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Subset: MinimalSubset

The absolute minimal set of elements necessary for defining any schema.


schemas conforming to the minimal subset consist of classes, with all slots

inlined as attributes. There are no enums.

URI: MinimalSubset

Identifier and Mapping Information

Schema Source

  • from schema:

Classes in subset

Class Description
SchemaDefinition A collection of definitions that make up a schema or a data model
ClassDefinition an element whose instances are complex objects that may have slot-value assig...
SlotDefinition an element that describes how instances are related to other instances


A collection of definitions that make up a schema or a data model.

Name Cardinality and Range Description
id 1..1
The official schema URI
name 1..1
a unique name for the schema that is both human-readable and consists of only... identifier
classes 0..*
An index to the collection of all class definitions in the schema
default_prefix 0..1
The prefix that is used for all elements within a schema
default_range 0..1
default slot range to be used if range element is omitted from a slot definit...


an element whose instances are complex objects that may have slot-value assignments

Name Cardinality and Range Description
name 1..1
the unique name of the element within the context of the schema identifier
attributes 0..*
Inline definition of slots


an element that describes how instances are related to other instances

Name Cardinality and Range Description
name 1..1
the unique name of the element within the context of the schema identifier
identifier 0..1
True means that the key slot(s) uniquely identifies the elements
multivalued 0..1
true means that slot can have more than one value and should be represented u...
required 0..1
true means that the slot must be present in instances of the class definition
range 0..1
defines the type of the object of the slot

Slots in subset

Slot Description
id The official schema URI
name the unique name of the element within the context of the schema
classes An index to the collection of all class definitions in the schema
identifier True means that the key slot(s) uniquely identifies the elements
multivalued true means that slot can have more than one value and should be represented u...
required true means that the slot must be present in instances of the class definition
default_prefix The prefix that is used for all elements within a schema
default_range default slot range to be used if range element is omitted from a slot definit...
attributes Inline definition of slots
range defines the type of the object of the slot

Enumerations in subset

Enumeration Description