Source code for linkml.generators.pydanticgen.template

from copy import copy
from importlib.util import find_spec
from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, Generator, List, Literal, Optional, Union

from jinja2 import Environment, PackageLoader
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field, field_validator
from pydantic.version import VERSION as PYDANTIC_VERSION

from linkml.utils.deprecation import deprecation_warning

    if find_spec("black") is not None:
        from import format_black
        # no warning, having black is optional, we only warn when someone tries to import it explicitly
        format_black = None
except ImportError:
    # we can also get an import error from find_spec during testing because that's how we mock not having it installed
    format_black = None

if int(PYDANTIC_VERSION[0]) >= 2:
    from pydantic import computed_field

    def computed_field(f):
        """No-op decorator to allow this module to not break imports until 1.9.0"""
        return f

[docs]class TemplateModel(BaseModel): """ Metaclass to render pydantic models with jinja templates. Each subclass needs to declare a :class:`typing.ClassVar` for a jinja template within the `templates` directory. Templates are written expecting each of the other TemplateModels to already be rendered to strings - ie. rather than the ```` template receiving a full :class:`.PydanticAttribute` object or dictionary, it receives it having already been rendered to a string. See the :meth:`.render` method. .. admonition:: Black Formatting Template models will try to use ``black`` to format results when it is available in the environment when render is called with ``black = True`` . If it isn't, then the string is returned without any formatting beyond the template. This is mostly important for complex annotations like those produced for arrays, as otherwise the templates are acceptable looking. To install linkml with black, use the extra ``black`` dependency. e.g. with pip:: pip install linkml[black] or with poetry:: poetry install -E black """ template: ClassVar[str] _environment: ClassVar[Environment] = Environment( loader=PackageLoader("linkml.generators.pydanticgen", "templates"), trim_blocks=True, lstrip_blocks=True ) meta_exclude: ClassVar[List[str]] = None
[docs] def render(self, environment: Optional[Environment] = None, black: bool = False) -> str: """ Recursively render a template model to a string. For each field in the model, recurse through, rendering each :class:`.TemplateModel` using the template set in :attr:`.TemplateModel.template` , but preserving the structure of lists and dictionaries. Regular :class:`.BaseModel` s are rendered to dictionaries. Any other value is passed through unchanged. Args: environment (:class:`jinja2.Environment`): Template environment - see :meth:`.environment` black (bool): if ``True`` , format template with black. (default False) """ if environment is None: environment = TemplateModel.environment() fields = {**self.model_fields, **self.model_computed_fields} data = {k: _render(getattr(self, k, None), environment) for k in fields} template = environment.get_template(self.template) rendered = template.render(**data) if format_black is not None and black: try: return format_black(rendered) except Exception: # TODO: it would nice to have a standard logging module here ;) return rendered elif black and format_black is None: raise ValueError("black formatting was requested, but black is not installed in this environment") else: return rendered
[docs] @classmethod def environment(cls) -> Environment: """ Default environment for Template models. uses a :class:`jinja2.PackageLoader` for the templates directory within this module with the ``trim_blocks`` and ``lstrip_blocks`` parameters set to ``True`` so that the default templates could be written in a more readable way. """ return copy(cls._environment)
[docs] @classmethod def exclude_from_meta(cls: "TemplateModel") -> List[str]: """ Attributes in the source definition to exclude from linkml_meta """ ret = [*cls.model_fields.keys()] if cls.meta_exclude is not None: ret = ret + cls.meta_exclude return ret
def _render( item: Union[TemplateModel, Any, List[Union[Any, TemplateModel]], Dict[str, Union[Any, TemplateModel]]], environment: Environment, ) -> Union[str, List[str], Dict[str, str]]: if isinstance(item, TemplateModel): return item.render(environment) elif isinstance(item, list): return [_render(i, environment) for i in item] elif isinstance(item, dict): return {k: _render(v, environment) for k, v in item.items()} elif isinstance(item, BaseModel): fields = item.model_fields return {k: _render(getattr(item, k, None), environment) for k in fields.keys()} else: return item
