opt_multi_integer = [v if isinstance(v, int) else int(v) for v in self.opt_multi_integer]`` 3) Python generation for a Type defined in ```` – ``XSDDate`` in this example ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ YAML: .. code:: yaml types: date: uri: xsd:date base: XSDDate repr: str description: a date (year, month and day) in an idealized calendar classes: Dates: description: various permutations of the date type attributes: opt_date: range: date mand_date: range: date required: true opt_multi_date: range: date multivalued: true mand_multi_date: range: date multivalued: true required: true python: .. code:: python class Date(XSDDate): """ a date (year, month and day) in an idealized calendar """ type_class_uri = type_class_curie = "xsd:date" type_name = "date" type_model_uri = METATYPE.Date @dataclass class Dates(YAMLRoot): """ various permutations of the date type """ ... mand_date: Union[str, XSDDate] = None mand_multi_date: Union[Union[str, XSDDate], List[Union[str, XSDDate]]] = None opt_date: Optional[Union[str, XSDDate]] = None opt_multi_date: Optional[Union[Union[str, XSDDate], List[Union[str, XSDDate]]]] = empty_list() def __post_init__(self, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]): if self.mand_date is None: raise ValueError("mand_date must be supplied") if not isinstance(self.mand_date, XSDDate): self.mand_date = XSDDate(self.mand_date) if self.mand_multi_date is None: raise ValueError("mand_multi_date must be supplied") elif not isinstance(self.mand_multi_date, list): self.mand_multi_date = [self.mand_multi_date] elif len(self.mand_multi_date) == 0: raise ValueError(f"mand_multi_date must be a non-empty list") self.mand_multi_date = [v if isinstance(v, XSDDate) else XSDDate(v) for v in self.mand_multi_date] if self.opt_date is not None and not isinstance(self.opt_date, XSDDate): self.opt_date = XSDDate(self.opt_date) if self.opt_multi_date is None: self.opt_multi_date = [] if not isinstance(self.opt_multi_date, list): self.opt_multi_date = [self.opt_multi_date] self.opt_multi_date = [v if isinstance(v, XSDDate) else XSDDate(v) for v in self.opt_multi_date] super().__post_init__(**kwargs) The generated python for this type is identical to that of the builtin type with the exception that type declarations are the ``Union`` of the class representing the element and the ``repr`` element (e.g. ``XSDDate`` and ``str``): ``int`` type: :: mand_multi_integer: Union[int, List[int]] = None ``XSDDate`` type: :: mand_multi_date: Union[Union[str, XSDDate], List[Union[str, XSDDate]]] = None 4) Python generation for an inherited Type ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following YAML shows three inherited types - one that inherits from a builtin type, a second from a metamodelcore type and a third from a the inherited type. .. code:: yaml types: InheritedType: typeof: integer InheritedType2: typeof: uriorcurie InheritedType3: typeof: InheritedType2 Python: .. code:: python # Types class InheritedType(Integer): type_class_uri = XSD.integer type_class_curie = "xsd:integer" type_name = "InheritedType" type_model_uri = PTYPES.InheritedType class InheritedType2(Uriorcurie): type_class_uri = XSD.anyURI type_class_curie = "xsd:anyURI" type_name = "InheritedType2" type_model_uri = PTYPES.InheritedType2 class InheritedType3(InheritedType2): type_class_uri = XSD.anyURI type_class_curie = "xsd:anyURI" type_name = "InheritedType3" type_model_uri = PTYPES.InheritedType3 ... @dataclass class InheritedTypes(YAMLRoot): """ various permutations of a typeof referencing a builtin """ ... mand_InheritedType: Union[int, InheritedType] = None mand_multi_InheritedType: Union[Union[int, InheritedType], List[Union[int, InheritedType]]] = None opt_InheritedType: Optional[Union[int, InheritedType]] = None opt_multi_InheritedType: Optional[Union[Union[int, InheritedType], List[Union[int, InheritedType]]]] = empty_list() def __post_init__(self, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]): if self.mand_InheritedType is None: raise ValueError("mand_InheritedType must be supplied") if not isinstance(self.mand_InheritedType, InheritedType): self.mand_InheritedType = InheritedType(self.mand_InheritedType) if self.mand_multi_InheritedType is None: raise ValueError("mand_multi_InheritedType must be supplied") elif not isinstance(self.mand_multi_InheritedType, list): self.mand_multi_InheritedType = [self.mand_multi_InheritedType] elif len(self.mand_multi_InheritedType) == 0: raise ValueError(f"mand_multi_InheritedType must be a non-empty list") self.mand_multi_InheritedType = [v if isinstance(v, InheritedType) else InheritedType(v) for v in self.mand_multi_InheritedType] if self.opt_InheritedType is not None and not isinstance(self.opt_InheritedType, InheritedType): self.opt_InheritedType = InheritedType(self.opt_InheritedType) if self.opt_multi_InheritedType is None: self.opt_multi_InheritedType = [] if not isinstance(self.opt_multi_InheritedType, list): self.opt_multi_InheritedType = [self.opt_multi_InheritedType] self.opt_multi_InheritedType = [v if isinstance(v, InheritedType) else InheritedType(v) for v in self.opt_multi_InheritedType] super().