Source code for schema_automator.generalizers.csv_data_generalizer

import click
import logging
import yaml
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Set, Any
from collections import defaultdict
import os
import re
import csv
import requests
import pandas as pd
import time

from dateutil.parser import parse
from deprecation import deprecated
from linkml_runtime import SchemaView
from linkml_runtime.linkml_model import SchemaDefinition, ClassDefinition, TypeDefinition, SlotDefinition
from linkml_runtime.linkml_model.meta import UniqueKey
from linkml_runtime.utils.formatutils import underscore
from quantulum3 import parser as q_parser
from dataclasses import dataclass, field

from schema_automator.generalizers.generalizer import Generalizer, DEFAULT_CLASS_NAME
from schema_automator.utils.schemautils import merge_schemas, write_schema

ID_SUFFIX = '_id'

    'alternative term': "IAO:0000118",
    'definition': "IAO:0000115",
    'definition_source': "IAO:0000119",

class ForeignKey:
    Represents a field in one table that points to an identifier field in another
    source_table: str
    source_column: str
    target_table: str
    target_column: str
    num_distinct_values: int
    range: str = None

    def score(self):
        s = 0
        if self.source_table == self.target_table:
            s -= 1
        if self.source_column.lower().endswith(ID_SUFFIX):
            s += 1
        if self.target_column.lower().endswith(ID_SUFFIX) or self.target_column.lower() == 'id':
            s += 1
        if self.source_column.lower().startswith(self.target_table.lower()):
            s += 2
        if self.range != 'string' and self.range != 'integer':
            s -= 1
        return s

[docs] @dataclass class CsvDataGeneralizer(Generalizer): """ A Generalizer that generalizes from example CSV/TSV data """ column_separator: str = "\t" """character that separates columns in the input file""" schema_name: str = 'example' """LinkML schema name (no spaces)""" robot: bool = False """If true, conforms to robot template format. Data dictionary rows start with '>'""" data_dictionary_row_count: int = field(default=0) """number of rows after header containing data dictionary information""" enum_columns: List[str] = field(default_factory=lambda: []) """List of columns that are coerced into enums""" enum_mask_columns: List[str] = field(default_factory=lambda: []) """List of columns that are excluded from being enums""" enum_threshold: float = 0.1 """If number if distinct values divided by total number of values is greater than this, then the column is considered an enum""" enum_strlen_threshold: int = 30 """Maximum length of a string to be considered a permissible enum value""" max_enum_size: int = 50 """Max number of permissible values for a column to be considered an enum""" downcase_header: bool = False """If true, coerce column names to be lower case""" snakecase_header: bool = False """If true, coerce column names to be snake case""" infer_foreign_keys: bool = False """For multi-CVS files, infer linkages between rows""" max_pk_len: int = 60 """Maximum length to be considered for a primary key column. Note: URIs can be long""" min_distinct_fk_val: int = 8 """For inferring foreign keys, there must be a minimum number.""" source_schema: Optional[SchemaDefinition] = None """Optional base schema to draw from"""
[docs] def infer_linkages(self, files: List[str], **kwargs) -> List[ForeignKey]: """ Heuristic procedure for determining which tables are linked to others via implicit foreign keys If all values of one column FT.FC are present in column PT.PC, then FT.FC is a potential foreign key and PC is a potential primary key of PT. This procedure can generate false positives, so additional heuristics are applied. Each potential foreign key relationship gets an ad-hoc score: - links across tables score more highly than within - suffixes such as _id are more likely on PK and FK tables - the foreign key column table is likely to start with the base column name In addition, if there are competing primary keys for a table, the top scoring one is selected """ fks: List[ForeignKey] = [] MAX_PK_LEN = self.max_pk_len dfs: Dict[str, pd.DataFrame] = {} for file in files: c = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file))[0] if