[docs]class EnumValue(BaseModel): """ A single value within an :class:`.Enum` """ label: str value: str description: Optional[str] = None
[docs]class PydanticEnum(TemplateModel): """ Model used to render a :class:`enum.Enum` """ template: ClassVar[str] = "" name: str description: Optional[str] = None values: Dict[str, EnumValue] = Field(default_factory=dict)
[docs]class PydanticBaseModel(TemplateModel): """ Parameterization of the base model that generated pydantic classes inherit from """ template: ClassVar[str] = "" default_name: ClassVar[str] = "ConfiguredBaseModel" name: str = Field(default_factory=lambda: PydanticBaseModel.default_name) extra_fields: Literal["allow", "forbid", "ignore"] = "forbid" """ Sets the ``extra`` model for pydantic models """ fields: Optional[List[str]] = None """ Extra fields that are typically injected into the base model via :attr:`~linkml.generators.pydanticgen.PydanticGenerator.injected_fields` """ strict: bool = False """ Enable strict mode in the base model. .. note:: Pydantic 2 only! Pydantic 1 only has strict types, not strict mode. See: References: """
[docs]class PydanticAttribute(TemplateModel): """ Reduced version of SlotDefinition that carries all and only the information needed by the template """ template: ClassVar[str] = "" meta_exclude: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["from_schema", "owner", "range", "multivalued", "inlined", "inlined_as_list"] name: str required: bool = False identifier: bool = False key: bool = False predefined: Optional[str] = None """Fixed string to use in body of field""" range: Optional[str] = None """Type annotation used for model field""" title: Optional[str] = None description: Optional[str] = None equals_number: Optional[Union[int, float]] = None minimum_value: Optional[Union[int, float]] = None maximum_value: Optional[Union[int, float]] = None pattern: Optional[str] = None meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None """ Metadata for the slot to be included in a Field annotation """ @computed_field def field(self) -> str: """Computed value to use inside of the generated Field""" if self.predefined: return self.predefined elif self.required or self.identifier or self.key: return "..." else: return "None"
[docs]class PydanticValidator(PydanticAttribute): """ Trivial subclass of :class:`.PydanticAttribute` that uses the ```` template instead """ template: ClassVar[str] = ""
[docs]class PydanticClass(TemplateModel): """ Reduced version of ClassDefinition that carries all and only the information needed by the template. On instantiation and rendering, will create any additional :attr:`.validators` that are implied by the given :attr:`.attributes`. Currently the only kind of slot-level validators that are created are for those slots that have a ``pattern`` property. """ template: ClassVar[str] = "" meta_exclude: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["slots", "is_a"] name: str bases: Union[List[str], str] = PydanticBaseModel.default_name description: Optional[str] = None attributes: Optional[Dict[str, PydanticAttribute]] = None meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None """ Metadata for the class to be included in a linkml_meta class attribute """ def _validators(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, PydanticValidator]]: if self.attributes is None: return None return {k: PydanticValidator(**v.model_dump()) for k, v in self.attributes.items() if v.pattern is not None} @computed_field def validators(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, PydanticValidator]]: return self._validators() @computed_field def slots(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, PydanticAttribute]]: """alias of attributes""" return self.attributes
[docs]class ObjectImport(BaseModel): """ An object to be imported from within a module. See :class:`.Import` for examples """ name: str alias: Optional[str] = None
[docs]class Import(TemplateModel): """ A python module, or module and classes to be imported. Examples: Module import: .. code-block:: python >>> Import(module='sys').render() import sys >>> Import(module='numpy', alias='np').render() import numpy as np Class import: .. code-block:: python >>> Import(module='pathlib', objects=[ >>> ObjectImport(name="Path"), >>> ObjectImport(name="PurePath", alias="RenamedPurePath") >>> ]).render() from pathlib import ( Path, PurePath as RenamedPurePath ) """ template: ClassVar[str] = "" module: str alias: Optional[str] = None objects: Optional[List[ObjectImport]] = None schema: bool = False """ Whether or not this ``Import`` is importing another schema imported by the main schema -- ie. that it is not expected to be provided by the environment, but imported locally from within the package. Used primarily in split schema generation, see :func:`.pydanticgen.generate_split` for example usage. """
