Source code for linkml.generators.docgen

import importlib.util
import logging
import os
from copy import deepcopy
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from enum import Enum
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, Iterable, Iterator, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import click
from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader, Template
from linkml_runtime.dumpers import yaml_dumper
from linkml_runtime.linkml_model.meta import (
from linkml_runtime.utils.formatutils import camelcase, underscore
from linkml_runtime.utils.schemaview import SchemaView

from linkml._version import __version__
from linkml.generators.erdiagramgen import ERDiagramGenerator
from linkml.generators.plantumlgen import PlantumlGenerator
from linkml.utils.generator import Generator, shared_arguments
from linkml.workspaces.example_runner import ExampleRunner

[docs]class MarkdownDialect(Enum): python = "python" # -- used by mkdocs myst = "myst" # -- used by sphinx
[docs]class DiagramType(Enum): mermaid_class_diagram = "mermaid_class_diagram" plantuml_class_diagram = "plantuml_class_diagram" er_diagram = "er_diagram"
# In future this may become a Union statement, but for now we only have dialects for markdown DIALECT = MarkdownDialect MAX_CHARS_IN_TABLE = 80 MAX_RANK = 1000
[docs]def enshorten(input): """ Custom filter to truncate any long text intended to go in a table, and to remove anything after a newline""" if input is None: return "" if "\n" in input: toks = input.split("\n") input = toks[0] if "." in input: toks = input.split(".") input = toks[0] if len(input) > MAX_CHARS_IN_TABLE - 3: input = input[0 : MAX_CHARS_IN_TABLE - 3] + "..." return input
[docs]def customize_environment(env: Environment): env.filters["enshorten"] = enshorten
def _ensure_ranked(elements: Iterable[Element]): for x in elements: if x.rank is None: x.rank = MAX_RANK
[docs]@dataclass class DocGenerator(Generator): """ Generates documentation from a schema Note: this is a replacement for MarkdownGenerator Documents can be generated using either provided Jinja2 templates, or by providing your own Currently the provided templates are for markdown but this framework allows direct generation to rst, html, etc This works via jinja2 templates (found in docgen/ folder). By default, only markdown templates are provided. You can either override these, or you can create entirely different templates e.g. for html, latex, etc The template folder is expected to have files: - class.FMT.jinja2 - enum.FMT.jinja2 - type.FMT.jinja2 - slot.FMT.jinja2 - schema.FMT.jinja2 - subset.FMT.jinja2 - index.FMT.jinja2 Most of these accept a jinja2 variable `element`, except index, schema, which accept `schema`. See docgen for examples This will generate a single document for every - class, enum, type, slot - subset - imported schema It will also create an index file """ # ClassVars generatorname = os.path.basename(__file__) generatorversion = "0.0.1" valid_formats = ["markdown", "rst", "html", "latex"] uses_schemaloader = False requires_metamodel = False # ObjectVars dialect: Optional[Union[DIALECT, str]] = None """markdown dialect (e.g MyST, Python)""" sort_by: str = "name" visit_all_class_slots = False template_mappings: Dict[str, str] = None directory: str = None """directory in which to write documents""" index_name: str = "index" """name of the index document""" template_directory: str = None """directory for custom templates""" diagram_type: Optional[Union[DiagramType, str]] = None """style of diagram (ER, UML)""" include_top_level_diagram: bool = False """Whether the index page should include a schema diagram""" example_directory: Optional[str] = None example_runner: ExampleRunner = field(default_factory=lambda: ExampleRunner()) genmeta: bool = False gen_classvars: bool = True gen_slots: bool = True no_types_dir: bool = False use_slot_uris: bool = False use_class_uris: bool = False hierarchical_class_view: bool = False def __post_init__(self): dialect = self.dialect if dialect is not None: # TODO: simplify this if isinstance(dialect, str): if dialect == MarkdownDialect.myst.value: dialect = MarkdownDialect.myst elif dialect == MarkdownDialect.python.value: dialect = MarkdownDialect.python else: raise NotImplementedError(f"{dialect} not supported") self.dialect = dialect if isinstance(self.diagram_type, str): self.diagram_type = DiagramType[self.diagram_type] if self.example_directory: self.example_runner = ExampleRunner(input_directory=Path(self.example_directory)) super().__post_init__() self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.schemaview = SchemaView(self.schema, merge_imports=self.mergeimports)
