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Mapping of instance graphs to trees and graphs


This section describes how LinkML instances are translated to different formats and data models.

The formal specification of LinkML instances is described in Section 2.

LinkML instances can be realized in a number of different concrete forms, including:

  1. tree-shaped serializations such as JSON or YAML
  2. graph serializations such as RDF
  3. in-memory programmatic typed object representations, such as Python dataclass instances or java objects.
  4. Tables in a relational database
  5. flattened tabular representations

This part of the LinkML specification only deals with 1-3. Future versions of the specification may also include 4-5.


  • a mapping describes how the abstract LinkML instance model maps to a concrete form and back
  • dumping or serialization is the process realizing a mapping from a programmatic representation to a serialization syntax
  • conversion is the processing of converting between one serialization and another
  • a lossy mapping is one that is not guaranteed to preserve all information


As the functional syntax is only intended for specification purposes, it is not expected that implementations use this as an intermediate. Instead, it is expected that an implementation will go via an internal programmatic representation.

The reference implementation is the linkml-runtime but other implementations that conform to this specification are valid.

Mapping to JSON or YAML

Here we define a mapping of LinkML instances to JSON.

note on YAML
As JSON is a subset of YAML, this can also be used to load and dump from YAML. This is the canonical YAML mapping. We leave open the possibility of a direct YAML conversion in future which makes use of YAML tags to encode typing information.

Mapping to JSON: Overview

  • Serialization to JSON takes as input:
    • a (root) instance
  • Parsing from JSON takes as input:
    • a JSON document
    • a target ElementName
    • a SchemaDefinition

The following table defines a translation function trJ(i) that maps LinkML instances to JSON.

To apply this, i is matched against the instance column, and if a match is found, the production rule on the right hand side is applied.

Instance JSON
None null
<TypeDefinitionName>&<StringValue> string(<StringValue>)
<TypeDefinitionName>&<NumberValue> number(<AtomicValue>)
<TypeDefinitionName>&<BooleanValue> bool(<AtomicValue>)
<EnumDefinitionName>[<PermissibleValue>] <PermissibleValue>
<ClassDefinitionName>&<StringValue> string(<StringValue>)
<ClassDefinitionName>&<NumberValue> number(<NumberValue>)
<ClassDefinitionName>(<s1>=<v1>, ..., <sN>=<vN>) object(string(s1)=trJ(v1), ..., string(sN)=trJ(vN))
[<Values>] See below

the functions object and number and string apply as per the definitions here

Collection Forms

There are 4 different forms in which a LinkML collection can be serialized as JSON. These forms only apply to lists uniformly consisting of InstanceOfClass objects.

SimpleDict object( K(i1): tr(V(i1)), ..., K(iN): tr(V(iN)) )
CompactDict object( K(i1): tr(i1) - {PK: K(i1), ..., K(iN): tr(iN) - {PK: K(iN)} )
ExpandedDict object( K(i1): tr(i1), ..., K(iN): tr(iN) )
List '[' tr(i1), ..., tr(iN) ']'

This is determined in part by the parent slot s

  • If s.inlined_as_dict == False then the form is List
  • If s.inlined_as_dict == True then the form is SimpleDict or CompactDict or ExpandedDict
    • If s.inlined_as_simple_dict == True then the form is SimpleDict
    • If s.inlined_as_simple_dict == False then the form is CompactDict or ExpandedDict
      • If s.inlined_as_expanded_dict == True then the form is ExpandedDict
      • If s.inlined_as_expanded_dict == False then the form is CompactDict

Note that inlined_as_simple_dict and inlined_as_expanded_dict are only explicitly added to the metamodel in LinkML 1.5 and above. Prior to 1.5 these are calculated as follows:

  • inlined_as_simple_dict is True if inlined_as_dict is True, and the derived model has a total of two attributes (one of which is the key)
  • inlined_as_expanded_dict is False

Collection Form Normalization

Normalization is the process of translating or coercing one form to the canonical form.

There are 12 non-identity normalizations possible, according to this table:

Source Form Target Form Repair?
List SimpleDict True
List CompactDict True
List ExpandedDict True
SimpleDict List True
SimpleDict CompactDict False
SimpleDict ExpandedDict False
CompactDict List True
CompactDict SimpleDict False
CompactDict ExpandedDict False
ExpandedDict List True
ExpandedDict SimpleDict False
ExpandedDict CompactDict False

Additionally, the process of converting between a list of length 1 and a singleton, or the reverse translation, is considered a Repair normalization.

JSON Parsers MUST implement normalizations where Repair=False. These indicate alternative valid serializations. JSON Parsers MAY choose to implement Repair normalizations. If they choose to implement these, there SHOULD be a way to allow the user to disable these repairs.

Validators that take JSON as input SHOULD perform normalizations where Repair=False. These normalizations SHOULD be reported as part of the validation report, and MUST NOT be counted as validation errors. Validators MAY perform normalization of Repair=True normalizations, if they do, they MUST report these as errors.

