"""Generate OWL ontology representation of a LinkML schema."""
import logging
import os
from collections import defaultdict
from copy import copy
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from enum import Enum, unique
from typing import Any, List, Mapping, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union
import click
import rdflib
from linkml_runtime import SchemaView
from linkml_runtime.linkml_model.meta import (
from linkml_runtime.utils.formatutils import camelcase, underscore
from linkml_runtime.utils.introspection import package_schemaview
from rdflib import DCTERMS, OWL, RDF, XSD, BNode, Graph, Literal, URIRef
from rdflib.collection import Collection
from rdflib.namespace import RDFS, SKOS
from rdflib.plugin import Parser as rdflib_Parser
from rdflib.plugin import plugins as rdflib_plugins
from linkml._version import __version__
from linkml.utils.generator import Generator, shared_arguments
OWL_TYPE = URIRef ## RDFS.Literal or OWL.Thing
SWRL = rdflib.Namespace("http://www.w3.org/2003/11/swrl#")
SWRLB = rdflib.Namespace("http://www.w3.org/2003/11/swrlb#")
class MetadataProfile(Enum):
An enumeration of the different kinds of profiles used for
metadata of generated OWL elements
linkml = "linkml"
"""Default, uses the slot URIs from the LinkML metamodel"""
rdfs = "rdfs"
"""RDFS conventions, using core RDFS properties preferentially"""
ols = "ols"
def list():
return list(map(lambda c: c.value, MetadataProfile))
class OWLProfile(Enum):
An enumeration of OWL Profiles.
dl = "dl"
"""Here this means strict OWL DL, with no punning."""
full = "full"
"""May include punning (metaclasses)."""
def list():
return list(map(lambda c: c.value, MetadataProfile))
class OwlSchemaGenerator(Generator):
Generates a schema-oriented OWL representation of a LinkML model
`OWL Generator Docs <https://linkml.io/linkml/generators/owl>`_
- LinkML ClassDefinitions are translated to OWL Classes
- LinkML SlotDefinitions are translated to OWL Properties
- LinkML Enumerations are translated to OWL Classes
- LinkML TypeDefinitions are translated to OWL Datatypes
The translation aims to be as faithful as possible. But note that OWL is open-world,
whereas LinkML is closed-world
# ClassVars
generatorname = os.path.basename(__file__)
generatorversion = "0.1.1"
valid_formats = ["owl", "ttl"] + [x.name for x in rdflib_plugins(None, rdflib_Parser) if "/" not in str(x.name)]
file_extension = "owl"
uses_schemaloader = False
ontology_uri_suffix: str = None
"""Suffix to add to the schema name to create the ontology URI, e.g. .owl.ttl"""
# ObjectVars
metadata_profile: MetadataProfile = None
"""Deprecated - use metadata_profiles."""
metadata_profiles: List[MetadataProfile] = field(default_factory=lambda: [])
"""By default, use the linkml metadata profile,
this allows for overrides."""
metaclasses: bool = True
"""if True, include OWL representations of ClassDefinition, SlotDefinition, etc. Introduces punning"""
add_root_classes: bool = False
add_ols_annotations: bool = True
graph: Optional[Graph] = None
"""Mutable graph that is being built up during OWL generation."""
top_value_uri: Optional[URIRef] = None
"""If metaclasses=True, then this property is used to connect object shadows to literals"""
type_objects: bool = True
"""if True, represents types as classes (and thus all slots are object properties);
typed object classes effectively shadow the main xsd literal types.
The purpose of this is to allow a uniform ObjectProperty representation for all slots,
without having to commit to being either Data or Object property (OWL-DL does not
allow a property to be both."""
assert_equivalent_classes: bool = False
"""If True, assert equivalence between definition_uris and class_uris"""
use_native_uris: bool = True
"""If True, use the definition_uris, otherwise use class_uris."""
mixins_as_expressions: bool = None
"""EXPERIMENTAL: If True, use OWL existential restrictions to represent mixins"""
default_permissible_value_type: Union[str, URIRef] = field(default_factory=lambda: OWL.Class)
slot_is_literal_map: Mapping[str, Set[bool]] = field(default_factory=lambda: defaultdict(set))
"""DEPRECATED: use node_owltypes"""
node_owltypes: Mapping[Union[BNode, URIRef], Set[OWL_TYPE]] = field(default_factory=lambda: defaultdict(set))
"""rdfs:Datatype, owl:Thing"""
simplify: bool = True
"""Reduce complex expressions to simpler forms"""
use_swrl: bool = False
"""Use of SWRL is experimental"""
target_profile: OWLProfile = field(default_factory=lambda: OWLProfile.dl)
"""Target OWL profile. Currently the only distinction is between DL and Full"""
metamodel_schemaview: SchemaView = field(
default_factory=lambda: package_schemaview("linkml_runtime.linkml_model.meta")
def as_graph(self) -> Graph:
Generate an rdflib Graph from the LinkML schema.
sv = self.schemaview
schema = sv.schema
owl_id = schema.id
if self.ontology_uri_suffix:
owl_id = f"{owl_id}{self.ontology_uri_suffix}"
mergeimports = self.mergeimports
base = URIRef(owl_id)
# initialize the rdflib Graph where all axiom triples will be added
graph = Graph(identifier=base)
self.graph = graph
for prefix in self.metamodel.schema.emit_prefixes:
self.graph.bind(prefix, self.metamodel.namespaces[prefix])
for pfx in schema.prefixes.values():
self.graph.namespace_manager.bind(pfx.prefix_prefix, URIRef(pfx.prefix_reference))
graph.add((base, RDF.type, OWL.Ontology))
# Add main schema elements
for cls in sv.all_classes(imports=mergeimports).values():
for a in cls.attributes.values():
self.add_slot(a, attribute=True)
for slot in sv.all_slots(imports=mergeimports, attributes=False).values():
self.add_slot(slot, attribute=False)
for typ in sv.all_types(imports=mergeimports).values():
for enm in sv.all_enums(imports=mergeimports).values():
if not mergeimports:
for imp in schema.imports:
if imp == "linkml:types":
graph.add((base, OWL.imports, self._schema_uri(imp)))
# Add metadata as annotation properties
self.add_metadata(schema, base)
return graph
[docs] def serialize(self, **kwargs) -> str:
Serialize the OWL triple graph to a standard RDF serialization format.