__post_init__(**kwargs) The Python patterns for each of the inherited types (Inherited from basic (e.g. ``int``), inherited from (e.g. ``uriorcurie``) or from another type are identical to those generated above for ``XSDDate`` 5) Slot range is a LinkML ``class`` definition ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The previous section described the Python that was generated for slot ranges that reference LinkML **Type** definitions. This section addresses the second use case, where the slot range references another LinkML **Class**. Classes are a more complex example, because, as opposed to types, classes can either be represented by *value* or, if they have been declared to have unique identifiers, by *reference*. In addition, classes that are represented by value can either be represented as lists of values or dictionaries. The following attributes control how the python is generated for a LinkML ``class`` definition: \* The slot ``abstract`` setting \* The slot ``required`` setting \* The slot ``multivalued`` setting \* Whether a class includes a slot identified as a “key” (``"key": true``), an “identifier” (``"identifier": true``) or neither. Note that at the moment, a class may have at most one key or identifier slot. Two keys, two identifiers or a key and an identifier are all considered errors. It is anticipated that a future version of LinkML will allow multiple key slots, directly implementing the notion of a “compound key”. \* The slot ``inlined`` and ``inlined_as_list`` properties \* The slot ``ifabsent`` attribute \* The slot ``default`` value Various permutations of these cases are described below: 6) Non-keyed, non-identified classes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Classes without keys or identifiers cannot only be realized inline. The following code shows examples of various permutations of this type of class: .. code:: yaml classes: OptionalOneElementRange: description: Range is a optional class that contains one non-key/non-identifier element attributes: v1: range: OneElementClass RequiredOneElementRange: description: Range is a required class that contains one non-key/non-identifier element is_a: OptionalOneElementRange attributes: v1: range: OneElementClass required: true OptionalOneElementRangeList: description: Range is a optional list of a class that contain one non-key/non-identifier element attributes: v1: range: OneElementClass multivalued: true RequiredThreeElementRangeList: description: Range is a required list of a class that contain one non-key/non-identifier element attributes: v1: range: ThreeElementClass multivalued: true required: true An optional, single element class generates the following code: .. code:: python @dataclass class OptionalOneElementRange(YAMLRoot): """ Range is a optional class that contains one non-key/non-identifier element """ ... v1: Optional[Union[dict, OneElementClass]] = None def __post_init__(self, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]): if self.v1 is not None and not isinstance(self.v1, OneElementClass): self.v1 = OneElementClass(**self.v1) super().__post_init__(**kwargs) ``v1`` can be one of: \* ``None`` - as in indicated by the ``Optional`` type \* any python ``dict``, which is the type that underlies all class representations \* an instance of ``OneElementClass`` The only additional initialization code coerces the input to a OneElementClass if it exists (is not ``None``) and it isn’t already an instance. Switching from optional to required produces: .. code:: python @dataclass class RequiredOneElementRange(YAMLRoot): """ Range is a required class that contains one non-key/non-identifier element """ ... v1: Union[dict, OneElementClass] = None def __post_init__(self, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]): if self.v1 is None: raise ValueError("v1 must be supplied") if not isinstance(self.v1, OneElementClass): self.v1 = OneElementClass(**self.v1) super().__post_init__(**kwargs) Which is the same as the previous example, with the exception that the value, ``v1`` *must* be supplied. The third example, an optional list of ``OneElementClass`` instances: .. code:: python @dataclass class OptionalOneElementRangeList(YAMLRoot): """ Range is a optional list of a class that contain one non-key/non-identifier element """ ... v1: Optional[Union[Union[dict, OneElementClass], List[Union[dict, OneElementClass]]]] = empty_list() def __post_init__(self, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]): if self.v1 is None: self.v1 = [] if not isinstance(self.v1, list): self.v1 = [self.v1] self.v1 = [v if isinstance(v, OneElementClass) else OneElementClass(**v) for v in self.v1] super().__post_init__(**kwargs) Accepts any of: \* ``None`` - the list is not present \* An empty list (``[]``) - same semantics as ``None`` \* A dictionary \* An instance of ``OneElementClass`` \* A list of dictionaries and/or ``OneElementClass`` instances The code: 1) translates the ``None`` value into the equivalent empty list 2) converts a naked dict or ``OneElementClass`` instance into a single element list 3) coerces the list of zero or more items into a list of ``OneElementClass`` instances In the final case, we’ve attempted to show both a) what a required inline list looks like and b) show that the target type is irrelevant as long as it is a LinkML ``Class`` and has no ``key`` or ``identifier`` slots .. code:: python @dataclass class RequiredThreeElementRangeList(YAMLRoot): """ Range is a required list of a class that contain two non-key/non-identifier elements """ ... v1: Union[Union[dict, ThreeElementClass], List[Union[dict, ThreeElementClass]]] = None def __post_init__(self, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]): if self.v1 is None: raise ValueError("v1 must be supplied") elif not isinstance(self.v1, list): self.v1 = [self.v1] elif len(self.v1) == 0: raise ValueError(f"v1 must be a non-empty list") self.v1 = [v if isinstance(v, ThreeElementClass) else ThreeElementClass(**v) for v in self.v1] super().