Ontologies Classes Object Properties Data Properties Annotation Properties Individuals Datatypes Clouds

Annotation Property: dcterms:description

Usage (13)

  • 'all-number interpretation modifier' dcterms:description "A modifier on a triple that causes the triple to be interpreted as an OWL QCR" 
  • 'all-some all-times interpretation modifier' dcterms:description "A modifier on a triple that causes the triple to be interpreted as an all-some statement holding for all times at which the subject exists" 
  • 'all-some interpretation modifier' dcterms:description "A modifier on a triple that causes the triple to be interpreted as an all-some statement" 
  • 'logical interpretation modifier' dcterms:description "grouping" 
  • 'some-some interpretation modifier' dcterms:description "A modifier on a triple that causes the triple to be interpreted as a some-some statement" 
  • 'has context' 'has context' dcterms:description "
    maps a statement to a context in which the statement is true. An example of a context is a temporal instant or duration.
    TODO decide on mapping.
    One option is to use IKL: <<S>> os:context c -> (context (that S) c)
    Another is to add additional argument: <<s p o>> os:context c -> p(s,o,t)
  • example dcterms:description "An example of an owlstar mapping" 
  • 'for mapping' dcterms:description "An owlstar mapping from an RDF* structure to an FOL axiom. TBD: Prover9 syntax vs CL" 
  • 'logical interpretation modifier' 'logical interpretation modifier' dcterms:description "" 
  • 'owl mapping' dcterms:description "
    An owlstar mapping from an RDF* structure to an OWL axiom encoded using the standard OWL to RDF mapping.
    The syntax is SOURCE -> TARGET, where SOURCE is RDF* turtle syntax, and TARGET is RDF syntax.
    The mapping can thus be easily converted to a SPARQL construct.
  • probability probability dcterms:description "maps a statement to a probability in which the statement is true." 
  • 'statement modifier' dcterms:description "a property on a statement that induces a semantic interpretation of that statement" 
  • dcterms:description "
    A vocabulary of terms that can be used provide semantic interpretations of property graphs (PGs). PGs are assumed to be encoded using RDF with reification used for edge properties.
    We use RDF* as syntactic sugar for reification.
    Note we do NOT assume RDF semantics. The PG/RDF* is used only for structure. Semantics are provided by the terms in this vocabulary.