Source code for linkml.utils.execute_tutorial

import logging
import re
import subprocess
import sys
from dataclasses import dataclass
from pathlib import Path, PurePath
from typing import List

import click

from linkml._version import __version__

re_decl = re.compile(r"^(\S+):$")
re_start_yaml = re.compile(r"^```(\w+)$")
re_end_yaml = re.compile(r"^```$")
re_html_comment = re.compile(r"^<!-- (.+) -->")

[docs]@dataclass class Block: category: str = None # yaml, bash, python, ... title: str = None content: str = None output: str = None error: str = None expected_fail: bool = None prior_lines: List[str] = None annotations: List[str] = None
[docs] def is_file_block(self) -> bool: return self.title and "." in self.title
[docs] def is_stdout(self) -> bool: return self.title and "output" in self.title.lower()
[docs] def is_bash(self) -> bool: return self.category == "bash"
[docs]def execute_blocks(directory: str, blocks: List[Block]) -> List[str]: """ Execute the code blocks embedded in a tutorial :param directory: :param blocks: :return: errors """ Path(directory).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)"Executing in: {directory}") last_block = None errs = [] def err(e): errs.append(e) logging.error(e) for block in blocks: write_lines(block.prior_lines)"# Block: {block.category} {block.title}") if block.is_file_block(): path = PurePath(directory, block.title) with open(path, "w", encoding="UTF-8") as stream: stream.write(block.content) elif block.is_bash(): if "no_execute" in block.annotations: continue cmd = block.content.strip().split() if ">" in cmd: # redirects not support in pos = cmd.index(">") outpath = cmd[pos + 1 :] cmd = cmd[0:pos] if len(outpath) > 1: raise Exception(f"Maximum 1 token after > in {block.content}. Got: {outpath}") outpath = str(Path(directory, *outpath))"OUTPATH = {outpath}") else: outpath = None"Executing: {cmd}") r =, cwd=directory, capture_output=True) block.output = r.stdout.decode("utf-8") if outpath: with open(outpath, "w", encoding="UTF-8") as stream:"WRITING {len(block.output)} TO = {outpath}") stream.write(block.output) block.error = r.stderr.decode("utf-8")"OUT [sample] = {block.output[0:30]}") if block.expected_fail: if r.returncode == 0: err(f"Command unexpectedly succeeded: {cmd}") else:"Failed as expected") if block.error:"ERR [sample] = ...{block.error[-200:]}") else: if block.error:"ERR = {block.error}") if r.returncode != 0: err(f"Command failed: {cmd}") else:"Success!") elif block.is_stdout(): if "compare_rdf" in block.annotations: logging.warning("SKIPPING RDF COMPARISON. TODO:") elif last_block.output: if last_block.output.strip() != block.content.strip(): err(f"Mismatch: {str(last_block.output)} != {block.content}") else:"Hurray! Contents match!") else:"No comparison performed") else: logging.warning(f"Ignoring block: {block}") last_block = block return errs
[docs]def write_lines(lines: List[str]) -> None: for line in lines: print(f"+++ {line}")
[docs]def parse_file_to_blocks(input) -> List[Block]: """ Parses a markdown tutorial file to code blacks to be executed :param input: :return: """ with open(input) as stream: lines = stream.readlines() curr_block = None blocks = [] fn = None prior_lines = [] anns = [] expected_fail = False while lines: line = lines[0].rstrip() lines = lines[1:] if curr_block is None: if line.lower().startswith("<!-- fail"): expected_fail = True m = re_html_comment.match(line) if m: anns.append( continue m = re_decl.match(line) if m: fn = print(f"FILE={fn}") else: m = re_start_yaml.match(line) if m: curr_block = Block(, title=fn, expected_fail=expected_fail, content="", annotations=anns, prior_lines=prior_lines, ) prior_lines = [] anns = [] else: prior_lines += [line] else: # in block fn = None expected_fail = False m = re_end_yaml.match(line) if m: blocks.append(curr_block) curr_block = None else: curr_block.content += f"{line}\n" return blocks
@click.command() @click.option( "--directory", "-d", required=True, help="path to directory to execute tutorial example on", ) @click.argument("inputs", nargs=-1) @click.version_option(__version__, "-V", "--version") def cli(inputs, directory): """ Execute a tutorial markdown file (eg. those in the /docs/intro/ directory) and save the outputs in the given directory Example: export PYTHONPATH=`pwd` python -m linkml.utils.execute_tutorial -d /tmp/tutorial/ docs/intro/ """ logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) errs = [] for input in inputs:"INPUT={input}") blocks = parse_file_to_blocks(input) print(f"## {len(blocks)} Blocks") localdir = Path(input).stem subdir = PurePath(directory, localdir) input_errs = execute_blocks(str(subdir), blocks) if len(input_errs) > 0: logging.error(f"TUTORIAL {input} FAILURES: {len(input_errs)}") errs += input_errs"Errors = {len(errs)}") if len(errs) > 0: logging.error(f"Encountered {len(errs)} Errors") for err in errs: logging.error(f"Error: {err}") sys.exit(1) if __name__ == "__main__": cli(sys.argv[1:])