self.downcase_header: c = c.lower() if self.snakecase_header: c = underscore(c)'READING {file} ') df = pd.read_csv(file, sep=self.column_separator, skipinitialspace=True).fillna("") if self.downcase_header: df = df.rename(columns=str.lower) if self.snakecase_header: df = df.rename(columns=underscore) exclude = [] for col in df.columns: vals = set(df[col].tolist()) if len(vals) < self.min_distinct_fk_val:'EXCLUDING {col} (too few, len = {len(vals)})') exclude.append(col) continue max_str_len = max([len(str(x)) for x in vals]) if max_str_len > MAX_PK_LEN:'EXCLUDING {col} (len {max_str_len} > {MAX_PK_LEN}) sample: {list(vals)[0:5]}') #for v in vals: # if len(str(v)) == max_str_len: # print(f' WITNESS: {v}') exclude.append(col) continue if any(' ' in str(x) for x in vals ):'EXCLUDING {col} (has spaces)') exclude.append(col) continue for col in exclude: del df[col]'Excluding: {col}') dfs[c] = df for t_primary, df_primary in dfs.items(): for candidate_pk in df_primary.columns: candidate_pk_vals = set(df_primary[candidate_pk].tolist()) candidate_pk_range = infer_range({}, candidate_pk_vals, {})'Candidate PK {t_primary}.{candidate_pk} ') for t_foreign, df_foreign in dfs.items():' Candidate FK table {t_foreign} ') for candidate_fk in df_foreign.columns:' Candidate FK col {candidate_fk} ') if t_primary == t_foreign and candidate_pk == candidate_fk:' SKIP (identical) {candidate_fk} ') continue candidate_fk_vals = set(df_foreign[candidate_fk].tolist())' Candidate FK {t_foreign}.{candidate_fk}') is_fk = True for v in candidate_fk_vals: if v is None or v == '': continue if v not in candidate_pk_vals:' {v} not in candidates') is_fk = False if not is_fk: break if is_fk:' all {len(candidate_fk_vals)} fk vals in {len(candidate_pk_vals)} pks') fks.append(ForeignKey(source_table=t_foreign, source_column=candidate_fk, target_table=t_primary, target_column=candidate_pk, num_distinct_values=len(candidate_fk_vals), range=candidate_pk_range)) pk_tables = set([fk.target_table for fk in fks]) for pk_table in pk_tables: s = defaultdict(float) max_s = -1000 for fk in fks: if fk.target_table == pk_table: s[fk.target_column] += fk.score() if s[fk.target_column] > max_s: max_s = s[fk.target_column] pk_col, _ = sorted(s.items(), key=lambda item: -item[1])[0]'SELECTED pk col {pk_col} for {pk_table}; scores = {s}') fks = [fk for fk in fks if not (fk.target_table == pk_table and fk.target_column != pk_col)] fks = [fk for fk in fks if fk.score() > 0]'FILTERED: {fks}') return fks
def inject_foreign_keys(self, sv: SchemaView, fks: List[ForeignKey], direct_slot = True) -> None: schema = sv.schema for fk in fks: # TODO: deal with cases where the same slot is used in different classes src_cls = schema.classes[fk.source_table] src_slot = schema.slots[fk.source_column] src_cls.slot_usage[fk.source_column] = \ SlotDefinition(name=fk.source_column, range=fk.target_table) if direct_slot: src_slot['range'] = fk.target_table tgt_cls = schema.classes[fk.target_table] tgt_slot = schema.slots[fk.target_column] tgt_cls.slot_usage[fk.target_column] = \ SlotDefinition(name=fk.target_column, identifier=True) if direct_slot: tgt_slot['identifier'] = True
[docs] def convert_multiple(self, files: List[str], **kwargs) -> SchemaDefinition: """ Converts multiple TSVs to a schema :param files: :param kwargs: :return: """ if self.infer_foreign_keys: fks = self.infer_linkages(files)"Inferred {len(fks)} foreign keys: {fks}") else: fks = () schemas = [] for file in files: c = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file))[0] if self.downcase_header: c = c.lower() if self.snakecase_header: c = underscore(c) s = self.convert(file, class_name=c, **kwargs) if s is not None: schemas.append(s)'Classes={list(s.classes.keys())}') sv = SchemaView(schemas[0]) for s in schemas[1:]: sv.merge_schema(s)'Classes, post merge={list(sv.all_classes().keys())}') #s = merge_schemas(yamlobjs) self.inject_foreign_keys(sv, fks) return sv.schema
[docs] def convert(self, file: str, **kwargs) -> SchemaDefinition: """ Converts a single TSV file to a single-class schema :param file: :param kwargs: :return: """ with open(file, newline='', encoding='utf-8') as tsv_file: header = [h.strip() for h in tsv_file.readline().split('\t')] rr = csv.DictReader(tsv_file, fieldnames=header, delimiter=self.column_separator, skipinitialspace=False) return self.convert_dicts([r for r in rr], **kwargs)
