import logging
import os
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Optional
import click
from linkml_runtime.dumpers import yaml_dumper
from linkml_runtime.linkml_model import SchemaDefinition, SlotDefinition
from linkml_runtime.utils.formatutils import camelcase, underscore
from linkml_runtime.utils.schemaview import SchemaView
from sqlalchemy import Column, ForeignKey, MetaData, Table, UniqueConstraint, create_mock_engine
from sqlalchemy.types import Boolean, Date, DateTime, Enum, Float, Integer, Text, Time
from linkml._version import __version__
from linkml.transformers.relmodel_transformer import ForeignKeyPolicy, RelationalModelTransformer
from linkml.utils.generator import Generator, shared_arguments
from linkml.utils.schemaloader import SchemaLoader
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class SqlNamingPolicy(Enum):
preserve = "preserve"
underscore = "underscore"
camelcase = "camelcase"
# TODO: move this up
"string": "str",
"integer": "int",
"boolean": "Bool",
"float": "float",
"double": "double",
"decimal": "Decimal",
"time": "XSDTime",
"date": "XSDDate",
"datetime": "XSDDateTime",
"uriorcurie": "URIorCURIE",
"uri": "URI",
"ncname": "NCName",
"objectidentifier": "ElementIdentifier",
"nodeidentifier": "NodeIdentifier",
"str": Text(),
"string": Text(),
"NCName": Text(),
"URIorCURIE": Text(),
"int": Integer(),
"Decimal": Integer(),
"double": Float(),
"float": Float(),
"Bool": Boolean(),
"URI": Text(),
"XSDTime": Time(),
"XSDDateTime": DateTime(),
"XSDDate": Date(),
class SQLTableGenerator(Generator):
A :class:`~linkml.utils.generator.Generator` for creating SQL DDL
The basic algorithm for mapping a linkml schema S is as follows:
- Each schema S corresponds to one database schema D (see SQLSchema)
- Each Class C in S is mapped to a table T (see SQLTable)
- Each slot S in each C is mapped to a column Col (see SQLColumn)
if the direct_mapping attribute is set to true, then no further transformations
are applied. Note that this means:
- inline objects are modeled as Text strings
- multivalued fields are modeled as single Text strings
this direct mapping is useful for simple spreadsheet/denormalized representations of complex data.
however, for other applications, additional transformations should occur. these are:
The relational model does not have direct representation of lists. These are normalized as follows.
If the range of the slot is a class, and there are no other slots whose range is this class,
and the slot is for a class that has a singular primary key, then a backref is added.
E.g. if we have User 0..* Address,
then add a field User_id to Address.
When SQLAlchemy bindings are created, a backref mapping is added
If the range of the slot is an enum or type, then a new linktable is created, and a backref added
E.g. if a class User has a multivalues slot alias whose range is a string,
then create a table user_aliases, with two columns (1) alias [a string] and (2) a backref to user
Each mapped slot C.S has a range R
ranges that are types (literals):
* If R is a type, and the slot is NOT multivalued, do a direct type conversion
* If R is a type, and the slot is multivalued:
* do not include the mapped column
* create a new table T_S, with 2 columns: S, and a backref to T
ranges that are classes:
* Ref = map_class_to_table(R)
* if R is a class, and the slot is NOT multivalued, and Ref has a singular primary key:
* Col.type = ForeignKey(Ref.PK)
* if R is a class, and the slot is NOT multivalued, and Ref has NO singular primary key:
* add a foreign key to Ref
* add a backref C.S => Ref,
* remove Col from T
* If R is a class, and the slot IS multivalued
# ClassVars
generatorname = os.path.basename(__file__)
generatorversion = "0.1.1"
valid_formats = ["sql"]
file_extension = "sql"
uses_schemaloader = False
# ObjectVars
use_inherits: bool = False # postgresql supports inheritance
dialect: str = "sqlite"
inject_primary_keys: bool = True
use_foreign_keys: bool = True
rename_foreign_keys: bool = False
direct_mapping: bool = False
relative_slot_num: bool = False
[docs] def serialize(self, **kwargs) -> str:
return self.generate_ddl(**kwargs)
def generate_ddl(self, naming_policy: SqlNamingPolicy = None, **kwargs) -> str:
ddl_str = ""
def dump(sql, *multiparams, **params):
nonlocal ddl_str
ddl_str += f"{str(sql.compile(dialect=engine.dialect)).rstrip()};"
engine = create_mock_engine(f"{self.dialect}://./MyDb", strategy="mock", executor=dump)
schema_metadata = MetaData()