:param kwargs:
data = self.graph.serialize(format="turtle" if self.format in ["owl", "ttl"] else self.format)
return data
def add_metadata(self, e: Definition, uri: URIRef) -> None:
Add annotation properties.
Set the profile attribute to the appropriate OWL profile.
:param e: schema element
:param uri: URI representation of schema element
msv = self.metamodel_schemaview
this_sv = self.schemaview
sn_mappings = msv.slot_name_mappings()
# iterate through all the assigned metamodel slots
for metaslot_name, metaslot_value in vars(e).items():
if not metaslot_value:
# ignore if unset or an empty list
metaslot_name = sn_mappings.get(metaslot_name).name
metaslot = msv.induced_slot(metaslot_name, e.class_name)
metaslot_curie = msv.get_uri(metaslot, native=False, expand=False)
if metaslot_curie.startswith("linkml:"):
# only mapped properties
metaslot_uri = URIRef(msv.get_uri(metaslot, native=False, expand=True))
if metaslot_name == "description" and self.has_profile(MetadataProfile.rdfs):
metaslot_uri = RDFS.comment
metaslot_range = metaslot.range
if not isinstance(metaslot_value, list):
metaslot_value = [metaslot_value]
for v in metaslot_value:
if metaslot_range in msv.all_types():
if metaslot_range == "uri":
obj = URIRef(v)
elif metaslot_range == "uriorcurie":
obj = URIRef(this_sv.expand_curie(v))
obj = Literal(v)
elif metaslot_range in msv.all_subsets():
obj = Literal(v) # TODO
elif metaslot_range in msv.all_classes():
# if isinstance(v, str):
# obj = URIRef(msv.expand_curie(v))
# else:
# logging.debug(f"Skipping {uri} {metaslot_uri} => {v}")
obj = Literal(v)
self.graph.add((uri, metaslot_uri, obj))
for k, v in e.annotations.items():
if isinstance(v, dict) or isinstance(v, list):
if ":" not in k:
default_prefix = this_sv.schema.default_prefix
if default_prefix in this_sv.schema.prefixes:
default_prefix = this_sv.schema.prefixes[default_prefix].prefix_reference
k = default_prefix + k
k_uri = this_sv.expand_curie(k)
k_uri = this_sv.expand_curie(k)
if k_uri == k:
k_uri = None
if k_uri:
self.graph.add((uri, URIRef(k_uri), Literal(v.value)))
def add_class(self, cls: ClassDefinition) -> None:
Each ClassDefinition is represented as an OWL class.
* the OWL Class will instantiate ClassDefinition, if schema.metaclasses is true
* the OWL Class will be annotated using the same properties as the source ClassDefinition
* induced slots and their ranges added as OWL restrictions; note this will be under the Open World Assumption
This method works by generating an OWL ontology via populating triples in a graph.
To understand how the RDF-level operations here related to the OWL
representation, consult https://www.w3.org/TR/owl2-mapping-to-rdf/
:param cls:
sv = self.schemaview
cls_uri = self._class_uri(cls.name)
self.add_metadata(cls, cls_uri)
# add declaration
self.graph.add((cls_uri, RDF.type, OWL.Class))
if self.metaclasses:
# instantiate metaclasses -- introduces punning
# Parent classes: is_a and mixins
has_parent = False
if cls.is_a:
self.graph.add((cls_uri, RDFS.subClassOf, self._class_uri(cls.is_a)))
has_parent = True
for mixin in sorted(cls.mixins):
parent = self._class_uri(mixin)
if self.mixins_as_expressions:
parent = self._some_values_from(self._metaslot_uri("mixins"), parent)
has_parent = True
self.graph.add((cls_uri, RDFS.subClassOf, parent))
if not has_parent and self.add_root_classes:
# If user selects add_root_classes, then all classes will be subclasses of LinkML:ClassDefinition
if cls.mixin and self.mixins_as_expressions:
self.graph.add((cls_uri, RDFS.subClassOf, self._mixin_grouping_class_uri()))
self.graph.add((cls_uri, RDFS.subClassOf, URIRef(ClassDefinition.class_class_uri)))
if self.has_profile(MetadataProfile.ols):
# Add annotations for browser hints. See https://www.ebi.ac.uk/ols/docs/installation-guide
if cls.is_a is None:
if len(cls.mixins) == 0:
# Any class that is not a mixin and is a root serves as a potential entry point
if cls.class_uri:
# If a class_ur is assigned, and it is different from model class_uri, then
# Add an assertion that links the two
mapped_uri = sv.get_uri(cls, expand=True, native=not self.use_native_uris)
if cls_uri != mapped_uri:
p = OWL.equivalentClass if self.assert_equivalent_classes else SKOS.exactMatch
self.graph.add((URIRef(cls_uri), p, URIRef(mapped_uri)))
subject_expr = URIRef(cls_uri)
if self.mixins_as_expressions and cls.mixin:
subject_expr = self._some_values_from(self._metaslot_uri("mixins"), subject_expr)
