Source code for linkml.generators.terminusdbgen

import json
import os
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import List

import click
from linkml_runtime.linkml_model.meta import ClassDefinition, SlotDefinition
from linkml_runtime.utils.formatutils import be, camelcase, underscore

    from terminusdb_client.woqlquery import WOQLQuery as WQ
except ImportError:
    import warnings

    warnings.warn("terminusdb_client is not a requirement of this package, please install it separately")

from linkml._version import __version__
from linkml.utils.generator import Generator, shared_arguments

XSD_Ok = {
    for t in [

[docs]@dataclass class TerminusdbGenerator(Generator): """ Experimental generator for TerminusDB Generates JSON-LD to pass to `WOQLQuery()`. Assumes an "inference/main" graph if any slots have "is_a" values, because any statements with rdfs:subPropertyOf as the predicate must live in a TerminusDB "inference" graph rather than the "schema" graph. When creating a new TerminusDB database, only the "schema" and "instance" graphs are created. Thus, you may need to e.g. `WOQLClient.create_graph("inference", "main")`. """ # ClassVars generatorname = os.path.basename(__file__) generatorversion = "0.1.0" valid_formats = ["json"] visit_all_class_slots = True uses_schemaloader = True # ObjectVars classes: List = None raw_additions: List = None clswq: str = None def visit_schema(self, inline: bool = False, **kwargs) -> None: self.classes = [] self.raw_additions = [] def end_schema(self, **_) -> str: return json.dumps(WQ().woql_and(*self.classes, *self.raw_additions).to_dict(), indent=2) def visit_class(self, cls: ClassDefinition) -> bool: self.clswq = WQ().add_class(camelcase( if cls.is_a: self.clswq.parent(camelcase(cls.is_a)) if cls.abstract: self.clswq.abstract() if cls.broad_mappings: if any( str(self.namespaces.uri_for(m)) == "" for m in cls.broad_mappings ): self.clswq.parent("Document") return True def end_class(self, cls: ClassDefinition) -> None: self.classes.append(self.clswq) def visit_class_slot(self, cls: ClassDefinition, aliased_slot_name: str, slot: SlotDefinition) -> None: if slot.range in self.schema.classes: rng = camelcase(slot.range) elif slot.range in self.schema.types: # XXX Why does `linkml_runtime.utils.metamodelcore.Identifier` subclass `str`?? rng = str(self.schema.types[slot.range].uri) else: rng = "xsd:string" name = f"{} {aliased_slot_name}" if slot.is_usage_slot else aliased_slot_name # translate to terminusdb xsd builtins: if rng == "xsd:int": rng = "xsd:integer" elif rng == "xsd:float": rng = "xsd:double" elif rng == "xsd:language": rng = "xsd:string" if rng not in XSD_Ok and slot.range not in self.schema.classes: raise Exception( f"slot range for {name} must be schema class or supported xsd type. " f"Range {rng} is of type {type(rng)}." ), rng, label=name, description=slot.description) if not slot.multivalued: self.clswq.max(1) if slot.required: self.clswq.min(1) if slot.is_a: self.raw_additions.append( WQ().add_quad( underscore(name), "rdfs:subPropertyOf", self.clswq.iri(underscore(slot.is_a)), "inference/main", ) )
@shared_arguments(TerminusdbGenerator) @click.version_option(__version__, "-V", "--version") @click.command() def cli(yamlfile, **args): """Generate graphql representation of a LinkML model""" print(TerminusdbGenerator(yamlfile, **args).serialize(**args)) if __name__ == "__main__": cli()