sqltr = RelationalModelTransformer(SchemaView(self.schema))
if not self.use_foreign_keys:
sqltr.foreign_key_policy = ForeignKeyPolicy.NO_FOREIGN_KEYS
tr_result = sqltr.transform(
tgt_schema_name=kwargs.get("tgt_schema_name", None), top_class=kwargs.get("top_class", None)
schema = tr_result.schema
def sql_name(n: str) -> str:
if naming_policy is not None:
if naming_policy == SqlNamingPolicy.underscore:
return underscore(n)
elif naming_policy == SqlNamingPolicy.camelcase:
return camelcase(n)
elif naming_policy == SqlNamingPolicy.preserve:
return n
raise Exception(f"Unknown: {naming_policy}")
return n
def strip_newlines(txt: Optional[str]) -> str:
if txt is None:
return ""
return txt.replace("\n", "")
# Currently SQLite dialect in SQLA does not generate comments; see
# As a workaround we add these as "--" comments via direct string manipulation
include_comments = self.dialect == "sqlite"
sv = SchemaView(schema)
for cn, c in schema.classes.items():
if include_comments:
ddl_str += f'-- # Class: "{cn}" Description: "{strip_newlines(c.description)}"\n'
pk_slot = sv.get_identifier_slot(cn)
if c.attributes:
cols = []
for sn, s in c.attributes.items():
is_pk = "primary_key" in s.annotations
if pk_slot:
is_pk = sn ==
# else:
# is_pk = True ## TODO: use unique key
args = []
if s.range in schema.classes and self.use_foreign_keys:
fk = sql_name(self.get_foreign_key(s.range, sv))
args = [ForeignKey(fk)]
field_type = self.get_sql_range(s, schema)
col = Column(
nullable=not s.required,
if include_comments:
ddl_str += f"-- * Slot: {sn} Description: {strip_newlines(s.description)}\n"
if s.description:
col.comment = s.description
for uc_name, uc in c.unique_keys.items():
def _sql_name(sn: str):
if sn in c.attributes:
return sql_name(sn)
# for candidate in c.attributes.values():
# if "original_slot" in candidate.annotations:
# original = candidate.annotations["original_slot"]
# if original.value == sn:
# return sql_name(
return None
sql_names = [_sql_name(sn) for sn in uc.unique_key_slots]
if any(sn is None for sn in sql_names):
sql_uc = UniqueConstraint(*sql_names)
Table(sql_name(cn), schema_metadata, *cols, comment=str(c.description))
return ddl_str
def get_sql_range(self, slot: SlotDefinition, schema: SchemaDefinition = None):
returns a SQL Alchemy column type
range = slot.range
# if no SchemaDefinition is explicitly provided as an argument
# then simply use the schema that is provided to the SQLTableGenerator() object
if not schema:
schema = SchemaLoader(data=self.schema).resolve()
if range in schema.classes:
# FK type should be the same as the identifier of the foreign key
fk = SchemaView(schema).get_identifier_slot(range)
if fk:
return self.get_sql_range(fk, schema)
return Text()
if range in schema.enums:
e = schema.enums[range]
if e.permissible_values is not None:
vs = [str(v) for v in e.permissible_values]
return Enum(, *vs)
range_base = METAMODEL_TYPE_TO_BASE[range]
elif range in schema.types:
range_base = schema.types[range].base
elif range is None:
return Text()
logger.error(f"Unknown range: {range} for {} = {slot.range}")
return Text()
if range_base in RANGEMAP:
return RANGEMAP[range_base]
logger.error(f"UNKNOWN range base: {range_base} for {} = {slot.range}")
return Text()
def get_foreign_key(cn: str, sv: SchemaView) -> str:
pk = sv.get_identifier_slot(cn)
# TODO: move this to SV
if pk is None:
for sn in sv.class_slots(cn):
s = sv.induced_slot(sn, cn)
if s.key:
pk = s
if pk is None:
raise Exception(f"No PK for {cn}")
if pk.alias:
pk_name = pk.alias
pk_name =
return f"{cn}.{pk_name}"
help="SQL-Alchemy dialect, e.g. sqlite, mysql+odbc",
@click.option("--sqla-file", help="Path to sqlalchemy generated python")
help="Path to intermediate LinkML YAML of transformed relational model",
@click.option("--python-import", help="Python import header for generated sql-alchemy code")
help="Emit FK declarations",
@click.version_option(__version__, "-V", "--version")
def cli(
sqla_file: str = None,
python_import: str = None,
"""Generate SQL DDL representation"""
if relmodel_output:
sv = SchemaView(yamlfile)
rtr = RelationalModelTransformer(sv)
if not use_foreign_keys:
rtr.foreign_key_policy = ForeignKeyPolicy.NO_FOREIGN_KEYS
rtr_result = rtr.transform("foo")
relmodel_schema = rtr_result.schema
yaml_dumper.dump(relmodel_schema, to_file=relmodel_output)
gen = SQLTableGenerator(yamlfile, use_foreign_keys=use_foreign_keys, **args)
if dialect:
gen.dialect = dialect
if sqla_file is not None:
raise NotImplementedError("SQLAGen not implemented")
if __name__ == "__main__":