# type designator yield GCI rules
# E.g. if C has a type designator slot t,
# then create an axiom: (t some C) subClassOf C.
type_designator = sv.get_type_designator_slot(cls.name)
if type_designator:
td_prop = self._prop_uri(type_designator.name)
restr = self._some_values_from(td_prop, subject_expr)
self.graph.add((restr, RDFS.subClassOf, subject_expr))
# unique key constraints are mapped to OWL hasKey
if cls.unique_keys:
for uk in cls.unique_keys.values():
uk_props = [self._prop_uri(slot) for slot in uk.unique_key_slots]
uk_props_listnode = BNode()
Collection(self.graph, uk_props_listnode, uk_props)
self.graph.add((subject_expr, OWL.hasKey, uk_props_listnode))
def condition_to_bnode(expr: AnonymousClassExpression) -> Optional[BNode]:
# inner function: translate a LinkML class expression to an OWL class expression.
ixn_listnode = self.transform_class_expression(expr, quantifier_predicate=OWL.someValuesFrom)
if not ixn_listnode:
return None
if expr.is_a:
ixn_listnode = self._intersection_of([ixn_listnode, self._class_uri(expr.is_a)])
return ixn_listnode
# rules yield OWL GCI subClassOf axioms
for rule in cls.rules:
pre_node = condition_to_bnode(rule.preconditions)
if not pre_node:
pre_node = self._intersection_of([pre_node, subject_expr])
post_node = condition_to_bnode(rule.postconditions)
if not post_node:
self.graph.add((pre_node, RDFS.subClassOf, post_node))
# classification rules yield OWL GCI subClassOf axioms
for expr in cls.classification_rules:
ixn_listnode = condition_to_bnode(expr)
self.graph.add((ixn_listnode, RDFS.subClassOf, subject_expr))
# Other axioms, including those from anonymous expressions
superclass_expr = self.transform_class_expression(cls)
if superclass_expr:
ixn_listnodes = []
if isinstance(superclass_expr, BNode):
ixn_listnodes = list(self.graph.objects(superclass_expr, OWL.intersectionOf))
if self.simplify and ixn_listnodes:
# simplify
if len(ixn_listnodes) > 1:
raise AssertionError
ixn_listnode = ixn_listnodes[0]
if not isinstance(ixn_listnode, BNode):
raise AssertionError
for x in Collection(self.graph, ixn_listnode):
self.graph.add((subject_expr, RDFS.subClassOf, x))
self.graph.remove((superclass_expr, OWL.intersectionOf, ixn_listnodes[0]))
self.graph.add((subject_expr, RDFS.subClassOf, superclass_expr))
def get_own_slots(self, cls: Union[ClassDefinition, AnonymousClassExpression]) -> List[SlotDefinition]:
Get the slots that are defined on a class, excluding those that are inherited.
:param cls:
sv = self.schemaview
if isinstance(cls, ClassDefinition):
own_slots = (
list(cls.slot_usage.values()) + list(cls.attributes.values()) + list(cls.slot_conditions.values())
for slot_name in cls.slots:
# if slot_name not in cls.slot_usage:
slot = sv.get_slot(slot_name)
if slot:
logging.warning(f"Unknown top-level slot {slot_name}")
own_slots = []
# merge slots with the same name
slot_map = {}
for slot in own_slots:
if slot.name in slot_map:
for k, v in slot.__dict__.items():
curr = slot_map[slot.name].get(k, None)
if v and not curr:
slot_map[slot.name][k] = v
slot_map[slot.name] = copy(slot.__dict__)
own_slots = [SlotDefinition(**v) for v in slot_map.values()]
# sort by name
own_slots.sort(key=lambda x: x.name)
return own_slots
def transform_class_expression(
cls: Union[ClassDefinition, AnonymousClassExpression],
quantifier_predicate: URIRef = OWL.allValuesFrom,
) -> BNode:
Transform a LinkML class expression into an OWL expression.
If the class includes boolean expressions, then these
are recursively transformed (each such inner expression is
an anonymous expression)
:param cls: LinkML class expression (anonymous if called recursively)
:param quantifier_predicate:
:return: blank node representing the OWL expression
if cls is None:
cls = AnonymousClassExpression()
graph = self.graph
sv = self.schemaview
own_slots = self.get_own_slots(cls)
owl_exprs = []
if cls.any_of:
owl_exprs.append(self._union_of([self.transform_class_expression(x) for x in cls.any_of]))
if cls.exactly_one_of:
sub_exprs = [self.transform_class_expression(x) for x in cls.exactly_one_of]
if isinstance(cls, ClassDefinition):
cls_uri = self._class_uri(cls.name)
listnode = BNode()
Collection(graph, listnode, sub_exprs)
graph.add((cls_uri, OWL.disjointUnionOf, listnode))
sub_sub_exprs = []
for i, x in enumerate(cls.exactly_one_of):
rest = cls.exactly_one_of[0:i] + cls.exactly_one_of[i + 1 :]
neg_expr = self._complement_of_union_of([self.transform_class_expression(nx) for nx in rest])
pos_expr = self._intersection_of([self.transform_class_expression(x), neg_expr])
# owl_exprs.extend(sub_exprs)
if cls.all_of:
owl_exprs.append(self._intersection_of([self.transform_class_expression(x) for x in cls.all_of]))
if cls.none_of:
owl_exprs.append(self._complement_of_union_of([self.transform_class_expression(x) for x in cls.none_of]))
for slot in own_slots:
if slot.name:
owltypes = self.slot_node_owltypes(sv.get_slot(slot.name), owning_class=cls)
owltypes = self.slot_node_owltypes(slot, owning_class=cls)
x = self.transform_class_slot_expression(cls, slot, slot, owltypes)
if not x:
range = sv.schema.default_range
if range and OWL.Thing not in owltypes:
if range in sv.all_types():
x = self._type_uri(range)
elif range in sv.all_enums():
x = self._enum_uri(range)
elif range in sv.all_classes():
x = self._class_uri(range)
raise ValueError(f"Unknown range {range}")
# x = self._class_uri(range)
x = OWL.Thing
slot_uri = self._prop_uri(slot)
if slot.name in sv.all_slots():
top_slot = sv.get_slot(slot.name)
top_slot = slot