Mapping from JSON

Mapping to JSON is potentially lossy, as the definition names are not preserved.

When mapping from JSON, the function is tr-1J(obj, target) where target is a schema element.

The same table as above is used, but an additional inference rule is applied when the target is a ClassDefinitionName.

First a deepening procedure is applied. If target has an induced slot st such as that st.designates_type is True, then the value of is used to determine the type of the instance.

  • If the range of st is a TypeDefinition uriorcurie then the ClassDefinitionName is indexed by the uriorcurie of the class
  • If the range of st is a TypeDefinition with uri xsd:anyURI then the ClassDefinitionName is indexed by the URI of the class
  • Otherwise the value of the st is the target class name

For each assignment, the induced slot s is calculated (see section 5 of the specification), and s.range is used for the target of subsequent calls to tr-1J(obj, target).

Translation to RDF

Two RDF translations can be specified:

  • A direct translation
  • Translation via JSON-LD, which combines
    1. Translation of a LinkML SchemaDefinition to a JSON-LD Context
    2. The standard translation of LinkML instances to JSON

Both translations make use of the prefixes provided in the schema

The semantic content of both is equivalent.

Mapping of CURIEs to URIs

LinkML provides standard types:

  • Curie
  • Uri
  • Curieoruri

The syntax for a CURIE is defined by W3C CURIE Syntax 1.0

curie := [ [ prefix ] ':' ] reference

prefix := NCName

reference := irelative-ref

See the Part 5 for rules for generating CURIEs and URIs from schema elements.

Mapping functions

The following three functions are used when mapping LinkML instances to RDF:

Function Value
Literal(v, T) "<v>"^^T.uri
Node(v) URI(<v>)
Pred(p) URI(p.slot_uri)
Subj(i) URI(K(i)) or Blank

Direct Translation of instance graphs to RDF

A translation TrR operates on an instance i, which is matched against the first column here, generating triples in the second column, and returning the value in the final column.

i Triples Returns
None {} None
<Type>&<V> {} Literal(V, Type)
<Enum>[<PV>] where PV.meaning=None {} Literal(V, Type)
<Enum>[<PV>] where PV.meaning!==None {} Node(PV.meaning)
<Class>&<V> {} Node(V)
<Class>(<s1>=<v1>, ..., <sN>=<vN>) <Subj(i) Pred(si) L(tr(vi))> for i in 1..N Subj(i)

The triple generator column contains either the empty list or rules to generate triples. The templates <s p L(o)> denotes a triple <s p oi> for each oi in L(o).

Translation of instance graphs to RDF graphs (via JSON-LD)

This is an alternative specification of a mapping to RDF, specified in terms of a mapping to JSON-LD.

The mapping to JSON-LD is in two parts:

  1. mapping the instance to JSON-LD
  2. mapping the derived schema to a JSON-LD context

For (1), the mapping is the same as in "Mapping to JSON", above, with the addition of the insertion of a @context key-value pair into the top level object.

For (2), a JSON-LD context is generated by walking the entire derived SchemaDefinition object applying matches in the table below:

Schema Element Match Context Key Context Value
SchemaDefinition p in e.prefixes|p.prefix_prefix|@id=@prefix=true`
SchemaDefinition s in e.slots @type=<s.type.uri>
SchemaDefinition s in e.slots @id=URI(<s.slot_uri>)
SchemaDefinition s in e.slots, s.inlined=True @id=URI(<s.slot_uri>)
SchemaDefinition c in e.classes @id=URI(<s.class_uri>) `
ClassDefinition s in e.attributes @type=<s.type.uri>
ClassDefinition s in e.attributes @id=URI(<s.slot_uri>)
ClassDefinition s in e.attributes, s.inlined=True @id=URI(<s.slot_uri>)

Mapping to Typed Objects

Different programming languages have different formalisms for representing objects. We specify a generic mapping to an abstract typed object representation, which can be mapped to the native object representation of a given language.

The mapping to Typed Objects is similar to the mapping to JSON, with the addition that each node in the tree has an ElementName (type) associated with it.

Instance TypedObject
None null
<TypeDefinitionName>&<Value> <TypeDefinitionName>(<Value>)
<EnumDefinitionName>[<PermissibleValue>] <EnumDefinitionName>(<PermissibleValue>)
<ClassDefinitionName>&<Value> REF(<ClassDefinitionName>)(<Value>)
<ClassDefinitionName>(<s1>=<v1>, ..., <sN>=<vN>) <ClassDefinitionName>(s1=trO(v1), ..., sN=trO(vN))
[<Values>] As for JSON

The function REF takes a ClassDefinitionName and returns a function that returns the name of an atomic class by concatenating the ClassDefinitionName with the name of PK(ClassDefinitionName) using the naming conventions of the target language. For example, if the class Person has an attribute id marked identifier=True then REF(Person) returns PersonId, assuming CamelCase naming conventions.

Mappings to target languages MAY choose to simplify AtomicClassNamees to the corresponding primitives for that language.