Source code for linkml.generators.projectgen

import logging
import os
from collections import defaultdict
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from functools import lru_cache
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple, Type

import click
import yaml

from linkml._version import __version__
from linkml.generators.excelgen import ExcelGenerator
from linkml.generators.graphqlgen import GraphqlGenerator
from linkml.generators.jsonldcontextgen import ContextGenerator
from linkml.generators.jsonldgen import JSONLDGenerator
from linkml.generators.jsonschemagen import JsonSchemaGenerator
from linkml.generators.markdowngen import MarkdownGenerator
from linkml.generators.owlgen import OwlSchemaGenerator
from linkml.generators.prefixmapgen import PrefixGenerator
from linkml.generators.protogen import ProtoGenerator
from linkml.generators.pythongen import PythonGenerator
from linkml.generators.shaclgen import ShaclGenerator
from linkml.generators.shexgen import ShExGenerator
from linkml.generators.sqltablegen import SQLTableGenerator
from linkml.utils.cli_utils import log_level_option
from linkml.utils.generator import Generator

ARG_DICT = Dict[str, Any]
    "graphql": (GraphqlGenerator, "graphql/{name}.graphql", {}),
    "jsonldcontext": (ContextGenerator, "jsonld/{name}.context.jsonld", {}),
    "jsonld": (
        {"context": "{parent}/{name}.context.jsonld"},
    "jsonschema": (JsonSchemaGenerator, "jsonschema/{name}.schema.json", {}),
    "markdown": (
        {"directory": "{parent}", "index_file": "{name}.md"},
    "owl": (OwlSchemaGenerator, "owl/{name}.owl.ttl", {}),
    "prefixmap": (PrefixGenerator, "prefixmap/{name}.yaml", {}),
    "proto": (ProtoGenerator, "protobuf/{name}.proto", {}),
    "python": (PythonGenerator, "{name}.py", {}),
    #    'rdf': (RDFGenerator, 'rdf/{name}.ttl', {}),
    #    'rdf': (RDFGenerator, 'rdf/{name}.ttl', {'context': '{parent}/../jsonld/{name}.context.jsonld'}),
    "shex": (ShExGenerator, "shex/{name}.shex", {}),
    "shacl": (ShaclGenerator, "shacl/{name}.shacl.ttl", {}),
    "sqltable": (SQLTableGenerator, "sqlschema/{name}.sql", {}),
    # # linkml/generators/ uses different architecture from most of the other generators
    # # also linkml/generators/, which has a different mechanism for determining the output path
    # 'java': (JavaGenerator, 'java/{name}.java', {'directory': '{parent}'}),
    "excel": (ExcelGenerator, "excel/{name}.xlsx", {"output": "{parent}/{name}.xlsx"}),

def get_local_imports(schema_path: str, dir: str):"GETTING IMPORTS = {schema_path}")
    all_imports = [schema_path]
    with open(schema_path) as stream:
        with open(schema_path) as stream:
            schema = yaml.safe_load(stream)
            for imp in schema.get("imports", []):
                imp_path = os.path.join(dir, imp) + ".yaml"
      " IMP={imp} //  path={imp_path}")
                if os.path.isfile(imp_path):
                    all_imports += get_local_imports(imp_path, dir)
    return all_imports

class ProjectConfiguration:
    Global project configuration, and per-generator configurations

    directory: str = "tmp"
    generator_args: Dict[GENERATOR_NAME, ARG_DICT] = field(default_factory=lambda: defaultdict(dict))
    includes: List[str] = None
    excludes: List[str] = None
    mergeimports: bool = None