[docs] def serialize(self, directory: str = None) -> None: """ Serialize a schema as a collection of documents :param directory: relative or absolute path to directory in which documents are to be written :return: """ sv = self.schemaview if directory is None: directory = if directory is None: raise ValueError("Directory must be provided") template_vars = { "sort_by": self.sort_by, "diagram_type": self.diagram_type.value if self.diagram_type else None, "include_top_level_diagram": self.include_top_level_diagram, } self.logger.debug("Processing Index") template = self._get_template("index") out_str = template.render(gen=self, schema=sv.schema, schemaview=sv, **template_vars) self._write(out_str, directory, self.index_name) if self._is_single_file_format(self.format):"{self.format} is a single-page format, skipping non-index elements") return self.logger.debug("Processing Schemas...") template = self._get_template("schema") for schema_name in sv.imports_closure(): self.logger.debug(f" Generating doc for {schema_name}") imported_schema = sv.schema_map.get(schema_name) out_str = template.render(gen=self, schema=imported_schema, schemaview=sv, **template_vars) self._write(out_str, directory, self.logger.debug("Processing Classes...") template = self._get_template("class") for cn, c in sv.all_classes().items(): if self._is_external(c): continue n = self.logger.debug(f" Generating doc for {n}") out_str = template.render(gen=self, element=c, schemaview=sv, **template_vars) self._write(out_str, directory, n) self.logger.debug("Processing Slots...") template = self._get_template("slot") for sn, s in sv.all_slots().items(): if self._is_external(s): continue n = self.logger.debug(f" Generating doc for {n}") s = sv.induced_slot(sn) out_str = template.render(gen=self, element=s, schemaview=sv, **template_vars) self._write(out_str, directory, n) self.logger.debug("Processing Enums...") template = self._get_template("enum") for en, e in sv.all_enums().items(): if self._is_external(e): continue n = self.logger.debug(f" Generating doc for {n}") out_str = template.render(gen=self, element=e, schemaview=sv, **template_vars) self._write(out_str, directory, n) self.logger.debug("Processing Types...") template = self._get_template("type") for tn, t in sv.all_types().items(): if self._exclude_type(t): continue n = self.logger.debug(f" Generating doc for {n}") t = sv.induced_type(tn) out_str = template.render(gen=self, element=t, schemaview=sv, **template_vars) self._write(out_str, directory, n) self.logger.debug("Processing Subsets...") template = self._get_template("subset") for _, s in sv.all_subsets().items(): if self._is_external(c): continue n = self.logger.debug(f" Generating doc for {n}") out_str = template.render(gen=self, element=s, schemaview=sv, **template_vars) self._write(out_str, directory, n)
def _write(self, out_str: str, directory: str, name: str) -> None: """ Writes a string in desired format (e.g. markdown) to the appropriate file in a directory :param out_str: string to be written :param directory: location :param name: base name - should correspond to element name :return: """ path = Path(directory) path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) file_name = f"{name}.{self._file_suffix()}" self.logger.debug(f" Writing file: {file_name}") with open(path / file_name, "w", encoding="UTF-8") as stream: stream.write(out_str) def _file_suffix(self): """ File suffix to be used for both outputs and template files Template files are assumed to be of the form TYPE.FILE_SUFFIX.jinja2 :return: """ if self.format == "markdown": return "md" elif self.format == "latex": return "tex" else: return self.format def _get_template(self, element_type: str) -> Template: """ Create a jinja2 template object for a given schema element type The default location for templates is in the linkml/docgen folder, but this can be overridden :param element_type: e.g. class, enum, index, subset, ... :return: """ if self.template_mappings and element_type in self.template_mappings: path = self.template_mappings[element_type] # TODO: relative paths # loader = FileSystemLoader() env = Environment() customize_environment(env) return env.get_template(path) else: base_file_name = f"{element_type}.{self._file_suffix()}.jinja2" folder = None if self.template_directory: p = Path(self.template_directory) / base_file_name if p.is_file(): folder = self.template_directory else: f"Could not find {base_file_name} in {self.template_directory} - falling back to default" ) if not folder: package_dir = os.path.dirname(importlib.util.find_spec(__name__).origin) folder = os.path.join(package_dir, "docgen", "") loader = FileSystemLoader(folder) env = Environment(loader=loader) customize_environment(env) return env.get_template(base_file_name)