__post_init__(**kwargs) The structural differences between the above class and its predecessor are: 1) The ``v1`` signature does not include ``None`` as an option (i.e. does not begin with ``Optional[]``) 2) A ``None`` value is flagged as an error rather than converted to an empty list 3) An empty list is flagged as an error. Keyed or Identified Classes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ When the range of a slot is a LinkML class that has a ``key`` or an ``identifier``, additional options present themselves: 1) Should elements be represented inline or as references? 2) If inline, should the elements be represented as lists or as dictionaries, whose key is the ``key`` or ``identifier`` value. We discuss each of these options below Key or identified class *references* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Using the following classes as building blocks .. code:: yaml KeyedThreeElementClass: description: A keyed class with an additional integer and date attributes: name: range: string key: true value: range: integer modifier: range: date IdentifiedThreeElementClass: description: A identified class with an additional integer and date attributes: name: range: string identifier: true value: range: integer modifier: range: date Python: .. code:: python class KeyedThreeElementClassName(extended_str): pass class IdentifiedThreeElementClassName(extended_str): pass @dataclass class KeyedThreeElementClass(YAMLRoot): """ A keyed class with an additional integer and date """ ... name: Union[str, KeyedThreeElementClassName] = None value: Optional[int] = None modifier: Optional[Union[str, XSDDate]] = None def __post_init__(self, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]): if is None: raise ValueError("name must be supplied") if not isinstance(, KeyedThreeElementClassName): = KeyedThreeElementClassName( if self.value is not None and not isinstance(self.value, int): self.value = int(self.value) if self.modifier is not None and not isinstance(self.modifier, XSDDate): self.modifier = XSDDate(self.modifier) super().__post_init__(**kwargs) @dataclass class IdentifiedThreeElementClass(YAMLRoot): """ A identified class with an additional integer and date """ ... name: Union[str, IdentifiedThreeElementClassName] = None value: Optional[int] = None modifier: Optional[Union[str, XSDDate]] = None def __post_init__(self, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]): if is None: raise ValueError("name must be supplied") if not isinstance(, IdentifiedThreeElementClassName): = IdentifiedThreeElementClassName( if self.value is not None and not isinstance(self.value, int): self.value = int(self.value) if self.modifier is not None and not isinstance(self.modifier, XSDDate): self.modifier = XSDDate(self.modifier) super().__post_init__(**kwargs) We can now begin with the following LinkML class definitions: .. code:: yaml OptionalKeyedThreeElementRange: description: Range is a optional class that contains one key and two regular elements attributes: v1: range: KeyedThreeElementClass OptionalKeyedThreeElementRangeList: description: Range is a optional list of a class that contains one key and two regular elements attributes: v1: range: KeyedThreeElementClass multivalued: true RequiredIdentifiedThreeElementRange: description: Range is a required class that contains one identifier and two regular elements attributes: v1: range: IdentifiedThreeElementClass required: true RequiredIdentifiedThreeElementRangeList: description: Range is a optional list of a class that contains one identifier and two regular elements attributes: v1: range: IdentifiedThreeElementClass multivalued: true required: true Python equivalents .. code:: python @dataclass class OptionalKeyedThreeElementRange(YAMLRoot): """ Range is a optional class that contains one key and two regular elements """ ... v1: Optional[Union[str, KeyedThreeElementClassName]] = None def __post_init__(self, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]): if self.v1 is not None and not isinstance(self.v1, KeyedThreeElementClassName): self.v1 = KeyedThreeElementClassName(self.v1) super().