avf = BNode()
graph.add((avf, RDF.type, OWL.Restriction))
graph.add((avf, quantifier_predicate, x))
graph.add((avf, OWL.onProperty, slot_uri))
if isinstance(cls, AnonymousClassExpression):
# cardinality constraints only belong at the top level
min_card_expr = BNode()
min_card = 1 if slot.required or top_slot.required else 0
graph.add((min_card_expr, RDF.type, OWL.Restriction))
graph.add((min_card_expr, OWL.minCardinality, Literal(min_card)))
graph.add((min_card_expr, OWL.onProperty, slot_uri))
if not slot.multivalued and not top_slot.multivalued:
max_card_expr = BNode()
graph.add((max_card_expr, RDF.type, OWL.Restriction))
graph.add((max_card_expr, OWL.maxCardinality, Literal(1)))
graph.add((max_card_expr, OWL.onProperty, slot_uri))
if slot.has_member:
has_member_expr = self.transform_class_slot_expression(cls, slot.has_member, slot)
if has_member_expr:
owl_exprs.append(self._some_values_from(slot_uri, has_member_expr))
return self._intersection_of(owl_exprs)
def slot_node_owltypes(
slot: Union[SlotDefinition, AnonymousSlotExpression],
owning_class: Optional[Union[ClassDefinition, AnonymousClassExpression]] = None,
) -> Set[URIRef]:
Determine the OWL types of a named slot or slot expression
The OWL type is either OWL.Thing or RDFS.Datatype
:param slot:
:param owning_class:
sv = self.schemaview
node_types = set()
if isinstance(slot, SlotDefinition):
slot_range = slot.range
if isinstance(owning_class, ClassDefinition):
slot_range = sv.induced_slot(slot.name, owning_class.name).range
if slot_range in sv.all_classes():
range_class = sv.get_class(slot_range)
if not (range_class and range_class.class_uri == "linkml:Any"):
if slot.range in sv.all_types():
for k in ["any_of", "all_of", "exactly_one_of", "none_of"]:
subslot = getattr(slot, k, None)
if subslot:
node_types.update(self.slot_node_owltypes(subslot, owning_class=owning_class))
return node_types
def transform_class_slot_expression(
cls: Optional[Union[ClassDefinition, AnonymousClassExpression]],
slot: Union[SlotDefinition, AnonymousSlotExpression],
main_slot: SlotDefinition = None,
owl_types: Set[OWL_TYPE] = None,
) -> Optional[Union[BNode, URIRef]]:
Take a ClassExpression and SlotExpression combination and transform to a node.
:param cls:
:param slot:
:param main_slot:
:param owl_types:
sv = self.schemaview
if main_slot is None:
if not isinstance(slot, SlotDefinition):
raise ValueError(f"Must pass main slot for {slot}")
main_slot = slot
owl_exprs = []
if slot.all_members:
owl_exprs.append(self.transform_class_slot_expression(cls, slot.all_members, main_slot, owl_types))
if slot.any_of:
[self.transform_class_slot_expression(cls, x, main_slot, owl_types) for x in slot.any_of]
if slot.all_of:
[self.transform_class_slot_expression(cls, x, main_slot, owl_types) for x in slot.all_of]
if slot.none_of:
[self.transform_class_slot_expression(cls, x, main_slot, owl_types) for x in slot.none_of]
if slot.exactly_one_of:
disj_exprs = []
for i, operand in enumerate(slot.exactly_one_of):
rest = slot.exactly_one_of[0:i] + slot.exactly_one_of[i + 1 :]
neg_expr = self._complement_of_union_of(
[self.transform_class_slot_expression(cls, x, main_slot, owl_types) for x in rest],
pos_expr = self._intersection_of(
[self.transform_class_slot_expression(cls, operand, main_slot, owl_types), neg_expr],
owl_exprs.append(self._union_of(disj_exprs, owl_types=owl_types))
range = slot.range
# if not range and not owl_exprs:
# range = sv.schema.default_range
this_owl_types = set()
if range:
if range in sv.all_types(imports=True):
typ = sv.get_type(range)
if self.type_objects:
elif range in sv.all_enums(imports=True):
# TODO: enums fill this in
elif range in sv.all_classes(imports=True):
raise ValueError(f"Unknown range {range}")
is_literal = None
if owl_types:
is_literal = RDFS.Datatype in owl_types
constraints_exprs, constraints_owltypes = self.add_constraints(slot, is_literal=is_literal)
this_expr = self._intersection_of(owl_exprs, owl_types=this_owl_types)
self.node_owltypes[this_expr].update(self._get_owltypes(this_owl_types, owl_exprs))
return this_expr
def add_constraints(
element: Union[SlotDefinition, AnonymousSlotExpression, TypeDefinition, AnonymousTypeExpression],
is_literal: Optional[bool] = None,
) -> Tuple[List[BNode], Set[OWL_TYPE]]:
owl_types = set()
owl_exprs = []
graph = self.graph
constraints = {
XSD.minInclusive: element.minimum_value,
XSD.maxInclusive: element.maximum_value,
XSD.pattern: element.pattern, # TODO: map between ECMAScript and XSD regular expressions
if element.equals_number is not None:
constraints[XSD.minInclusive] = element.equals_number
constraints[XSD.maxInclusive] = element.equals_number
if element.equals_string is not None:
equals_string = element.equals_string
if is_literal is None:
logging.warning(f"ignoring equals_string={equals_string} as unable to tell if literal")
elif is_literal:
constraints[XSD.pattern] = equals_string
eq_uri = URIRef(self.schemaview.expand_curie(equals_string))
if element.equals_string_in:
equals_string_in = element.equals_string_in
if is_literal is None:
logging.warning(f"ignoring equals_string={equals_string_in} as unable to tell if literal")
elif is_literal:
dt_exprs = [
self._datatype_restriction(XSD.string, [self._facet(XSD.pattern, s)]) for s in equals_string_in
union_expr = self._union_of(dt_exprs, owl_types={RDFS.Literal})
eq_uris = [URIRef(self.schemaview.expand_curie(s)) for s in equals_string_in]
for constraint_prop, constraint_val in constraints.items():
if is_literal is not None and not is_literal:
# In LinkML, it is permissible to have a literal constraints on slots that refer to
# other objects. E.g. a pattern on a in_organization slot which refers to an Organization
# will be applied to the id of that Organization.
# To support this in OWL we would need to change this to a complex expression - for
# now we will skip this.
# See: https://github.com/linkml/linkml/issues/1841
if constraint_val is not None:
dr = BNode()
graph.add((dr, RDF.type, RDFS.Datatype))
if isinstance(constraint_val, float):
graph.add((dr, OWL.onDatatype, XSD.float))
elif isinstance(constraint_val, int):
graph.add((dr, OWL.onDatatype, XSD.integer))
graph.add((dr, OWL.onDatatype, XSD.string))
listnode = BNode()
x = BNode()
Collection(graph, listnode, [x])
graph.add((dr, OWL.withRestrictions, listnode))
graph.add((x, constraint_prop, Literal(constraint_val)))
return owl_exprs, owl_types
def add_slot(self, slot: SlotDefinition, attribute=False) -> None:
# determine if this is a slot that has been induced by slot_usage; if so
# the meaning of the slot is context-specific and should not be used for
# global properties
slot_uri = self._prop_uri(slot)
# Slots may be modeled as Object or Datatype Properties
# if type_objects is True, then ALL slots are ObjectProperties
self.graph.add((slot_uri, RDF.type, self.slot_owl_type(slot)))
if self.metaclasses:
# add metaclass which this property instantiates -- induces punning
if attribute:
n = 0
for c in self.schemaview.all_classes().values():
for a in c.attributes.values():
att_uri = self.schemaview.get_uri(a, native=False, expand=True)
if slot_uri == URIRef(att_uri):
n += 1
if n > 1:
logging.warning(f"Ambiguous attribute: {slot.name} {slot_uri}")
self.add_metadata(slot, slot_uri)
if attribute:
range_expr = self.transform_class_slot_expression(None, slot)
if range_expr:
self.graph.add((slot_uri, RDFS.range, range_expr))
if slot.domain:
self.graph.add((slot_uri, RDFS.domain, self._class_uri(slot.domain)))
if slot.inverse:
self.graph.add((slot_uri, OWL.inverseOf, self._prop_uri(slot.inverse)))
characteristics = {
"symmetric": OWL.SymmetricProperty,
"asymmetric": OWL.AsymmetricProperty,
"transitive": OWL.TransitiveProperty,
"reflexive": OWL.ReflexiveProperty,
"irreflexive": OWL.IrreflexiveProperty,
for metaslot, uri in characteristics.items():
if getattr(slot, metaslot, False):
self.graph.add((slot_uri, RDF.type, uri))
if slot.is_a:
self.graph.add((slot_uri, RDFS.subPropertyOf, self._prop_uri(slot.is_a)))
for mixin in slot.mixins:
self.graph.add((slot_uri, RDFS.subPropertyOf, self._prop_uri(mixin)))
def add_type(self, typ: TypeDefinition) -> None:
type_uri = self._type_uri(typ.name)
if typ.from_schema == "https://w3id.org/linkml/types":
if self.metaclasses:
# self._add_element_properties(type_uri, typ)
if self.type_objects:
self.graph.add((type_uri, RDF.type, OWL.Class))
if typ.typeof:
self.graph.add((type_uri, RDFS.subClassOf, self._type_uri(typ.typeof)))
if not self.top_value_uri:
self.top_value_uri = self.metamodel.namespaces[METAMODEL_NAMESPACE_NAME]["topValue"]
self.graph.add((self.top_value_uri, RDF.type, OWL.DatatypeProperty))
self.graph.add((self.top_value_uri, RDFS.label, Literal("value")))
restr = BNode()
self.graph.add((restr, RDF.type, OWL.Restriction))
self.graph.add((restr, OWL.qualifiedCardinality, Literal(1)))
self.graph.add((restr, OWL.onProperty, self.top_value_uri))
self.graph.add((restr, OWL.onDataRange, self._type_uri(typ.name)))
self.graph.add((type_uri, RDFS.subClassOf, restr))
self.graph.add((type_uri, RDF.type, RDFS.Datatype))
eq_conjunctions = []
if typ.typeof and type_uri != self._type_uri(typ.typeof):
# self.graph.add((type_uri, OWL.equivalentClass, self._type_uri(typ.typeof)))
# self.graph.add((type_uri, RDFS.subClassOf, self._type_uri(typ.typeof)))
if typ.uri and type_uri != URIRef(self.schemaview.expand_curie(typ.uri)):
# self.graph.add(
# (type_uri, OWL.equivalentClass, URIRef(self.schemaview.expand_curie(typ.uri)))
# )
constraints_exprs, _ = self.add_constraints(typ, is_literal=True)
ixn = self._intersection_of(eq_conjunctions)
if ixn:
self.graph.add((type_uri, OWL.equivalentClass, ixn))
def _get_metatype(
self, element: Union[Definition, PermissibleValue], default_value: Optional[Union[str, URIRef]] = None
) -> Optional[URIRef]:
impls = []
if isinstance(element, Definition):
if isinstance(element, PermissibleValue):
if "implements" in element.annotations:
ann = element.annotations["implements"]