[docs]class ProjectGenerator: """ Generates complete project folders Note this doesn't conform to overall generator framework, as it is a meta-generator """ @staticmethod def generate(schema_path: str, config: ProjectConfiguration = ProjectConfiguration()): if is None: raise Exception("Must pass directory") Path(, exist_ok=True) if config.mergeimports: all_schemas = [schema_path] else: all_schemas = get_local_imports(schema_path, os.path.dirname(schema_path)) logging.debug(f"ALL_SCHEMAS = {all_schemas}") for gen_name, (gen_cls, gen_path_fmt, default_gen_args) in GEN_MAP.items(): if config.includes is not None and config.includes != [] and gen_name not in config.includes:"Skipping {gen_name} as not in inclusion list: {config.includes}") continue if config.excludes is not None and gen_name in config.excludes:"Skipping {gen_name} as it is in exclusion list") continue"Generating: {gen_name}") for local_path in all_schemas:" SCHEMA: {local_path}") name = os.path.basename(local_path).replace(".yaml", "") gen_path = gen_path_fmt.format(name=name) gen_path_full = f"{}/{gen_path}" parts = gen_path_full.split("/") parent_dir = "/".join(parts[0:-1])" PARENT={parent_dir}") Path(parent_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) gen_path_full = "/".join(parts) all_gen_args = { **default_gen_args, **config.generator_args.get(gen_name, {}), } gen: Generator # special check for output key because ExcelGenerator and # SSSOMGenerator read in output file name during initialization if "output" in all_gen_args: all_gen_args["output"] = all_gen_args["output"].format(name=name, parent=parent_dir) gen = gen_cls(local_path, **all_gen_args) serialize_args = {"mergeimports": config.mergeimports} for k, v in all_gen_args.items(): # all ARG_DICT values are interpolatable if isinstance(v, str): v = v.format(name=name, parent=parent_dir) serialize_args[k] = v" {gen_name} ARGS: {serialize_args}") gen_dump = gen.serialize(**serialize_args) if gen_name != "excel": if parts[-1] != "": # markdowngen does not write to a file" WRITING TO: {gen_path_full}") with open(gen_path_full, "w", encoding="UTF-8") as stream: stream.write(gen_dump) else: # special handling for excel generator # we do not need to route the output # into a file like the other generators gen.serialize(**serialize_args)
@click.command() @click.option( "--dir", "-d", help="directory in which to place generated files. E.g. linkml_model, biolink_model", ) @click.option("--generator-arguments", "-A", help="yaml configuration for generators") @click.option("--config-file", "-C", type=click.File("rb"), help="path to yaml configuration") @click.option("--exclude", "-X", multiple=True, help="list of artefacts to be excluded") # TODO: make this an enum @click.option( "--include", "-I", multiple=True, help="list of artefacts to be included. If not set, defaults to all", ) # TODO: make this an enum @click.option( "--mergeimports/--no-mergeimports", default=True, show_default=True, help="Merge imports into source file", ) @log_level_option @click.argument("yamlfile") @click.version_option(__version__, "-V", "--version") def cli( yamlfile, dir, exclude: List[str], include: List[str], config_file, mergeimports, generator_arguments: str, **kwargs, ): """ Generate an entire project LinkML schema Generate all downstream artefacts using default configuration: .. code-block: bash gen-project -d . personinfo.yaml Exclusion lists: all except ShEx: .. code-block: bash gen-project --exclude shex -d . personinfo.yaml Inclusion lists: only jsonschema and python: .. code-block: bash gen-project -I python -I jsonschema -d . personinfo.yaml Configuration, on command line: .. code-block: bash gen-project -A 'jsonschema: {top_class: Container}' -d . personinfo.yaml Configuration, via yaml file: .. code-block: bash gen-project --config config.yaml personinfo.yaml config.yaml: .. code-block: yaml directory: . generator_args: json_schema: top_class: Container """ project_config = ProjectConfiguration() if config_file is not None: for k, v in yaml.safe_load(config_file).items(): setattr(project_config, k, v) if exclude: project_config.excludes = list(exclude) if include: project_config.includes = list(include) if generator_arguments is not None: try: project_config.generator_args = yaml.safe_load(generator_arguments) except Exception: raise Exception("Argument must be a valid YAML blob")"generator args: {project_config.generator_args}") if dir is not None: = dir project_config.mergeimports = mergeimports gen = ProjectGenerator() gen.generate(yamlfile, project_config) if __name__ == "__main__": cli()