[docs] def schema_title(self) -> str: """ Returns the title of the schema. Uses title field if present, otherwise name :return: """ s = self.schemaview.schema if s.title: return s.title else: return
[docs] def name(self, element: Element) -> str: """ Returns the name of the element in its canonical form :param element: SchemaView element definition :return: slot name or numeric portion of CURIE prefixed slot_uri """ if type(element).class_name == "slot_definition": if self.use_slot_uris: curie = self.schemaview.get_uri(element) if curie: return curie.split(":")[1] return underscore( elif type(element).class_name == "class_definition": if self.use_class_uris: curie = self.schemaview.get_uri(element) if curie: return curie.split(":")[1] return camelcase( else: return camelcase(
[docs] def uri(self, element: Element, expand=True) -> str: """ Fetches the URI string for the relevant element :param element: :return: """ if isinstance(element, (EnumDefinition, SubsetDefinition)): # TODO: fix schema view to handle URIs for enums and subsets return return self.schemaview.get_uri(element, expand=expand)
def _exclude_type(self, t: TypeDefinition) -> bool: return self._is_external(t) and not"") def _is_external(self, element: Element) -> bool: # note: this is currently incomplete. See: if element.from_schema == "" and not self.genmeta: return True else: return False @staticmethod def _markdown_link(n: str, name: str = None, subfolder: str = None) -> str: if subfolder: rel_path = f"{subfolder}/{n}" else: rel_path = n # if explicit name is provided use that for display name if name: n = name return f"[{n}]({rel_path}.md)"
[docs] def inheritance_tree(self, element: Definition, children: bool = True, **kwargs) -> str: """ Show an element in the context of its is-a hierarchy Limitations: currently only implemented for markdown (uses nested bullets) :param element: slot or class to be shown :param children: if true, show direct children :param mixins: if true, show mixins alongside each element :param kwargs: :return: """ s, depth = self._tree(element,, **kwargs) if children: if isinstance(element, ClassDefinition): all_children = self.schemaview.class_children(, mixins=False) else: all_children = self.schemaview.slot_children(, mixins=False) for c in all_children: s += self._tree_info(self.schemaview.get_element(c), depth + 1, **kwargs) return s
def _tree( self, element: Definition, mixins=True, descriptions=False, focus: DefinitionName = None, ) -> Tuple[str, int]: sv = self.schemaview if element.is_a: pre, depth = self._tree( sv.get_element(element.is_a), mixins=mixins, descriptions=descriptions, focus=focus, ) depth += 1 else: pre, depth = "", 0 s = pre s += self._tree_info(element, depth, mixins=mixins, descriptions=descriptions, focus=focus) return s, depth def _tree_info( self, element: Definition, depth: int, mixins=True, descriptions=False, focus: DefinitionName = None, ) -> str: indent = " " * depth * 4 if self.use_slot_uris or self.use_class_uris: name = self.schemaview.get_element(element).name else: name = if == focus: lname = f"**{name}**" else: lname = s = f"{indent}* {lname}" if mixins and element.mixins: s += " [" if element.mixins: for m in element.mixins: s += f" {}" s += "]" s += "\n" return s
[docs] @staticmethod def bullet(e: Element, meta_slot: SlotDefinitionName, backquote=False) -> str: """ Render tag-value for an element as a bullet Limitations: currently hardcoded to be markdown :param e: element that holds the property, e.g. Person :param meta_slot: metamodel property to be shown, e.g. comments :param backquote: if true, render as backquote :return: formatted string """ v = getattr(e, meta_slot, None) if v: if backquote: v = v.replace("`", "\\`") v = f"`{v}`" return f"* [{meta_slot}]({meta_slot}): {v}\n" else: return ""