[docs] def merge(self, other: "Import") -> List["Import"]: """ Merge one import with another, see :meth:`.Imports` for an example. * If module don't match, return both * If one or the other are a :class:`.ConditionalImport`, return both * If modules match, neither contain objects, but the other has an alias, return the other * If modules match, one contains objects but the other doesn't, return both * If modules match, both contain objects, merge the object lists, preferring objects with aliases """ # return both if we are orthogonal if self.module != other.module: return [self, other] # handle conditionals if isinstance(self, ConditionalImport) and isinstance(other, ConditionalImport): # If our condition is the same, return the newer version if self.condition == other.condition: return [other] if isinstance(self, ConditionalImport) or isinstance(other, ConditionalImport): # we don't have a good way of combining conditionals, just return both return [self, other] # handle module vs. object imports elif other.objects is None and self.objects is None: # both are modules, return the other only if it updates the alias if other.alias: return [other] else: return [self] elif other.objects is not None and self.objects is not None: # both are object imports, merge and return alias = self.alias if other.alias is None else other.alias # FIXME: super awkward implementation # keep ours if it has an alias and the other doesn't, # otherwise take the other's version self_objs = { obj for obj in self.objects} other_objs = { obj for obj in other.objects if not in self_objs or self_objs[].alias is None } self_objs.update(other_objs) return [ Import( module=self.module, alias=alias, objects=list(self_objs.values()), schema=self.schema or other.schema, ) ] else: # one is a module, the other imports objects, keep both return [self, other]
[docs]class ConditionalImport(Import): """ Import that depends on some condition in the environment, common when using backported features or straddling dependency versions. Make sure that everything that is needed to evaluate the condition is imported before this is added to the injected imports! Examples: conditionally import Literal from ``typing_extensions`` if on python <= 3.8 .. code-block:: python :force: imports = (Imports() + Import(module='sys') + ConditionalImport( module="typing", objects=[ObjectImport(name="Literal")], condition="sys.version_info >= (3, 8)", alternative=Import( module="typing_extensions", objects=[ObjectImport(name="Literal")] ) ) Renders to: .. code-block:: python :force: import sys if sys.version_info >= (3, 8): from typing import Literal else: from typing_extensions import Literal """ template: ClassVar[str] = "" condition: str alternative: Import
[docs]class Imports(TemplateModel): """ Container class for imports that can handle merging! See :class:`.Import` and :class:`.ConditionalImport` for examples of declaring individual imports Useful for generation, because each build stage will potentially generate overlapping imports. This ensures that we can keep a collection of imports without having many duplicates. Defines methods for adding, iterating, and indexing from within the :attr:`Imports.imports` list. Examples: .. code-block:: python :force: imports = (Imports() + Import(module="sys") + Import(module="pathlib", objects=[ObjectImport(name="Path")]) + Import(module="sys") ) Renders to: .. code-block:: python from pathlib import Path import sys """ template: ClassVar[str] = "" imports: List[Union[Import, ConditionalImport]] = Field(default_factory=list) @classmethod def _merge( cls, imports: List[Union[Import, ConditionalImport]], other: Union[Import, "Imports", List[Import]] ) -> List[Union[Import, ConditionalImport]]: """ Add a new import to an existing imports list, handling deduplication and flattening. Mutates and returns ``imports`` Generally will prefer the imports in ``other`` , updating those in ``imports``. If ``other`` ... - doesn't match any ``module`` in ``imports``, add it! - matches a single ``module`` in imports, :meth:`.Import.merge` the object imports - matches multiple ``module``s in imports, then there must have been another :class:`.ConditionalImport` already present, so we :meth:`.Import.merge` the existing :class:`.Import` if it is one, and if it's