__post_init__(**kwargs) In the above example, ``v1`` is a single, optional reference to a ``KeyedThreeElementClass`` instance. The constructor can take one of: 1) ``None`` - because the link is optional 2) ``str`` - the type of the key to the ``KeyedThreeElementClass`` 3) ``ThreeElementClassName`` - an instance of the actual key. 4) Any python object that can be *coerced* into a ``KeyedThreeElementClassName`` The key is recorded in the class. Note that the Python code, as it exists today, does NOT check that there actually ``exists`` an instance of ``KeyedThreeElementClass`` with the name in ``v1`` and, as such, there is *currently* no way to get directly from an instance of the class, ``OptionalKeyedThreeElementRange`` to an instance of ``KeyedThreeElementClass``. This check and capability may be added to a later version of the LinkML tooling. The second example, below, shows an optional *list* .. code:: python @dataclass class OptionalKeyedThreeElementRangeList(YAMLRoot): """ Range is a optional list of a class that contains one key and two regular elements """ ... v1: Optional[Union[Union[str, KeyedThreeElementClassName], List[Union[str, KeyedThreeElementClassName]]]] = empty_list() def __post_init__(self, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]): if self.v1 is None: self.v1 = [] if not isinstance(self.v1, (list, dict)): self.v1 = [self.v1] self.v1 = [v if isinstance(v, KeyedThreeElementClassName) else KeyedThreeElementClassName(v) for v in self.v1] super().__post_init__(**kwargs) The above signature is a bit confusing. It allows: 1) ``None`` - no list has been supplied 2) ``str`` - the type of the key to a *single* ``KeyedThreeElementClass`` 3) ``ThreeElementClassName`` - an instance of an actual key 4) Any python object that can be *coerced* into a ``KeyedThreeElementClass`` (not explicit in the signature) 4) A list consisting of any combination of ``str``, ``ThreeElementClassNames``, or other objects that can be coerced into ``KeyedThreeElementClassName`` The remaining two non-line examples are similar enough to the above that they are included below without comment. Note, in particular, that there is no difference between keyed and identified class representation. .. code:: python @dataclass class RequiredIdentifiedThreeElementRange(YAMLRoot): """ Range is a required class that contains one identifier and two regular elements """ ... v1: Union[str, IdentifiedThreeElementClassName] = None def __post_init__(self, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]): if self.v1 is None: raise ValueError("v1 must be supplied") if not isinstance(self.v1, IdentifiedThreeElementClassName): self.v1 = IdentifiedThreeElementClassName(self.v1) super().__post_init__(**kwargs) @dataclass class RequiredIdentifiedThreeElementRangeList(YAMLRoot): """ Range is a optional list of a class that contains one identifier and two regular elements """ ... v1: Union[Union[str, IdentifiedThreeElementClassName], List[Union[str, IdentifiedThreeElementClassName]]] = None def __post_init__(self, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]): if self.v1 is None: raise ValueError("v1 must be supplied") elif not isinstance(self.v1, (list, dict)): self.v1 = [self.v1] if len(self.v1) == 0: raise ValueError(f"v1 must be a non-empty list dictionary or class") self.v1 = [v if isinstance(v, IdentifiedThreeElementClassName) else IdentifiedThreeElementClassName(v) for v in self.v1] super().__post_init__(**kwargs) Python generation options for single-value (non-list) slots ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The table below describes the various python generation options for single-valued slots (``"multivalued": false``) +----+--------+--------------------+-----------------+---------+-----+ | ca | multiv | inlined | inlined_as_list | range | res | | se | alued | | | class | ult | | # | | | | has key | | | | | | | or | | | | | | | identif | | | | | | | ier | | +====+========+====================+=================+=========+=====+ | 1. | false | - | - | N | slo | | 1 | (defau | | | | t | | | lt) | | | | val | | | | | | | ue | | | | | | | in | | | | | | | of | | | | | | | con | | | | | | | tai | | | | | | | nin | | | | | | | g | | | | | | | cla | | | | | | | ss | | | | | | | (i. | | | | | | | e.  | | | | | | | inl | | | | | | | ine | | | | | | | ) | +----+--------+--------------------+-----------------+---------+-----+ | 1. | false | N | N | Y | slo | | 2 | | | | | t | | | | | | | key | | | | | | | or | | | | | | | ide | | | | | | | nti | | | | | | | fie | | | | | | | r | | | | | | | is | | | | | | | in | | | | | | | con | | | | | | | tai | | | | | | | nin | | | | | | | g | | | | | | | cla | | | | | | | ss | +----+--------+--------------------+-----------------+---------+-----+ | 1. | false | Y | - | Y | slo | | 3 | | | | | t | | | | | | | val | | | | | | | ue | | | | | | | in | | | | | | | of | | | | | | | con | | | | | | | tai | | | | | | | nin | | | | | | | g | | | | | | | cla | | | | | | | ss | | | | | | | (i. | | | | | | | e.  | | | | | | | inl | | | | | | | ine | | | | | | | ) | +----+--------+--------------------+-----------------+---------+-----+ | 1. | false | - | Y | Y | slo | | 4 | | | | | t | | | | | | | val | | | | | | | ue | | | | | | | in | | | | | | | of | | | | | | | con | | | | | | | tai | | | | | | | nin | | | | | | | g | | | | | | | cla | | | | | | | ss | | | | | | | (i. | | | | | | | e.  | | | | | | | inl | | | | | | | ine | | | | | | | ) | +----+--------+--------------------+-----------------+---------+-----+ The YAML examples below the above options for both optional and required slots. .. code:: yaml OptionalThreeElementRange: description: Case 1.1(o) -- single values optional slot - range has no keys or identifiers attributes: v1: range: ThreeElementClass RequiredThreeElementRange: description: Case 1.1(r) -- single values optional slot - range has no keys or identifiers attributes: v1: range: ThreeElementClass required: true OptionalIdentifiedThreeElementRange: description: Case 1.2(o) -- single values optional slot - range has an identifier attributes: v1: range: IdentifiedThreeElementClass RequiredKeyedThreeElementRange: description: Case 1.2(r) -- single values optional slot - range has a key attributes: v1: range: KeyedThreeElementClass required: true OptionalInlinedKeyedThreeElementRange: description: Case 1.3(o) -- single values optional slot - range has an identifier attributes: v1: range: KeyedThreeElementClass inlined: true RequiredInlinedIdentifiedThreeElementRange: description: Case 1.3(r) -- single values optional slot - range has a key attributes: v1: range: IdentifiedThreeElementClass required: true inlined: true OptionalInlinedAsListKeyedThreeElementRange: description: Case 1.4(o) -- single values optional slot - range has an identifier attributes: v1: range: KeyedThreeElementClass inlined_as_list: true RequiredInlinedAsListIdentifiedThreeElementRange: description: Case 1.4(r) -- single values optional slot - range has a key attributes: v1: range: IdentifiedThreeElementClass required: true inlined_as_list: true The emitted python is as described for types with the exception of case 1.2 – non-inlined keyed or identified class, where the identifier or key of the class is the range of the ``v1`` slot in Python: .. code:: python @dataclass class OptionalThreeElementRange(YAMLRoot): """ Case 1.1(o) -- single values optional slot - range has no keys or identifiers """ ... v1: Optional[Union[dict, ThreeElementClass]] = None def __post_init__(self, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]): if self.v1 is not None and not isinstance(self.v1, ThreeElementClass): self.v1 = ThreeElementClass(**self.v1) super().__post_init__(**kwargs) @dataclass class RequiredThreeElementRange(YAMLRoot): """ Case 1.1(r) -- single values optional slot - range has no keys or identifiers """ ... v1: Union[dict, ThreeElementClass] = None def __post_init__(self, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]): if self.v1 is None: raise ValueError("v1 must be supplied") if not isinstance(self.v1, ThreeElementClass): self.v1 = ThreeElementClass(**self.v1) super().__post_init__(**kwargs) @dataclass class OptionalIdentifiedThreeElementRange(YAMLRoot): """ Case 1.2(o) -- single values optional slot - range has an identifier """ ... v1: Optional[Union[str, IdentifiedThreeElementClassName]] = None def __post_init__(self, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]): if self.v1 is not None and not isinstance(self.v1, IdentifiedThreeElementClassName): self.v1 = IdentifiedThreeElementClassName(self.v1) super().__post_init__(**kwargs) @dataclass class RequiredKeyedThreeElementRange(YAMLRoot): """ Case 1.2(r) -- single values optional slot - range has a key """ ... v1: Union[str, KeyedThreeElementClassName] = None def __post_init__(self, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]): if self.v1 is None: raise ValueError("v1 must be supplied") if not isinstance(self.v1, KeyedThreeElementClassName): self.v1 = KeyedThreeElementClassName(self.v1) super().__post_init__(**kwargs) @dataclass class OptionalInlinedKeyedThreeElementRange(YAMLRoot): """ Case 1.3(o) -- single values optional slot - range has an identifier """ ... v1: Optional[Union[dict, KeyedThreeElementClass]] = None def __post_init__(self, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]): if self.v1 is not None and not isinstance(self.v1, KeyedThreeElementClass): self.v1 = KeyedThreeElementClass(self.v1) super().__post_init__(**kwargs) @dataclass class RequiredInlinedIdentifiedThreeElementRange(YAMLRoot): """ Case 1.3(r) -- single values optional slot - range has a key """ ... v1: Union[dict, IdentifiedThreeElementClass] = None def __post_init__(self, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]): if self.v1 is None: raise ValueError("v1 must be supplied") if not isinstance(self.v1, IdentifiedThreeElementClass): self.v1 = IdentifiedThreeElementClass(self.v1) super().__post_init__(**kwargs) @dataclass class OptionalInlinedAsListKeyedThreeElementRange(YAMLRoot): """ Case 1.4(o) -- single values optional slot - range has an identifier """ ... v1: Optional[Union[dict, KeyedThreeElementClass]] = None def __post_init__(self, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]): if self.v1 is not None and not isinstance(self.v1, KeyedThreeElementClass): self.v1 = KeyedThreeElementClass(self.v1) super().__post_init__(**kwargs) @dataclass class RequiredInlinedAsListIdentifiedThreeElementRange(YAMLRoot): """ Case 1.4(r) -- single values optional slot - range has a key """ ... v1: Union[dict, IdentifiedThreeElementClass] = None def __post_init__(self, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]): if self.v1 is None: raise ValueError("v1 must be supplied") if not isinstance(self.v1, IdentifiedThreeElementClass): self.v1 = IdentifiedThreeElementClass(self.v1) super().