[docs] @staticmethod def number_value_range(e: Union[SlotDefinition, TypeDefinition]) -> str: """ Render the minimum and maximum values for a slot or type as a range, e.g 5-100 :param e: :return: """ r = None if isinstance(e, TypeDefinition): # TODO: new version return None if e.minimum_value is not None: if e.maximum_value is not None: r = f"{e.minimum_value} to {e.maximum_value}" else: r = f">= {e.minimum_value}" else: if e.maximum_value is not None: r = f"<= {e.maximum_value}" return r
[docs] @staticmethod def cardinality(slot: SlotDefinition) -> str: """ Render combination of required, multivalued, recommended, and exact_cardinality as a range, according to Mermaid conventions. Considers 'required' and 'multivalued' to set defaults for 'minimum_cardinality' and 'maximum_cardinality'. Reference: The different cardinality options are: - 1 Only 1 - 0..1 Zero or One - 1..* One or more - * Many - n n (where n>1) - 0..n zero to n (where n>1) - 1..n one to n (where n>1) :param slot: SlotDefinition :return: cardinality string as used in Mermaid diagrams """ if slot.exact_cardinality is not None: cardinality = str(slot.exact_cardinality) # handles 'n' case else: if slot.required or slot.identifier: min_card = "1" else: min_card = str(slot.minimum_cardinality) if slot.minimum_cardinality is not None else "0" if slot.multivalued: max_card = "*" else: max_card = str(slot.maximum_cardinality) if slot.maximum_cardinality is not None else "1" if min_card == "0": if max_card == "1": cardinality = "0..1" # handles '0..1' case elif max_card == "*": cardinality = "*" # handles '*' case else: cardinality = f"0..{max_card}" # handles '0..n' case elif min_card == "1": if max_card == "1": cardinality = "1" # handles '1' case elif max_card == "*": cardinality = "1..*" # handles '1..*' case else: cardinality = f"1..{max_card}" # handles '1..n' case else: if max_card == "*": cardinality = f"{min_card}..*" # handles 'n..*' case else: cardinality = f"{min_card}..{max_card}" # handles 'n..m' case if slot.recommended: cardinality += " _recommended_" return cardinality
[docs] def mermaid_directive(self) -> str: """ Writes a mermaid directive. See <>_ This comes after the triple-backtick. Note that the directive varies depending on whether the dialect is the default python markdown (used by mkdocs) or MyST (used if you have a sphinx site) """ if self.dialect is not None and self.dialect == MarkdownDialect.myst: return "{mermaid}" else: return "mermaid"
[docs] def mermaid_diagram(self, class_names: List[Union[str, ClassDefinitionName]] = None) -> str: """ Render a mermaid diagram for a set of classes :param class_names: :return: """ if self.diagram_type.value == DiagramType.er_diagram.value: erdgen = ERDiagramGenerator(self.schemaview.schema, format="mermaid") if class_names: return erdgen.serialize_classes(class_names, follow_references=True, max_hops=2) else: return erdgen.serialize() elif self.diagram_type.value == DiagramType.mermaid_class_diagram.value:"This is currently handled in the jinja templates") elif self.diagram_type.value == DiagramType.plantuml_class_diagram.value: plantumlgen = PlantumlGenerator(self.schema) plantuml_diagram = plantumlgen.serialize(classes=class_names) self.logger.debug(f"Created PlantUML diagram for class: {class_names}") return plantuml_diagram else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Diagram type {self.diagram_type} not implemented")
[docs] @staticmethod def latex(text: Optional[str]) -> str: """ Makes text safe for latex NOTE: may be incomplete! :param text: :return: """ if text is None: text = "" return text.replace("_", "\\_")
[docs] def yaml(self, element: Element, inferred=False) -> str: """ Render element as YAML :param element: :param inferred: (classes only) show all induced slots as attributes :return: yaml string """ if not inferred: return yaml_dumper.dumps(element) else: if not isinstance(element, ClassDefinition): raise ValueError(f"Inferred only applicable for classes, not {} {type(element)}") # TODO: move this code to schemaview c = deepcopy(element) attrs = self.schemaview.class_induced_slots( for a in attrs: c.attributes[] = a c.slots = [] return yaml_dumper.dumps(c)
[docs] def class_induced_slots(self, class_name: ClassDefinitionName) -> Iterator[SlotDefinition]: """ Yields all induced slots for a class Ensures rank is non-null :param class_name: :return: iterator """ elts = self.schemaview.class_induced_slots(class_name) _ensure_ranked(elts) for e in elts: yield e
[docs] def all_class_objects(self) -> Iterator[ClassDefinition]: """ all class objects in schema Ensures rank is non-null :return: iterator """ elts = self.schemaview.all_classes(imports=self.mergeimports).values() _ensure_ranked(elts) for e in elts: yield e