v = ann.value
if not isinstance(v, list):
v = [v]
for impl in impls:
if impl.startswith("owl:"):
return OWL[impl.split(":")[1]]
if impl.startswith("rdfs:"):
return RDFS[impl.split(":")[1]]
if isinstance(default_value, str):
return URIRef(default_value)
return default_value
def add_enum(self, e: EnumDefinition) -> None:
g = self.graph
enum_uri = self._enum_uri(e.name)
g.add((enum_uri, RDF.type, OWL.Class))
has_parent = False
if e.is_a:
self.graph.add((enum_uri, RDFS.subClassOf, self._enum_uri(e.is_a)))
has_parent = True
for mixin in sorted(e.mixins):
parent = self._enum_uri(mixin)
if self.mixins_as_expressions:
parent = self._some_values_from(self._metaslot_uri("mixins"), parent)
has_parent = True
self.graph.add((enum_uri, RDFS.subClassOf, parent))
if not has_parent and self.add_root_classes:
self.graph.add((enum_uri, RDFS.subClassOf, URIRef(EnumDefinition.class_class_uri)))
if self.metaclasses:
pv_uris = []
owl_types = []
enum_owl_type = self._get_metatype(e, self.default_permissible_value_type)
for pv in e.permissible_values.values():
pv_owl_type = self._get_metatype(pv, enum_owl_type)
if pv_owl_type == RDFS.Literal:
pv_node = Literal(pv.text)
if pv.meaning:
logging.warning(f"Meaning on literal {pv.text} in {e.name} is ignored")
pv_node = self._permissible_value_uri(pv, enum_uri, e)
if not isinstance(pv_node, Literal):
g.add((pv_node, RDF.type, pv_owl_type))
g.add((pv_node, RDFS.label, Literal(pv.text)))
# TODO: make this configurable
# self._add_element_properties(pv_uri, pv)
if self.metaclasses:
g.add((pv_node, RDF.type, enum_uri))
has_parent = False
if pv.is_a:
self.graph.add((pv_node, RDFS.subClassOf, self._permissible_value_uri(pv.is_a, enum_uri, e)))
has_parent = True
for mixin in sorted(pv.mixins):
parent = self._permissible_value_uri(mixin, enum_uri, e)
if self.mixins_as_expressions:
parent = self._some_values_from(self._metaslot_uri("mixins"), parent)
has_parent = True
self.graph.add((enum_uri, RDFS.subClassOf, parent))
if not has_parent and self.add_root_classes:
self.graph.add((pv_node, RDFS.subClassOf, URIRef(PermissibleValue.class_class_uri)))
if all([pv is not None for pv in pv_uris]):
all_is_class = all([owl_type == OWL.Class for owl_type in owl_types])
all_is_individual = all([owl_type == OWL.NamedIndividual for owl_type in owl_types])
all_is_literal = all([owl_type == RDFS.Literal for owl_type in owl_types])
sub_pred = DCTERMS.isPartOf
combo_pred = None
if all_is_class or all_is_individual or all_is_literal:
if all_is_class:
combo_pred = OWL.unionOf
# self._union_of(pv_uris, node=enum_uri)
sub_pred = RDFS.subClassOf
elif all_is_individual:
combo_pred = OWL.oneOf
# self._object_one_of(pv_uris, node=enum_uri)
sub_pred = RDF.type
elif all_is_literal:
combo_pred = OWL.oneOf
# self._object_one_of(pv_uris, node=enum_uri)
sub_pred = RDF.type
if combo_pred:
self._boolean_expression(pv_uris, combo_pred, enum_uri, owl_types=set(owl_types))
for pv_node in pv_uris:
# this would normally be entailed, but we assert here so it is visible
# without reasoning
if not isinstance(pv_node, Literal):
g.add((pv_node, sub_pred, enum_uri))
def _add_rule(self, subject: Union[URIRef, BNode], rule: ClassRule, cls: ClassDefinition):
if not self.use_swrl:
logging.warning("SWRL support is experimental and incomplete")
head = []
body = []
for pre in rule.preconditions:
head.extend(self._add_rule_condition(subject, pre, cls))
for post in rule.postconditions:
body.extend(self._add_rule_condition(subject, post, cls))
self._swrl_rule(subject, body, head)
def _add_rule_condition(
subject: Union[URIRef, BNode],
condition: AnonymousClassExpression,
cls: ClassDefinition,
) -> List[BNode]:
for slot_name, expr in condition.slot_conditions.items():
var = self._swrl_var(slot_name)
if expr.maximum_value is not None:
self.graph.add((var, SWRLB.lessThanOrEqual, Literal(expr.maximum_value)))
def has_profile(self, profile: MetadataProfile, default=False) -> bool:
Determine if a metadata profile is active.
:param profile: profile to check
:param default: True if the configured profiles include the specified profile
if default and not self.metadata_profile and not self.metadata_profiles:
return True
return profile in self.metadata_profiles or profile == self.metadata_profile
def _get_owltypes(self, current: Set[OWL_TYPE], exprs: List[Union[BNode, URIRef]]) -> Set[OWL_TYPE]:
Gets the OWL types of specified expressions plus current owl types.