__post_init__(**kwargs) Python generation options for multivalued slots ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The python generated for multivalued slots is a more interesting situation. +----+--------+--------------------+-----------------+---------+-----+ | ca | multiv | inlined | inlined_as_list | range | res | | se | alued | | | class | ult | | # | | | | has key | | | | | | | or | | | | | | | identif | | | | | | | ier | | +====+========+====================+=================+=========+=====+ | 2. | true | - | - | N | Slo | | 1 | | | | | t | | | | | | | is | | | | | | | inl | | | | | | | ine | | | | | | | d | | | | | | | as | | | | | | | a | | | | | | | lis | | | | | | | t | +----+--------+--------------------+-----------------+---------+-----+ | 2. | true | false (default) | false (default) | Y | Slo | | 2 | | | | | t | | | | | | | is | | | | | | | a | | | | | | | lis | | | | | | | t | | | | | | | of | | | | | | | ran | | | | | | | ge | | | | | | | key | | | | | | | s | | | | | | | or | | | | | | | ide | | | | | | | nti | | | | | | | fie | | | | | | | rs | +----+--------+--------------------+-----------------+---------+-----+ | 2. | true | - | true | - | Slo | | 3 | | | | | t | | | | | | | is | | | | | | | inl | | | | | | | ine | | | | | | | d | | | | | | | as | | | | | | | a | | | | | | | lis | | | | | | | t | +----+--------+--------------------+-----------------+---------+-----+ | 2. | true | true | false | Y | Slo | | 4 | | | | | t | | | | | | | is | | | | | | | inl | | | | | | | ine | | | | | | | d | | | | | | | as | | | | | | | a | | | | | | | dic | | | | | | | tio | | | | | | | nar | | | | | | | y, | | | | | | | key | | | | | | | ed | | | | | | | by | | | | | | | the | | | | | | | slo | | | | | | | t | | | | | | | key | | | | | | | or | | | | | | | ide | | | | | | | nti | | | | | | | fie | | | | | | | r | +----+--------+--------------------+-----------------+---------+-----+ The first two cases (2.1) and (2.2) do not differ significantly from what was described earlier .. code:: yaml OptionalMultivaluedThreeElementRange: description: Case 2.1(o) -- multivalued optional slot - range has no key or identifier attributes: v1: range: ThreeElementClass multivalued: true RequiredMultivaluedThreeElementRange: description: Case 2.1(r) -- multivalued optional slot - range has no key or identifier attributes: v1: range: ThreeElementClass multivalued: true required: true OptionalMultivaluedKeyedThreeElementRange: description: Case 2.2(o) -- multivalued optional slot - range has a key attributes: v1: range: KeyedThreeElementClass multivalued: true RequiredMultivaluedIdentifiedThreeElementRange: description: Case 2.2(r) -- multivalued optional slot - range has an identifier attributes: v1: range: IdentifiedThreeElementClass multivalued: true required: true .. code:: python @dataclass class OptionalMultivaluedThreeElementRange(YAMLRoot): """ Case 2.1(o) -- multivalued optional slot - range has no key or identifier """ ... v1: Optional[Union[Union[dict, ThreeElementClass], List[Union[dict, ThreeElementClass]]]] = empty_list() def __post_init__(self, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]): if self.v1 is None: self.v1 = [] if not isinstance(self.v1, list): self.v1 = [self.v1] self.v1 = [v if isinstance(v, ThreeElementClass) else ThreeElementClass(**v) for v in self.v1] super().__post_init__(**kwargs) @dataclass class RequiredMultivaluedThreeElementRange(YAMLRoot): """ Case 2.1(r) -- multivalued optional slot - range has no key or identifier """ ... v1: Union[Union[dict, ThreeElementClass], List[Union[dict, ThreeElementClass]]] = None def __post_init__(self, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]): if self.v1 is None: raise ValueError("v1 must be supplied") elif not isinstance(self.v1, list): self.v1 = [self.v1] elif len(self.v1) == 0: raise ValueError(f"v1 must be a non-empty list") self.v1 = [v if isinstance(v, ThreeElementClass) else ThreeElementClass(**v) for v in self.v1] super().__post_init__(**kwargs) @dataclass class OptionalMultivaluedKeyedThreeElementRange(YAMLRoot): """ Case 2.2(o) -- multivalued optional slot - range has a key """ ... v1: Optional[Union[Union[str, KeyedThreeElementClassName], List[Union[str, KeyedThreeElementClassName]]]] = empty_list() def __post_init__(self, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]): if self.v1 is None: self.v1 = [] if not isinstance(self.v1, list): self.v1 = [self.v1] self.v1 = [v if isinstance(v, KeyedThreeElementClassName) else KeyedThreeElementClassName(v) for v in self.v1] super().__post_init__(**kwargs) @dataclass class RequiredMultivaluedIdentifiedThreeElementRange(YAMLRoot): """ Case 2.2(r) -- multivalued required slot - range has an identifier """ ... v1: Union[Union[str, IdentifiedThreeElementClassName], List[Union[str, IdentifiedThreeElementClassName]]] = None def __post_init__(self, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]): if self.v1 is None: raise ValueError("v1 must be supplied") elif not isinstance(self.v1, list): self.v1 = [self.v1] elif len(self.v1) == 0: raise ValueError(f"v1 must be a non-empty list") self.v1 = [v if isinstance(v, IdentifiedThreeElementClassName) else IdentifiedThreeElementClassName(v) for v in self.v1] super().