[docs] def all_slot_objects(self) -> Iterator[SlotDefinition]: """ all slot objects in schema Ensures rank is non-null :return: iterator """ elts = self.schemaview.all_slots(imports=self.mergeimports).values() _ensure_ranked(elts) for e in elts: yield e
[docs] def all_type_objects(self) -> Iterator[TypeDefinition]: """ all type objects in schema Ensures rank is non-null :return: iterator """ elts = self.schemaview.all_types(imports=self.mergeimports).values() _ensure_ranked(elts) for e in elts: yield e
[docs] def all_type_object_names(self) -> List[TypeDefinitionName]: return [ for t in list(self.all_type_objects())]
[docs] def all_enum_objects(self) -> Iterator[EnumDefinition]: """ all enum objects in schema Ensures rank is non-null :return: iterator """ elts = self.schemaview.all_enums(imports=self.mergeimports).values() _ensure_ranked(elts) for e in elts: yield e
[docs] def all_subset_objects(self) -> Iterator[SubsetDefinition]: """ all enum objects in schema Ensures rank is non-null :return: iterator """ elts = self.schemaview.all_subsets(imports=self.mergeimports).values() _ensure_ranked(elts) for e in elts: yield e
[docs] def class_hierarchy_as_tuples(self) -> Iterator[Tuple[int, ClassDefinitionName]]: """ Generate a hierarchical representation of all classes in the schema This is represented as a list of tuples (depth: int, cls: ClassDefinitionName), where the order is pre-order depth first traversal This can then be used to draw a hierarchy within jinja in a number of ways; e.g - markdown (by using indentation of " " * depth on a list) - tables (by placing fake indentation e.g using underscores) Simply iterate through all tuples, drawing each in the appropriate way Note: By default all classes are ordered alphabetically :return: tuples (depth: int, cls: ClassDefinitionName) """ sv = self.schemaview roots = sv.class_roots(mixins=False, imports=self.mergeimports) # by default the classes are sorted alphabetically roots = sorted(roots, key=str.casefold, reverse=True) # the stack holds tuples of depth-class that have still to be processed. # we seed this with all root classes (which have depth 0) # note the stack is processed from the last element first, ie. LIFO stack = [(0, root) for root in roots] # use iterative depth first traversal while len(stack) > 0: depth, class_name = stack.pop() yield depth, class_name children = sorted( sv.class_children(class_name=class_name, mixins=False, imports=self.mergeimports), key=str.casefold, reverse=True, ) for child in children: # depth first - place at end of stack (to be processed next) stack.append((depth + 1, child))
@staticmethod def _is_single_file_format(format: str): if format == "latex": return True else: return False
[docs] def inject_slot_info(self, slot: SlotDefinition) -> SlotDefinition: """ Injects additional information into a slot TODO: move this functionality into schemaview :param slot: :return: """ sv = self.schemaview if not slot.range: slot.range = sv.schema.default_range if not slot.range: slot.range = "string" return slot
[docs] @staticmethod def get_direct_slot_names(cls: ClassDefinition) -> List[SlotDefinitionName]: """Fetch list of all own attributes of a class, i.e., all slot names of slots that belong to the domain of a class. :param cls: class for which we want to determine the attributes :return: list of names of all own attributes of a class """ return cls.slots + list(cls.attributes.keys())
[docs] def get_direct_slots(self, cls: ClassDefinition) -> List[SlotDefinition]: """Fetch list of all own attributes of a class, i.e., all slots that belong to the domain of a class. :param cls: class for which we want to determine the attributes :return: list of all own attributes of a class """ return [ self.inject_slot_info(self.schemaview.induced_slot(sn, for sn in self.get_direct_slot_names(cls) ]
[docs] def get_indirect_slots(self, cls: ClassDefinition) -> List[SlotDefinition]: """Fetch list of all inherited attributes of a class, i.e., all slots that belong to the domain of a class. :param cls: class for which we want to determine the attributes :return: list of all own attributes of a class """ sv = self.schemaview direct_slot_names = self.get_direct_slot_names(cls) return [ self.inject_slot_info(slot) for slot in sv.class_induced_slots( if not in direct_slot_names ]
