
Importers take either a representation of a schema in a different language or example data and bootstraps a schema.

Importers are the opposite of Generators in the core LinkML framework


Generally importers take a less expressive language than LinkML and attempts to create the corresponding LinkML schema. This may be less optimal than a hand-crafted schema. For example, when converting to a representation that lacks inheritance, no is_a slots will be created.

Importing from JSON-Schema

The import-json-schema command can be used:

schemauto import-json-schema tests/resources/model_card.schema.json

Importing from Kwalify

The import-kwalify command can be used:

schemauto import-kwalify tests/resources/test.kwalify.yaml

Importing from OWL

You can import from a schema-style OWL ontology. This must be in functional syntax

Use robot to convert ahead of time:

robot convert -i schemaorg.ttl -o schemaorg.ofn
schemauto import-owl schemaorg.ofn

Importing from SQL

You can import a schema from a SQL database

The default is to assume a SQLite database:

schemauto import-sql path/to/my.db

You can also connect to any database server provided you have the necessary client software installed, using a SQL Alchemy connection path.

For example, for the RNA Central public database

schemauto import-sql postgresql+psycopg2://


class schema_automator.importers.JsonSchemaImportEngine(use_attributes: bool = False, is_openapi: bool = False)[source]

A ImportEngine that imports a JSON-Schema representation to a LinkML Schema

convert(input: str, name=None, format='json', **kwargs) SchemaDefinition[source]

Converts a JSON-Schema json file into a LinkML schema

  • input

  • name

  • format

  • kwargs


translate_object(obj: Dict, name: str | None = None) ClassDefinitionName[source]

Translates jsonschema obj of type object

Generates a ClassDefinition, inserts it into the schema, and returns the name

class schema_automator.importers.OwlImportEngine(mappings: dict | None = None)[source]

An ImportEngine that takes schema-style OWL and converts it to a LinkML schema

convert(file: str, name: str | None = None, model_uri: str | None = None, identifier: str | None = None, **kwargs) SchemaDefinition[source]

Converts an OWL schema-style ontology

  • file

  • name

  • model_uri

  • identifier

  • kwargs


class schema_automator.importers.FrictionlessImportEngine[source]

An ImportEngine that imports Frictionless data packages with schema information


convert(file: str, id: str | None = None, name: str | None = None, **kwargs) SchemaDefinition[source]

Converts one or more JSON files into a Schema

  • files

  • kwargs


class schema_automator.importers.DOSDPImportEngine(mappings: dict | None = None)[source]

An ImportEngine that imports Ontology Design Patterns specified as DOSDP Yaml into a LinkML schema


Every template maps to a LinkML class, the default name for a template Foo as FooTemplate

convert(files: str, range_as_enums=True, **kwargs) SchemaDefinition[source]

Converts one or more YAML files into a Schema

  • files

  • range_as_enums – if True, then class ranges are mapped to Enums

  • kwargs


create_class(pattern: Pattern, range_as_enums: bool = True, denormalize_labels: bool = True) ClassDefinition[source]

Create a LinkML class from a template/pattern

The class will have name FooTemplate, and will mixin TemplateClass, and will have one slot per var (slots will also be inherited from TemplateClass)

by default, the range of each var will be a class RangeClass, unless treated as enums

  • pattern – DOSDP template

  • range_as_enums – if true, ranges will be enums

  • denoramlized – if true, create an optional label for each var
