import os
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Optional
from linkml_runtime.dumpers import CSVDumper, JSONDumper, RDFLibDumper, TSVDumper, YAMLDumper
from linkml_runtime.linkml_model.meta import ClassDefinitionName, SlotDefinitionName
from linkml_runtime.loaders import CSVLoader, JSONLoader, RDFLibLoader, TSVLoader, YAMLLoader
from linkml_runtime.loaders.loader_root import Loader
from linkml_runtime.utils.schemaview import SchemaView
from linkml.generators.jsonldcontextgen import ContextGenerator
dumpers_loaders = {
"yml": (YAMLDumper, YAMLLoader),
"yaml": (YAMLDumper, YAMLLoader),
"json": (JSONDumper, JSONLoader),
"rdf": (RDFLibDumper, RDFLibLoader),
"ttl": (RDFLibDumper, RDFLibLoader),
"json-ld": (JSONDumper, JSONLoader),
"csv": (CSVDumper, CSVLoader),
"tsv": (TSVDumper, TSVLoader),
aliases = {
"rdf": "ttl",
"jsonld": "json-ld",
def _get_format(path: str, specified_format: str = None, default=None):
if specified_format is None:
if path is None:
if default is None:
raise Exception("Must pass format option OR pass a filename with known file suffix")
specified_format = default
_, ext = os.path.splitext(path)
if ext is not None:
specified_format = ext.replace(".", "")
raise Exception(f"Must pass format option OR use known file suffix: {path}")
specified_format = specified_format.lower()
if specified_format in aliases:
specified_format = aliases[specified_format]
return specified_format
def _is_xsv(fmt: str) -> bool:
return fmt == "csv" or fmt == "tsv"
def _is_rdf_format(fmt: str) -> bool:
return fmt == "rdf" or fmt == "ttl" or fmt == "turtle" or fmt == "json-ld"
[docs]def get_loader(fmt: str) -> Loader:
return dumpers_loaders[fmt][1]()
[docs]def get_dumper(fmt: str) -> Loader:
return dumpers_loaders[fmt][0]()
def _get_context(schema) -> str:
return ContextGenerator(schema).serialize()
[docs]def infer_root_class(sv: SchemaView) -> Optional[ClassDefinitionName]:
Infer the class that should be at the root of the object tree
(Note this is distinct from the root of the class hierarchy)
If a class is explicitly designated with tree_root, use this.
Otherwise use the class that is not referenced as a range in any other class.
for c in sv.all_classes().values():
if c.tree_root:
refs = defaultdict(int)
for cn in sv.all_classes().keys():
for sn in sv.class_slots(cn):
slot = sv.induced_slot(sn, cn)
r = slot.range
if r in sv.all_classes():
for a in sv.class_ancestors(r):
refs[a] += 1
candidates = [cn for cn in sv.all_classes().keys() if cn not in refs]
# throw Exception if unambiguous root cannot be inferred
if len(candidates) > 1:
raise RuntimeError(
f"Multiple potential target classes found: {candidates}. "
"Please specify a target using --target-class or by adding "
"tree_root: true to the relevant class in the schema."
if len(candidates) == 1:
return candidates[0]
return None
[docs]def infer_index_slot(sv: SchemaView, root_class: ClassDefinitionName) -> Optional[SlotDefinitionName]:
index_slots = []
for sn in sv.class_slots(root_class):
slot = sv.induced_slot(sn, root_class)
if slot.multivalued and slot.range in sv.all_classes():
if len(index_slots) == 1:
return index_slots[0]
return None