linkml validate#

linkml validate#

Validate data according to a LinkML Schema

linkml validate [OPTIONS] [DATA_SOURCES]...


-s, --schema <schema>#

Schema file to validate data against

-C, --target-class <target_class>#

Class within the schema to validate data against

--config <config>#

Validation configuration YAML file.


Exit after the first validation failure is found. If not specified all validation failures are reported.


Use legacy linkml-validate behavior.

-m, --module <module>#

[DEPRECATED: only used in legacy mode] Path to python datamodel module

-f, --input-format <input_format>#

[DEPRECATED: only used in legacy mode] Input format. Inferred from input suffix if not specified


yml | yaml | json | rdf | ttl | json-ld | csv | tsv

-S, --index-slot <index_slot>#

[DEPRECATED: only used in legacy mode] top level slot. Required for CSV dumping/loading

--include-range-class-descendants, --no-range-class-descendants#

[DEPRECATED: only used in legacy mode] When handling range constraints, include all descendants of the range class instead of just the range class

-D, --include-context, --no-include-context#

Include additional context when reporting of validation errors.



-V, --version#

Show the version and exit.



Optional argument(s)


linkml validate jsonschema#

Validates instance data

linkml validate jsonschema [OPTIONS] INPUT


-m, --module <module>#

Path to python datamodel module

-f, --input-format <input_format>#

Input format. Inferred from input suffix if not specified


yml | yaml | json | rdf | ttl | json-ld | csv | tsv

-C, --target-class <target_class>#

name of class in datamodel that the root node instantiates

-S, --index-slot <index_slot>#

top level slot. Required for CSV dumping/loading

-s, --schema <schema>#

Path to schema specified as LinkML yaml

--exit-on-first-failure, --no-exit-on-first-failure#

Exit after the first validation failure is found. If not specified all validation failures are reported.

--include-range-class-descendants, --no-range-class-descendants#

When handling range constraints, include all descendants of the range class instead of just the range class

-V, --version#

Show the version and exit.



Required argument

linkml validate sparql#

Validates sparql


linkml-sparql-validate -U -s tests/test_validation/input/omo.yaml

linkml validate sparql [OPTIONS]


-G, --named-graph <named_graph>#

Constrain query to a named graph

-i, --input <input>#

Input file to validate

-U, --endpoint-url <endpoint_url>#

URL of sparql endpoint

-L, --limit <limit>#

Max results per query

-o, --output <output>#

Path to report file

-f, --input-format <input_format>#

Input format. Inferred from input suffix if not specified


yml | yaml | json | rdf | ttl | json-ld | csv | tsv

-t, --output-format <output_format>#

Output format. Inferred from output suffix if not specified


yml | yaml | json | rdf | ttl | json-ld | csv | tsv

-s, --schema <schema>#

Path to schema specified as LinkML yaml

-V, --version#

Show the version and exit.