import click
import yaml
from dataclasses import dataclass
from linkml_runtime.linkml_model.meta import SchemaDefinition, ClassDefinition, SlotDefinition, EnumDefinition, TypeDefinition, AnonymousSlotExpression
from linkml_runtime.loaders import yaml_loader
from linkml_runtime.utils.formatutils import camelcase, underscore
from schema_automator.importers.import_engine import ImportEngine
from schema_automator.metamodels.dosdp.model import Pattern, Printf
from schema_automator.utils.schemautils import write_schema
ALIAS = str
CURIE = str
METACLASS = 'OntologyClass'
TEMPLATE_CLASS = 'OntologyClassTemplate'
GROUPING_CLASS = 'OntologyClassSubset'
class DOSDPImportEngine(ImportEngine):
An ImportEngine that imports Ontology Design Patterns specified as DOSDP Yaml into a LinkML schema
See `DOSDPs <>`_
Every template maps to a LinkML class, the default name for a template Foo as FooTemplate
mappings: dict = None
include_unmapped_annotations = False
def load_dp(self, path) -> Pattern:
with open(path) as stream:
obj = yaml.safe_load(stream)
if 'def' in obj:
obj['definition'] = obj['def']
del obj['def']
return yaml_loader.load(obj, target_class=Pattern)
def convert(self, files: str, range_as_enums=True, **kwargs) -> SchemaDefinition:
Converts one or more YAML files into a Schema
:param files:
:param range_as_enums: if True, then class ranges are mapped to Enums
:param kwargs:
patterns = [self.load_dp(file) for file in files]
schema = SchemaDefinition(**kwargs)
if not schema.default_prefix:
schema.default_prefix =
schema.prefixes[] = f'{}'
schema.default_curi_maps = ['semweb_context', 'obo_context']
self.schema = schema
mc = ClassDefinition(METACLASS)
schema.classes[] = mc
mc.description = "Instance of OWL Class"
mc.aliases = ['OWL Class']
mc.class_uri = 'owl:Class'
mc.mixin = True
mc.slots = ['id']
tmc = ClassDefinition(TEMPLATE_CLASS)
schema.classes[] = tmc
tmc.description = "Instances of OWL classes that conform to a template"
tmc.aliases = ['design pattern record', 'template row']
tmc.mixin = True
tmc.mixins = []
gmc = ClassDefinition(GROUPING_CLASS)
schema.classes[] = gmc
gmc.description = "Mixin for instances of OWL Classes that are used as range references"
gmc.mixin = True
gmc.mixins = []
schema.types['string'] = TypeDefinition(name='string', base='str', uri='xsd:string')
def add_slot(s: SlotDefinition):
schema.slots[] = s
description='Unique identifier for template instance'))
description='Human readable label for template instance'))
description='Human readable textual definition for template instance'))
description='String serialization of RHS expression in equivalence axiom',
licenses = set()
for p in patterns:
c = self.create_class(p, range_as_enums=range_as_enums)
schema.classes[] = c
return schema
def create_class(self, pattern: Pattern, range_as_enums: bool = True,
denormalize_labels: bool = True) -> ClassDefinition:
Create a LinkML class from a template/pattern
The class will have name FooTemplate, and will mixin TemplateClass,
and will have one slot per var (slots will also be inherited from TemplateClass)
by default, the range of each var will be a class RangeClass, unless treated as enums
:param pattern: DOSDP template
:param range_as_enums: if true, ranges will be enums
:param denoramlized: if true, create an optional label for each var
def deref_class(name: ALIAS) -> CURIE:
return self._deref(name, pattern.classes)
schema = self.schema
template_name = f'{pattern.pattern_name} template'
cls = ClassDefinition(name=camelcase(template_name),
#title=template_name, ## TODO: fix owlgen
for contrib in pattern.contributors:
cls.comments.append(f'Contributor: {contrib}') ## TODO: extend metamodel
extra_classes = []
for vn, v in pattern.vars.items():
var_range_as_curie = v.range
for alias, alias_obj in pattern.classes.items():
if f"'{alias}'" == v.range:
var_range_as_curie = alias_obj.curie
range_base_name = self._name(v.range)
if range_as_enums:
rangedef = self.create_enum(f'{range_base_name} enum')
rangedef = ClassDefinition(camelcase(f'{range_base_name} class'))
#rangedef.is_a = METACLASS
rangedef.mixins = [GROUPING_CLASS]
# TODO: restore when owlgen fixed
#subc_slot = SlotDefinition('subclass_of',
# has_member=AnonymousSlotExpression(equals_string=var_range_as_curie))
#rangedef.slot_usage[] = subc_slot
rangedef.description = f'Any subclass of {var_range_as_curie} ({v.range})'
slot = SlotDefinition(vn,
schema.slots[] = slot
cls.slot_usage[] = slot
if denormalize_labels:
label_slot = SlotDefinition(f'{vn}_label',
description=f'label for {vn}',
schema.slots[] = label_slot
cls.slot_usage[] = label_slot
# populate metaclass
mc = schema.classes[METACLASS]
for k in ['name', 'definition', 'equivalentTo']:
pf = getattr(pattern, k)
#print(f'k={k} rule={srule}')
if pf is not None:
slot = self._serialization_slot(k, pf)
if not in mc.slots:
#schema.slots[] = deepcopy(slot)
#schema.slots[].string_serialization = None
cls.slot_usage[] = slot
# append these at the end
for c in extra_classes:
schema.classes[] = c
return cls
def create_enum(self, name: str):
name = underscore(self._name(name))
enumdef = EnumDefinition(name)
self.schema.enums[] = enumdef
return enumdef
def _serialization_slot(self, k: str, pf: Printf):
slot = SlotDefinition(k)
t = pf.text
for vn in pf.vars:
t = t.replace('%', f'{{{vn}}}', 1)
slot.string_serialization = t
return slot
def _name(self, name: ALIAS) -> ALIAS:
if name.startswith("'"):
name = name.replace("'","")
return name
def _deref(self, name: ALIAS, index: dict) -> CURIE:
if name.startswith("'"):
name = name.replace("'","")
return index[name].curie
@click.argument('dpfiles', nargs=-1) ## input DOSDPs
@click.option('--name', '-n', help="Schema name")
@click.option('--range-as-enum/--no-range-as-enums', default=True, help="Model range ontology classes as enyms")
@click.option('--output', '-o', help="Path to saved yaml schema")
def dosdp2model(dpfiles, output, **args):
Infer a model from DOSDP
ie = DOSDPImportEngine()
schema = ie.convert(dpfiles, **args)
write_schema(schema, output)
if __name__ == '__main__':