a :class:`.ConditionalImport` just YOLO and append it since there isn't a principled way to merge them from strings. - is :class:`.Imports` or a list of :class:`.Import` s, call this recursively for each item. Since imports can be merged in an undefined order depending on the generator configuration, default behavior for imports with matching ``module`` is to remove them and append to the end of the imports list (rather than keeping it in the position of the existing :class:`.Import` ). :class:`.ConditionalImports` make it possible to have namespace conflicts, so in imperative import style we assume the most recently added :class:`.Import` is the one that should prevail. """ # if isinstance(other, Imports) or (isinstance(other, list) and all([isinstance(i, Import) for i in other])): for i in other: imports = cls._merge(imports, i) return imports existing = [i for i in imports if i.module == other.module] # if we have nothing importing from this module yet, add it! if len(existing) == 0: imports.append(other) elif len(existing) == 1: imports.remove(existing[0]) imports.extend(existing[0].merge(other)) else: # we have both a conditional and at least one nonconditional already. # If this is another conditional, we just add it, otherwise, we merge it # with the single nonconditional if isinstance(other, ConditionalImport): imports.append(other) else: for e in existing: if isinstance(e, Import): imports.remove(e) merged = e.merge(other) imports.extend(merged) break # SPECIAL CASE - __future__ annotations must happen at the top of a file imports = sorted(imports, key=lambda i: i.module == "__future__", reverse=True) return imports def __add__(self, other: Union[Import, "Imports", List[Import]]) -> "Imports": imports = self.imports.copy() imports = self._merge(imports, other) return Imports.model_construct(imports=imports) def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self.imports) def __iter__(self) -> Generator[Import, None, None]: for i in self.imports: yield i def __getitem__(self, item: Union[int, str]) -> Import: if isinstance(item, int): return self.imports[item] elif isinstance(item, str): # the name of the module an_import = [i for i in self.imports if i.module == item] if len(an_import) == 0: raise KeyError(f"No import with module {item} was found.\nWe have: {self.imports}") return an_import[0] else: raise TypeError(f"Can only index with an int or a string as the name of the module,\nGot: {type(item)}") def __contains__(self, item: Union[Import, "Imports", List[Import]]) -> bool: """ Check if all the objects are imported from the given module(s) If the import is a bare module import (ie its :attr:`~.Import.objects` is ``None`` ) then we must also have a bare module import in this Imports (because even if we import from the module, unless we import it specifically its name won't be available in the namespace. :attr:`.Import.alias` must always match for the same reason. """ if isinstance(item, Imports): return all([i in self for i in item.imports]) elif isinstance(item, list): return all([i in self for i in item]) elif isinstance(item, Import): try: an_import = self[item.module] except KeyError: return False if item.objects is None: return an_import == item else: return all([obj in an_import.objects for obj in item.objects]) else: raise TypeError("Imports only contains single Import objects or other Imports\n" f"Got: {type(item)}")
[docs] @field_validator("imports", mode="after") @classmethod def imports_are_merged( cls, imports: List[Union[Import, ConditionalImport]] ) -> List[Union[Import, ConditionalImport]]: """ When creating from a list of imports, construct model as if we have done so by iteratively constructing with __add__ calls """ merged_imports = [] for i in imports: merged_imports = cls._merge(merged_imports, i) return merged_imports
[docs]class PydanticModule(TemplateModel): """ Top-level container model for generating a pydantic module :) """ template: ClassVar[str] = "" meta_exclude: ClassVar[str] = ["slots"] metamodel_version: Optional[str] = None version: Optional[str] = None base_model: PydanticBaseModel = PydanticBaseModel() injected_classes: Optional[List[str]] = None python_imports: List[Union[Import, ConditionalImport]] = Field(default_factory=list) enums: Dict[str, PydanticEnum] = Field(default_factory=dict) classes: Dict[str, PydanticClass] = Field(default_factory=dict) meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None """ Metadata for the schema to be included in a linkml_meta module-level instance of LinkMLMeta """ @computed_field def class_names(self) -> List[str]: return [ for c in self.classes.values()]