Source code for linkml.validator.plugins.jsonschema_validation_plugin

import os
from typing import Any, Iterator, Optional

from jsonschema.exceptions import best_match

from linkml.validator.plugins.validation_plugin import ValidationPlugin
from import Severity, ValidationResult
from linkml.validator.validation_context import ValidationContext

[docs]class JsonschemaValidationPlugin(ValidationPlugin): """A validation plugin which validates instances using a JSON Schema validator. :param closed: If ``True``, additional properties are not allowed on instances. Defaults to ``False``. :param include_range_class_descendants: If True, use an open world assumption and allow the range of a slot to be any descendant of the declared range. Note that if the range of a slot has a type designator, descendants will always be included. :param json_schema_path: If provided, JSON Schema will not be generated from the schema, instead it will be read from this path. In this case the value of the ``closed`` argument is disregarded and the open- or closed-ness of the existing JSON Schema is taken as-is. """ def __init__( self, *, closed: bool = False, include_range_class_descendants: bool = True, json_schema_path: Optional[os.PathLike] = None, ) -> None: self.closed = closed self.include_range_class_descendants = include_range_class_descendants self.json_schema_path = json_schema_path def process(self, instance: Any, context: ValidationContext) -> Iterator[ValidationResult]: """Perform JSON Schema validation on the provided instance :param instance: The instance to validate :param context: The validation context which provides a JSON Schema artifact :return: Iterator over validation results :rtype: Iterator[ValidationResult] """ validator = context.json_schema_validator( closed=self.closed, include_range_class_descendants=self.include_range_class_descendants, path_override=self.json_schema_path, ) for error in validator.iter_errors(instance): best_error = best_match([error]) yield ValidationResult( type="jsonschema validation", severity=Severity.ERROR, instance=instance, instantiates=context.target_class, message=f"{best_error.message} in /{'/'.join(str(p) for p in best_error.absolute_path)}", )