__post_init__(**kwargs) Case 2.3 (Inlined as list) shows a new pattern: .. code:: yaml OptionalMultivaluedInlinedListIdentifiedThreeElementRange: description: 2.3(o) Range is an optional identified three element class that is represented as an inlined list attributes: v1: range: IdentifiedThreeElementClass multivalued: true inlined_as_list: true RequiredMultivaluedInlinedListKeyedThreeElementRangeList: description: 2.3(r) Range is a required keyed three element class that is represented as an inlined list attributes: v1: range: KeyedThreeElementClass multivalued: true inlined_as_list: true required: true The Python that is generated from the above entries will require some more description: .. code:: python @dataclass class OptionalMultivaluedInlinedListIdentifiedThreeElementRange(YAMLRoot): """ 2.3(o) Range is an optional identified three element class that is represented as an inlined list """ ... v1: Optional[Union[Dict[Union[str, IdentifiedThreeElementClassName], Union[dict, IdentifiedThreeElementClass]], List[Union[dict, IdentifiedThreeElementClass]]]] = empty_list() def __post_init__(self, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]): if self.v1 is None: self.v1 = [] if not isinstance(self.v1, (list, dict)): self.v1 = [self.v1] self._normalize_inlined_slot(slot_name="v1", slot_type=IdentifiedThreeElementClass, key_name="name", inlined_as_list=True, keyed=True) super().__post_init__(**kwargs) Starting with the signature: ``v1: Optional[Union[Dict[Union[str, IdentifiedThreeElementClassName], Union[dict, IdentifiedThreeElementClass]], List[Union[dict, IdentifiedThreeElementClass]]]] = empty_list()`` The outermost declaration: ``Optional[...] = empty_list()`` reflects: 1) ``v1`` is not required: ``None`` is a valid value 2) the internal storage structure is going to be a list. Note that None, [] and {} (Missing scalar, empty list and empty dictionary all indicate absence of a value) Moving inwards, ``Union[Dict[...], List[...]]`` means that the inputs can either be in the form of a dictionary or a list. Input in the form of a dictionary ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If the input is in the form of a dictionary, its signature is “``Dict[Union[str, IdentifiedThreeElementClassName], Union[dict, IdentifiedThreeElementClass]]``”, that is a dictionary whose *keys* are valid ``IdentifiedThreeElementClassNames`` and whose *values* are instances of ``IdentifiedThreeElementClass``. The ``str`` part of the key signature and the ``dict`` component of the value indicate that, raw strings can be substituted for class names and plain dictionaries for class values. Noting the definition for ``KeyedThreeElementClass`` is: .. code:: yaml KeyedThreeElementClass: description: A keyed class with an additional integer and date attributes: name: range: string key: true value: range: integer modifier: range: date One can represent instances of ``OptionalMultivaluedInlinedListIdentifiedThreeElementRange`` in YAML as: .. code:: yaml element1: value: 17 modifier: 2012-03-11 element2: element3: name: element3 value: 42 or in python as: .. code:: python ktec_examples = OptionalMultivaluedInlinedListIdentifiedThreeElementRange( { element1: {value: 17, modifier: "2012-03-11"}, KeyedThreeElementClassKey('element2'): {}, element3: {name: 'element3', value: 42} } ) Note that the following is not valid because, while the ``name`` attribute (the key) is not required, as it has already been established by the key, if present it *must* match the key itself .. code:: yaml element3: name: test value: 42 One of the reasons for the explicit key types (e.g. ``KeyedThreeElementClassKey``) is to provide some level of checking for potential link mismatches. The following code snippet: .. code:: python itc = IdentifiedThreeElementClass('entry1', 17) ktec_examples: OptionalMultivaluedInlinedListIdentifiedThreeElementRange = { {value: 42} } Would result in an error, as ```` is an instance of ``IdentifiedThreeElementClassKey`` while ``KeyedThreeElementClass`` expects a ``KeyedThreeElementClassKey`` Input in the form of a list ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Starting with the skeleton we visited earlier, Moving inwards, ``Union[Dict[...], List[...]]`` the second option, ``List[Union[dict, IdentifiedThreeElementClass]]`` indicates that the input to the constructor can also be a *list* of dictionaries that conform to the ``IdentifiedThreeElementClass`` model. Referencing the examples that we used above, we could also use: .. code:: yaml - name: element1 value: 17 modifier: 2012-03-11 - name: element2 - name: element3 value: 42 And the Python equivalent would be: .. code:: python ktec_examples = OptionalMultivaluedInlinedListIdentifiedThreeElementRange( [ {name: 'element1', value: 17, modifier: "2012-03-11"}, {name: KeyedThreeElementClassKey('element2')}, {name: 'element3', value: 42} ] ) We then move on to the generated code: .. code:: python def __post_init__(self, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]): if self.v1 is None: self.v1 = [] if not isinstance(self.v1, (list, dict)): self.v1 = [self.v1] The first two tests are pretty close to what we saw earlier, with the exception that you can’t pass an isolated dictionary. You can construct a list of integers with a single value: .. code:: python my_entries = ListOfIntegers(17) Which would, if the class ``ListOfIntegers``\ ’s first variable was a multivalued slot with a range of integers, result in ``my_entries.v == [17]``. When dealing with classes, however, the following: .. code:: python my_entries = ListOfClasses(dict(name='element1', value=17)) would fail, as it would try to convert this into a list with two ``IdentifiedThreeElementClass`` entries. The final