Source code for linkml.utils.validation

import json
from typing import TextIO, Type, Union

import jsonschema
from linkml_runtime.dumpers import json_dumper
from linkml_runtime.linkml_model import SchemaDefinition
from linkml_runtime.utils.yamlutils import YAMLRoot

from linkml.generators.jsonschemagen import JsonSchemaGenerator

def _as_dict(inst):
    # TODO: replace this with linkml_runtime.dictutils when 1.0.14 is released
    inst_dict = json.loads(json_dumper.dumps(element=inst))
    del inst_dict["@type"]
    return inst_dict

# Deprecated: use validators module
[docs]def validate_object( data: YAMLRoot, schema: Union[str, TextIO, SchemaDefinition], target_class: Type[YAMLRoot] = None, closed: bool = True, ): """ validates instance data against a schema :param data: LinkML instance to be validates :param schema: LinkML schema :param target_class: class in schema to validate against :param closed: :return: """ if target_class is None: target_class = type(data) inst_dict = _as_dict(data) not_closed = not closed jsonschemastr = JsonSchemaGenerator( schema, mergeimports=True, top_class=target_class.class_name, not_closed=not_closed, ).serialize(not_closed=not_closed) jsonschema_obj = json.loads(jsonschemastr) return jsonschema.validate( inst_dict, schema=jsonschema_obj, format_checker=jsonschema.Draft7Validator.FORMAT_CHECKER )