[docs] def convert_from_dataframe(self, df: pd.DataFrame, **kwargs) -> SchemaDefinition: """ Converts a single dataframe to a single-class schema :param df: :param kwargs: :return: """ return self.convert_dicts(df.to_dict('records'), **kwargs)
def read_slot_tsv(self, file: str, **kwargs) -> Dict: with open(file, newline='') as tsv_file: rows_list = csv.reader(tsv_file, delimiter=self.column_separator) return self.convert_to_edge_slots([r for r in rows_list], **kwargs)
[docs] def convert_to_edge_slots(self, all_tsv_rows: List, name: str = DEFAULT_CLASS_NAME, **kwargs) -> Optional[Dict]: """ assume that TSV has 3 relevant columns: 1. slot name to add 2. slot definition to add 3. examples of values for the slot also assume that these are all edge_properties at the moment. TODO: add parameter to allow edge or node property disambiguation. """ slots = {} slot_values = {} types = {} for item in all_tsv_rows: slot_name = item[0] slot_definition = item[1] slot_example_type = item[2] if isinstance(slot_example_type, list): vs = slot_example_type elif isinstance(slot_example_type, str): vs = slot_example_type.split('|') else: vs = [slot_example_type] if slot_name not in slots: slots[slot_name] = {'is_a': 'association slot', 'description': slot_definition, 'range': None} slot_values[slot_name] = set() if slot_example_type is not None and slot_example_type != "" and not str(slot_example_type).startswith('$ref:'): slots[slot_name]['examples'] = [{'value': slot_example_type}] slot_values[slot_name].update(vs) if len(vs) > 1: slots[slot_name]['multivalued'] = True new_slots = {} # slots is a dict{dict} for sn, s in slots.items(): vals = slot_values[sn] s['range'] = infer_range(s, vals, types) for sn, s in new_slots.items(): if sn not in slots: slots[sn] = s schema = { 'slots': slots } return schema
[docs] def convert_dicts(self, rr: List[Dict], schema_name: str = 'example', class_name: str = DEFAULT_CLASS_NAME, **kwargs) -> Optional[SchemaDefinition]: """ Converts a list of row objects to a schema. Each row is a data item, presumed to be of the same type, that is generalized. :param rr: :param schema_name: :param class_name: :param kwargs: :return: """ slots = {} slot_distinct_values: Dict[str, Set[Any]] = {} """distinct values for each slot""" slot_values: Dict[str, List[Any]] = defaultdict(list) """all values for each slot""" n = 0 enums = {} robot_defs = {} slot_usage = {} enum_columns = self.enum_columns enum_mask_columns = self.enum_mask_columns if len(rr) == 0: return None for row in rr: if self.downcase_header: row = {k.lower(): v for k, v in row.items()} if self.snakecase_header: row = {underscore(k): v for k, v in row.items()} n += 1 if n == 1 and self.robot: for k, v in row.items(): robot_defs[k] = v continue if n <= self.data_dictionary_row_count: if self.source_schema is None: self.source_schema = SchemaDefinition(id="auto", name="auto") for k, v in row.items(): if k not in self.source_schema.slots: self.source_schema.slots[k] = SlotDefinition(k) self.source_schema.slots[k].description = v continue for k, v in row.items(): if k is None or k == '': continue if v is None: v = "" if isinstance(v, str): v = v.strip() if isinstance(v, list): vs = v elif isinstance(v, str): vs = v.split('|') else: vs = [v] if k not in slots: slots[k] = {'range': None} slot_distinct_values[k] = set() if v is not None and v != "" and not str(v).startswith('$ref:'): slots[k]['examples'] = [{'value': v}] slot_distinct_values[k].update(vs) slot_values[k] += vs if len(vs) > 1: slots[k]['multivalued'] = True types = {} new_slots = {} col_number = 0 unique_keys = [] for sn, s in slots.items(): col_number += 1 is_unique = len(set(slot_values[sn])) == len(slot_values[sn]) is_pk = is_unique and col_number == 1 if self.source_schema and sn in self.source_schema.slots and self.source_schema.slots[sn].identifier: is_pk = True if is_pk: s['identifier'] = True elif is_unique: unique_keys.append(sn) vals = slot_distinct_values[sn] if self.source_schema: if sn in self.source_schema.slots: s['description'] = self.source_schema.slots[sn].description s['range'] = infer_range(s, vals, types)"Slot {sn} has range {s['range']}") if (s['range'] == 'string' or sn in enum_columns) and sn not in enum_mask_columns: filtered_vals = \ [v for v in slot_values[sn] if not isinteger(v) and not isfloat(v) and not isboolean(v) and not is_date(v)] n_filtered_vals = len(filtered_vals) + 1 n_distinct = len(vals) longest = max([len(str(v)) for v in vals]) if n_distinct > 0 else 0"Considering {sn} as enum: {n_distinct} distinct values / {n_filtered_vals}, longest={longest}") if sn in enum_columns or \ ((n_distinct / n_filtered_vals) < self.enum_threshold and 0 < n_distinct <= self.max_enum_size and longest < self.enum_strlen_threshold): enum_name = sn.replace(' ', '_').replace('(s)', '') enum_name = f'{enum_name}_enum' s['range'] = enum_name enums[enum_name] = { 'permissible_values': {v:{'description': v} for v in vals} } # ROBOT template hints. See if sn in robot_defs: rd = robot_defs[sn] if 'SPLIT' in rd: rd = re.sub(' SPLIT.*', '', rd) if rd.startswith("EC"): rd = rd.replace('EC ', '') rel = capture_robot_some(rd) ss = rd.replace('%', '{' + sn + '}') slot_usage['equivalence axiom'] = {'string_serialization': ss} if rel is not None: s['is_a'] = rel new_slots[rel] = {} elif rd.startswith("SC"): rd = rd.replace('SC ', '') rel = capture_robot_some(rd) ss = rd.replace('%', '{' + sn + '}') slot_usage['subclass axiom'] = {'string_serialization': ss} if rel is not None: s['is_a'] = rel new_slots[rel] = {} s['comments'] = ['OWL>> SomeValuesFrom'] else: s['comments'] = ['OWL>> SubClassOf'] elif rd.startswith("C"): # TODO: semantics are dependent on CLASS_TYPE column # rd = rd.replace('C ', '') if rd == '%': s['broad_mappings'] = ['rdfs:subClassOf'] rel = capture_robot_some(rd) if rel is not None: s['is_a'] = rel new_slots[rel] = {} elif rd == 'ID': s['identifier'] = True elif rd.startswith("I"): rd = rd.replace('I ', '') # TODO elif rd == 'TYPE': s['slot_uri'] = 'rdf:type' elif rd == 'LABEL': s['slot_uri'] = 'rdfs:label' elif rd.startswith("A "): s['slot_uri'] = rd.replace('A ', '') elif rd.startswith("AT "): s['slot_uri'] = re.sub('^^.*', '', rd.replace('AT ', '')) elif rd.startswith(">A "): logging.warning('Axiom annotations not supported') slot_uri = s.get('slot_uri', None) if slot_uri is not None: if ' ' in slot_uri or ':' not in slot_uri: if slot_uri in ROBOT_NAME_MAP: s['slot_uri'] = ROBOT_NAME_MAP[slot_uri] else: del s['slot_uri'] logging.warning(f'ROBOT "A" annotations not supported yet') class_slots = list(slots.keys()) for sn, s in new_slots.items(): if sn not in slots: slots[sn] = s unique_keys = [UniqueKey(f"{k}_key", unique_key_slots=[k]) for k in unique_keys] schema = SchemaDefinition( id=f'{schema_name}', name=schema_name, description=schema_name, imports=['linkml:types'], default_prefix=schema_name, types=types, classes=[ ClassDefinition(class_name, slots=class_slots, slot_usage=slot_usage, unique_keys=unique_keys, ) ], slots=slots, enums=enums ) self.add_default_prefixes(schema) self.add_prefix(schema, schema_name, f'{schema_name}') if robot_defs: self.add_prefix(schema, 'IAO', '') add_missing_to_schema(schema) return schema
def capture_robot_some(s: str) -> str: """ parses an OWL some values from from a robot template :param s: :return: """ results = re.findall('(\\S+) some %',s) if len(results) == 0: return None else: r = results[0] if ':' in r: # only use named properties return None else: return r def isfloat(value): try: float(value) return True except ValueError: return False def isinteger(value): try: int(value) return True except ValueError: return False def isboolean(value): return value in ['true', 'false'] def is_measurement(value): ms = q_parser.parse(value) for m in ms: if != 'dimensionless': return True def is_all_measurement(values): """ heuristic to guess if all values are measurements uses quantulum to parse A significant proportion must be dimensional, to avoid accidentally classifying a list of floats as measurements """ n_dimensional = 0 n = 0 for value in values: if not isinstance(value, str): return False try: ms = q_parser.parse(value) except: return False if len(ms) == 0: return False n += 1 if all( != 'dimensionless' for m in ms): n_dimensional += 1 # TODO: make this configurable if n_dimensional > n/2: return True else: return False def infer_range(slot: dict, vals: set, types: dict, coerce=True) -> str: """ Infers the range of a slot based on the values :param slot: :param vals: :param types: :return: """"Inferring value for {list(vals)[0:5]}...") nn_vals = [v for v in vals if v is not None and v != ""]"FILTERED: {list(nn_vals)[0:5]}...") if len(nn_vals) == 0: return 'string' if all(str(v).startswith('$ref:') for v in nn_vals): return nn_vals[0].replace('$ref:', '') if all(isinstance(v, int) for v in nn_vals): return 'integer' if all(isinstance(v, float) for v in nn_vals): return 'float' if coerce: if all(isinteger(v) for v in nn_vals): return 'integer' if all(isboolean(v) for v in nn_vals): return 'boolean' if all(isfloat(v) for v in nn_vals): return 'float' if all(is_date(v) for v in nn_vals): return 'datetime' if is_all_measurement(nn_vals): return 'measurement' v0 = nn_vals[0] db = get_db(v0) if db is not None: if all(get_db(v) == db for v in nn_vals): t = f'{db} identifier' types[t] = {'typeof': 'string'} return t if all(get_db(v) is not None for v in nn_vals): t = 'identifier' types[t] = {'typeof': 'string'} return t return 'string' def get_db(db_id: str) -> Optional[str]: """ Extracts the database from a CURIE :param db_id: :return: """ if isinstance(db_id, str) and ':' in db_id: parts = db_id.split(':') if len(parts) > 1: return parts[0] def is_date(string, fuzzy=False): """ Return whether the string can be interpreted as a date. :param string: str, string to check for date :param fuzzy: bool, ignore unknown tokens in string if True """ try: parse(string, fuzzy=fuzzy) return True except Exception: # # we don't know all the different parse exceptions, we assume any error means this is a date return False @dataclass class Hit: term_id: str name: str score: float def get_pv_element(v: str, zooma_confidence: str, cache: dict = {}) -> Hit: """ uses ZOOMA to guess a meaning of an enum permissible value :param v: :param zooma_confidence: :param cache: :return: """ if v in cache: return cache[v][0] if zooma_confidence is None: return None def confidence_to_int(c: str) -> int: if c == 'HIGH': return 5 elif c == 'GOOD': return 4 elif c == 'MEDIUM': return 2 elif c == 'LOW': return 1 else: raise Exception(f'Unknown: {c}') confidence_threshold = confidence_to_int(zooma_confidence) ontscores = { 'NCBITaxon': 1.0, 'OMIT': -1.0, } # zooma doesn't seem to do much pre-processing, so we convert label = v if 'SARS-CoV' not in label: label = re.sub("([a-z])([A-Z])", "<1> <2>", label) # expand CamelCase label = label.replace('.', ' ').replace('_', ' ') params = {'propertyValue': label} time.sleep(1) # don't overload service'Q: {params}') r = requests.get('',params=params) hits = [] # List[hit] for hit in r.json(): confidence = float(confidence_to_int(hit['confidence'])) id = hit['semanticTags'][0] if confidence >= confidence_threshold: hit = Hit(term_id=id, name=hit['annotatedProperty']['propertyValue'], score=confidence) hits.append(hit) else: logging.warning(f'Skipping {id} {confidence}') hits = sorted(hits, key=lambda h: h.score, reverse=True)'Hits for {label} = {hits}') if len(hits) > 0: cache[label] = hits return hits[0] else: return None def convert_range(k: str, dt: str) -> str: t = 'string' if dt == 'float64': t = 'float' return t @deprecated def infer_enum_meanings(schema: dict, zooma_confidence: str = 'MEDIUM', cache={}) -> None: for _,e in schema['enums'].items(): pvs = e['permissible_values'] for k, pv in pvs.items(): if pv is None: pv = {} pvs[k] = pv if 'meaning' not in pv or pv['meaning'] is not None: hit = get_pv_element(k, zooma_confidence=zooma_confidence, cache=cache) if hit is not None: pv['meaning'] = hit.term_id if 'description' not in pv: pv['description'] = def add_missing_to_schema_dict(schema: dict): for slot in schema['slots'].values(): if slot.get('range', None) == 'measurement': types = schema['types'] if 'measurement' not in types: types['measurement'] = \ {'typeof': 'string', 'description': 'Holds a measurement serialized as a string'} def add_missing_to_schema(schema: SchemaDefinition): for slot in schema.slots.values(): if slot.range == 'measurement': types = schema.types if 'measurement' not in types: types['measurement'] = \ TypeDefinition('measurement', typeof='string', description='Holds a measurement serialized as a string') if __name__ == '__main__': main()