:param current:
:param exprs:
owltypes = set()
for x in exprs:
x_owltypes = self.node_owltypes.get(x, None)
if x_owltypes:
if len(owltypes) > 1:
logging.warning(f"Multiple owl types {owltypes}")
# if self.target_profile == OWLProfile.dl:
return owltypes
def _remove_list(self, listnode: BNode) -> None:
graph = self.graph
triples = list(graph.triples((listnode, None, None)))
while triples:
t = triples.pop(0)
subj, pred, obj = t
if pred not in [RDF.first, RDF.rest]:
if isinstance(obj, BNode):
triples.extend(graph.triples((obj, None, None)))
def _some_values_from(self, property: URIRef, filler: Union[URIRef, BNode]) -> BNode:
if not property:
raise ValueError(f"Property is required, filler: {filler}")
if not filler:
raise ValueError(f"Filler is required, property: {property}")
node = BNode()
self.graph.add((node, RDF.type, OWL.Restriction))
self.graph.add((node, OWL.onProperty, property))
self.graph.add((node, OWL.someValuesFrom, filler))
return node
def _has_value(self, property: URIRef, filler: Union[URIRef, BNode, Literal]) -> BNode:
node = BNode()
self.graph.add((node, RDF.type, OWL.Restriction))
self.graph.add((node, OWL.onProperty, property))
self.graph.add((node, OWL.hasValue, filler))
return node
def _swrl_var(var: str) -> URIRef:
return URIRef(var)
def _swrl_class_atom(self, cls_ref: Union[BNode, URIRef], var: str) -> BNode:
node = BNode()
self.graph.add((node, RDF.type, SWRL.ClassAtom))
self.graph.add((node, SWRL.classPredicate, cls_ref))
self.graph.add((node, SWRL.argument1, self._swrl_var(var)))
return node
def _swrl_abox_atom(self, pred_ref: Union[BNode, URIRef], arg1: str, arg2: str) -> BNode:
node = BNode()
self.graph.add((node, RDF.type, SWRL.IndividualPropertyAtom))
self.graph.add((node, SWRL.classPredicate, pred_ref))
self.graph.add((node, SWRL.argument1, self._swrl_var(arg1)))
self.graph.add((node, SWRL.argument2, self._swrl_var(arg2)))
return node
def _swrl_rule(self, body, head) -> BNode:
node = BNode()
self.graph.add((node, RDF.type, SWRL.Imp))
self.graph.add((node, SWRL.body, body))
self.graph.add((node, SWRL.head, head))
return node
def _metaslot_uri(name: str) -> URIRef:
return URIRef("https://w3id.org/linkml/" + name)
def _complement_of_union_of(
self, exprs: List[Union[BNode, URIRef]], owl_types: Set[OWL_TYPE] = None, **kwargs
) -> Optional[Union[BNode, URIRef]]:
if not exprs:
raise ValueError("Must pass at least one")
neg_expr = BNode()
if not owl_types:
owl_types = self._get_owltypes(set(), exprs)
complement_predicate = OWL.complementOf
if len(owl_types) == 1:
if RDFS.Literal in owl_types:
self.graph.add((neg_expr, RDF.type, RDFS.Datatype))
complement_predicate = OWL.datatypeComplementOf
self.graph.add((neg_expr, complement_predicate, self._union_of(exprs)), **kwargs)
return neg_expr
def _intersection_of(self, exprs: List[Union[BNode, URIRef]], **kwargs) -> Optional[Union[BNode, URIRef]]:
return self._boolean_expression(exprs, OWL.intersectionOf, **kwargs)
def _union_of(self, exprs: List[Union[BNode, URIRef]], **kwargs) -> Optional[Union[BNode, URIRef]]:
return self._boolean_expression(exprs, OWL.unionOf, **kwargs)
def _object_one_of(self, exprs: List[Union[BNode, URIRef]], **kwargs) -> Optional[Union[BNode, URIRef]]:
return self._boolean_expression(exprs, OWL.oneOf, **kwargs)
def _exactly_one_of(self, exprs: List[Union[BNode, URIRef]]) -> Optional[Union[BNode, URIRef]]:
if not exprs:
raise ValueError("Must pass at least one")
if len(exprs) == 1:
return exprs[0]
sub_exprs = []
for i, x in enumerate(exprs):
rest = exprs[0:i] + exprs[i + 1 :]
neg_expr = self._complement_of_union_of(rest)
sub_exprs.append(self._intersection_of([x, neg_expr]))
return self._union_of(sub_exprs)
def _datatype_restriction(self, datatype: URIRef, facets: List[Union[BNode, URIRef]]) -> BNode:
node = BNode()
graph = self.graph
graph.add((node, RDF.type, RDFS.Datatype))
graph.add((node, OWL.onDatatype, datatype))
listnode = BNode()
Collection(graph, listnode, facets)
graph.add((node, OWL.withRestrictions, listnode))
return node
def _facet(self, typ: URIRef, val: Union[Literal, Any]):
if not isinstance(val, Literal):
val = Literal(val)
node = BNode()
self.graph.add((node, typ, val))
return node
def _boolean_expression(
exprs: List[Union[BNode, URIRef]],
predicate: URIRef,
node: Optional[URIRef] = None,
owl_types: Set[OWL_TYPE] = None,
) -> Optional[Union[BNode, URIRef]]:
graph = self.graph
if [x for x in exprs if x is None]:
logging.warning(f"Null expr in: {exprs} for {predicate} {node}")
exprs = [x for x in exprs if x is not None]
if len(exprs) == 0:
return None
elif len(exprs) == 1:
return exprs[0]
if node is None:
node = BNode()
listnode = BNode()
Collection(graph, listnode, exprs)
graph.add((node, predicate, listnode))
if owl_types is None:
owl_types = set()
owl_types = owl_types.union(self._get_owltypes(set(), exprs))
if len(owl_types) == 1:
if RDFS.Literal in owl_types:
graph.add((node, RDF.type, RDFS.Datatype))
return node
def _range_is_datatype(self, slot: SlotDefinition) -> bool:
if self.type_objects:
return False
return slot.range in self.schema.types
def _range_uri(self, slot: SlotDefinition) -> URIRef:
if slot.range in self.schema.types:
typ = self.schema.types[slot.range]
if self.type_objects:
return self._type_uri(typ.name)
return self.namespaces.uri_for(typ.uri)
elif slot.range in self.schema.enums:
# TODO: enums fill this in
return self._enum_uri(EnumDefinitionName(slot.range))
return self._class_uri(ClassDefinitionName(slot.range))
def _mixin_grouping_class_uri():
return URIRef(ClassDefinition.class_class_uri + "#Mixin")
def _class_uri(self, cn: Union[str, ClassDefinitionName]) -> URIRef:
c = self.schemaview.get_class(cn)
return URIRef(self.schemaview.get_uri(c, expand=True, native=self.use_native_uris))
def _enum_uri(self, en: Union[str, EnumDefinitionName]) -> URIRef:
sv = self.schemaview
e = sv.get_enum(en, strict=True)
uri = e.enum_uri
if not uri:
uri = f"{sv.schema.default_prefix}:{camelcase(en)}"
# TODO: allow control over URIs
return URIRef(self.schemaview.expand_curie(uri))
def _prop_uri(self, pn: Union[SlotDefinition, SlotDefinitionName]) -> URIRef:
if isinstance(pn, SlotDefinition):
p = pn
p = self.schemaview.get_slot(pn, attributes=True)
if not p:
raise ValueError(f"No such slot or attribute: {pn}")
return URIRef(self.schemaview.get_uri(p, expand=True, native=self.use_native_uris))
except (KeyError, ValueError):
# TODO: fix this upstream in schemaview
default_prefix = self.schemaview.schema.default_prefix or ""
return URIRef(self.schemaview.expand_curie(f"{default_prefix}:{underscore(p.name)}"))
def _schema_uri(self, scn: Union[str, SchemaDefinitionName]) -> URIRef:
if ":" in scn:
return URIRef(self.schemaview.expand_curie(scn))
default_prefix = self.schemaview.schema.default_prefix or ""
return URIRef(self.schemaview.expand_curie(f"{default_prefix}:{scn}"))
def _type_uri(self, tn: TypeDefinitionName, native: bool = None) -> URIRef:
if native is None:
# never use native unless type shadowing with objects is enabled
native = self.type_objects
if native:
# UGLY HACK: Currently schemaview does not camelcase types
e = self.schemaview.get_element(tn, imports=True)
if e.from_schema is not None:
schema = next(sc for sc in self.schemaview.schema_map.values() if sc.id == e.from_schema)
pfx = schema.default_prefix
if pfx == "linkml":
return URIRef(self.schemaview.expand_curie(f"{pfx}:{camelcase(tn)}"))
t = self.schemaview.get_type(tn)
expanded = self.schemaview.get_uri(t, expand=True, native=native)
if expanded.startswith("xsd:"):
# TODO: fix upstream in schemaview; default_curi_maps is different on windows
return XSD[expanded[4:]]
return URIRef(expanded)
def _permissible_value_uri(
self, pv: Union[str, PermissibleValue], enum_uri: str, enum_def: EnumDefinition = None
) -> URIRef:
if isinstance(pv, str):
pv_name = pv
if enum_def is None:
raise ValueError(f"Cannot find permissible value: {pv}, no enum definition provided")
pvs = [pv for k, pv in enum_def.permissible_values.items() if k == pv_name]
if len(pvs) != 1:
raise ValueError(f"Cannot find permissible value: {pv_name}, got: {pvs}")
pv = pvs[0]
if pv.meaning:
return URIRef(self.schemaview.expand_curie(pv.meaning))
return URIRef(enum_uri + "#" + pv.text.replace(" ", "+"))
def slot_owl_type(self, slot: SlotDefinition) -> URIRef:
sv = self.schemaview
if slot.implements:
for t in ["owl:AnnotationProperty", "owl:ObjectProperty", "owl:DatatypeProperty"]:
if t in slot.implements:
return OWL[t.replace("owl:", "")]
if slot.range is None:
range = self.schemaview.schema.default_range
range = slot.range
if self.type_objects:
return OWL.ObjectProperty
is_literal_vals = self.slot_is_literal_map[slot.name]
if len(is_literal_vals) > 1:
logging.warning(f"Ambiguous type for: {slot.name}")
if range is None:
if not is_literal_vals:
logging.warning(f"Guessing type for {slot.name}")
return OWL.ObjectProperty
if (list(is_literal_vals))[0]:
return OWL.DatatypeProperty
return OWL.ObjectProperty
elif range in sv.all_classes():
return OWL.ObjectProperty
elif range in sv.all_enums():
return OWL.ObjectProperty
elif range in sv.all_types():
return OWL.DatatypeProperty
raise Exception(f"Unknown range: {slot.range}")
@click.option("-o", "--output", help="Output file name")
help="What kind of metadata profile to use for annotations on generated OWL objects",
help="If true, will model linkml types as objects, not literals",
help="If true, include linkml metamodel classes as metaclasses. Note this introduces punning in OWL-DL",
help="If true, include linkml metamodel classes as superclasses.",
help="If true, auto-include annotations from https://www.ebi.ac.uk/ols/docs/installation-guide",
help="Suffix to append to schema id to generate OWL Ontology IRI",
help="If true, add owl:equivalentClass between a class and a class_uri",
help="If true, then mixins are represented as existential expressions",
help="Use model URIs rather than class/slot URIs",
help="Default OWL type for permissible values",
@click.version_option(__version__, "-V", "--version")
def cli(yamlfile, metadata_profile: str, **kwargs):
"""Generate an OWL representation of a LinkML model
Generate OWL using default parameters:
gen-owl my_schema.yaml
Note that in previous versions of this generator, the default was to use type objects and
to include metaclasses. To restore this behavior:
gen-owl --metaclasses --type-objects my_schema.yaml
For more info, see: https://linkml.io/linkml/generators/owl
if metadata_profile is not None:
metadata_profiles = [MetadataProfile(metadata_profile)]
metadata_profiles = [MetadataProfile.linkml]
gen = OwlSchemaGenerator(yamlfile, metadata_profiles=metadata_profiles, **kwargs)
if __name__ == "__main__":