line in the ``__post_init__`` section: .. code:: python self._normalize_inlined_slot(slot_name="v1", slot_type=IdentifiedThreeElementClass, key_name="name", inlined_as_list=True, keyed=True) passes the remainder of the post initialization normalization to a function defined in ``YAMLRoot``. The final case, Case 2.4 (Inlined as dictionary) is essentially the same, with the exception that the target type is a dictionary rather than a list. .. code:: yaml OptionalMultivaluedInlinedIdentifiedThreeElementRangeList: description: 2.4(o) Range is an optional identified three element class that is represented as an inlined dictionary attributes: v1: range: IdentifiedThreeElementClass multivalued: true inlined: true RequiredMultivaluedInlinedKeyedThreeElementRange: description: 2.4(r) Range is a required keyed three element class that is represented as an inlined dictionary attributes: v1: range: KeyedThreeElementClass multivalued: true inlined: true required: true .. code:: python @dataclass class OptionalMultivaluedInlinedIdentifiedThreeElementRangeList(YAMLRoot): """ 2.4(o) Range is an optional identified three element class that is represented as an inlined dictionary """ ... v1: Optional[Union[Dict[Union[str, IdentifiedThreeElementClassName], Union[dict, IdentifiedThreeElementClass]], List[Union[dict, IdentifiedThreeElementClass]]]] = empty_dict() def __post_init__(self, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]): if self.v1 is None: self.v1 = [] if not isinstance(self.v1, (list, dict)): self.v1 = [self.v1] self._normalize_inlined_slot(slot_name="v1", slot_type=IdentifiedThreeElementClass, key_name="name", inlined_as_list=None, keyed=True) super().__post_init__(**kwargs) @dataclass class RequiredMultivaluedInlinedKeyedThreeElementRange(YAMLRoot): """ 2.4(r) Range is a required keyed three element class that is represented as an inlined dictionary """ ... v1: Union[Dict[Union[str, KeyedThreeElementClassName], Union[dict, KeyedThreeElementClass]], List[Union[dict, KeyedThreeElementClass]]] = empty_dict() def __post_init__(self, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]): if self.v1 is None: raise ValueError("v1 must be supplied") elif not isinstance(self.v1, (list, dict)): self.v1 = [self.v1] if len(self.v1) == 0: raise ValueError(f"v1 must be a non-empty list, dictionary, or class") self._normalize_inlined_slot(slot_name="v1", slot_type=KeyedThreeElementClass, key_name="name", inlined_as_list=None, keyed=True) super().__post_init__(**kwargs) The generated code is identical to the previous case (2.3) with the exception that the default initializer is ``empty_dict()`` instead of ``empty_list()``, and the ``_normalized_inlined_slot`` function is passed a false ``inlined_as_list`` value (well, ‘None’ but…). As a final note on the ``inlined_as_list`` vs. just plain ``inlined``, while the internal storage structure is different, the initialization code is exactly the same – YAML emitted from a list structure can be loaded as a dictionary and visa-versa. Slots ^^^^^ One bit that we haven’t touched on here is the ``slots`` section of the emitted Python. At the moment, the following code is emitted: .. code:: python # Slots class slots: pass ... slots.RequiredInlinedKeyedTwoElementRange_v1 = Slot(uri=LISTS_AND_KEYS.v1, name="RequiredInlinedKeyedTwoElementRange_v1", curie=LISTS_AND_KEYS.curie('v1'), model_uri=LISTS_AND_KEYS.RequiredInlinedKeyedTwoElementRange_v1, domain=RequiredInlinedKeyedTwoElementRange, range=Union[dict, KeyedTwoElementClass]) slots.RequiredInlinedKeyedTwoElementRangeList_v1 = Slot(uri=LISTS_AND_KEYS.v1, name="RequiredInlinedKeyedTwoElementRangeList_v1", curie=LISTS_AND_KEYS.curie('v1'), model_uri=LISTS_AND_KEYS.RequiredInlinedKeyedTwoElementRangeList_v1, domain=RequiredInlinedKeyedTwoElementRangeList, range=Union[Dict[Union[str, KeyedTwoElementClassName], Union[dict, KeyedTwoElementClass]], List[Union[dict, KeyedTwoElementClass]]]) slots.RequiredInlinedKeyedThreeElementRange_v1 = Slot(uri=LISTS_AND_KEYS.v1, name="RequiredInlinedKeyedThreeElementRange_v1", curie=LISTS_AND_KEYS.curie('v1'), model_uri=LISTS_AND_KEYS.RequiredInlinedKeyedThreeElementRange_v1, domain=RequiredInlinedKeyedThreeElementRange, range=Union[dict, KeyedThreeElementClass]) slots.RequiredInlinedKeyedThreeElementRangeList_v1 = Slot(uri=LISTS_AND_KEYS.v1, name="RequiredInlinedKeyedThreeElementRangeList_v1", curie=LISTS_AND_KEYS.curie('v1'), model_uri=LISTS_AND_KEYS.RequiredInlinedKeyedThreeElementRangeList_v1, domain=RequiredInlinedKeyedThreeElementRangeList, range=Union[Dict[Union[str, KeyedThreeElementClassName], Union[dict, KeyedThreeElementClass]], List[Union[dict, KeyedThreeElementClass]]]) The ``slots`` class is here to keep the module namespace from getting too confusing, the idea that, if you want to reference a slot, you use ``slots.RequiredInlinedTwoElementRange_v1`` (which is the mangling of the owner class name and the actual slot) At the *moment*, you have the following elements: - uri - the SLOT URI - name - the mangled name - curie - the SLOT CURIE - model_uri - the slot URI where the base is the Model URI vs. one assigned via ``slot_uri`` - domain - the slot domain - range - the range *signature* Note, however, that the slots area is still being enhanced, so keep an eye on entries like `Issue #272 `__