[docs] def get_slot_inherited_from( self, class_name: ClassDefinitionName, slot_name: SlotDefinitionName ) -> List[ClassDefinitionName]: """Get the name of the class that a given slot is inherited from. :param class_name: name of the class whose slot we are checking :param slot_name: name of slot in consideration :return: list of classes """ sv = self.schemaview induced_slot = sv.induced_slot(slot_name, class_name) ancestors = sv.class_ancestors(class_name) return list(set(induced_slot.domain_of).intersection(ancestors))
[docs] def get_mixin_inherited_slots(self, cls: ClassDefinition) -> Dict[str, List[str]]: """Fetch list of all slots acquired through mixing. :param cls: class for which we want to determine the mixed in slots :return: list of all mixed in slots from each mixin class """ mixed_in_slots = {} sv = self.schemaview mixins = sv.class_parents(, mixins=True, is_a=False) for c in mixins: mixed_in_slots[c] = sv.class_slots(c) return mixed_in_slots
[docs] def example_object_blobs(self, class_name: str) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]: """Fetch list of all examples of a class. :param class_name: class for which we want to determine the examples :return: list of all examples of a class """ if not self.example_runner: return [] inputs = self.example_runner.example_source_inputs(class_name) objs = [] for input in inputs: stem = Path(input).stem with open(input, encoding="utf-8") as f: objs.append((stem, return objs
@shared_arguments(DocGenerator) @click.option( "--directory", "-d", required=True, help="Folder to which document files are written", ) @click.option("--index-name", default="index", show_default=True, help="Name of the index document.") @click.option("--dialect", help="Dialect or 'flavor' of Markdown used.") @click.option( "--diagram-type", type=click.Choice([e.value for e in DiagramType]), help="Type of UML diagram to be rendered on class documentation pages.", ) @click.option( "--include-top-level-diagram/--no-include-top-level-diagram", default=False, show_default=True, help="Include ER diagram of the entire schema on index page.", ) @click.option( "--sort-by", default="name", show_default=True, help="Metaslot to use to sort elements by e.g. rank, name, title", ) @click.option( "--genmeta/--no-genmeta", default=False, show_default=True, help="Generating metamodel. Only use this for generating", ) @click.option("--template-directory", help="Folder in which custom templates are kept") @click.option( "--use-slot-uris/--no-use-slot-uris", default=False, help="Use IDs from slot_uri instead of names", ) @click.option( "--use-class-uris/--no-use-class-uris", default=False, help="Use IDs from class_uri instead of names", ) @click.option( "--hierarchical-class-view/--no-hierarchical-class-view", default=True, help="Render class table on index page in a hierarchically indented view", ) @click.option( "--example-directory", help="Folder in which example files are found. These are used to make inline examples", ) @click.option( "-d", "--include", help=""" Include LinkML Schema outside of imports mechanism. Helpful in including deprecated classes and slots in a separate YAML, and including it when necessary but not by default (e.g. in documentation or for backwards compatibility) """, ) @click.version_option(__version__, "-V", "--version") @click.command() def cli( yamlfile, directory, index_name, dialect, template_directory, use_slot_uris, use_class_uris, hierarchical_class_view, **args, ): """Generate documentation folder from a LinkML YAML schema Currently a default set of templates for markdown is provided (see the folder linkml/generators/docgen/) If you specify another format (e.g. html) then you need to provide a template_directory argument, with a template for each type of entity inside. Examples can optionally be integrated into the documentation; to enable this, pass in the --example-directory argument. The example directory should contain one file per example, following the naming convention <ClassName>-<ExampleName>.<extension>. For example, to include examples on the page for Person, include examples Person-001.yaml, Person-002.yaml, etc. Currently examples must be in yaml """ gen = DocGenerator( yamlfile, directory=directory, dialect=dialect, template_directory=template_directory, use_slot_uris=use_slot_uris, use_class_uris=use_class_uris, hierarchical_class_view=hierarchical_class_view, index_name=index_name, **args, ) print(gen.serialize()) if __name__ == "__main__": cli()