Source code for linkml.validator.validator

from functools import lru_cache
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Iterator, List, Optional, TextIO, Union

from linkml_runtime.linkml_model import SchemaDefinition
from linkml_runtime.loaders import yaml_loader

from linkml.validator.loaders import Loader
from linkml.validator.loaders.passthrough_loader import PassthroughLoader
from linkml.validator.plugins import ValidationPlugin
from import Severity, ValidationReport, ValidationResult
from linkml.validator.validation_context import ValidationContext

[docs]class Validator: """A class for coordinating instance validation using configurable plugins :param schema: The schema to validate against. If a string or Path, the schema will be loaded from that location. Otherwise, a ``SchemaDefinition`` is required. :param validation_plugins: A list of plugins that be used to validate instances using the given schema. Each element should be an instance of a subclass of :class:`linkml.validator.plugins.ValidationPlugin`. Defaults to ``None``. :param strict: If ``True``, stop validating after the first validation problem is found. Defaults to ``False``. """ def __init__( self, schema: Union[str, dict, TextIO, Path, SchemaDefinition], validation_plugins: Optional[List[ValidationPlugin]] = None, *, strict: bool = False, ) -> None: if isinstance(schema, Path): schema = str(schema) if isinstance(schema, SchemaDefinition): self._schema = schema else: self._schema: SchemaDefinition = yaml_loader.load(schema, SchemaDefinition) if isinstance(schema, str) and "\n" not in schema: self._schema.source_file = schema self._validation_plugins = validation_plugins self.strict = strict
[docs] def validate(self, instance: Any, target_class: Optional[str] = None) -> ValidationReport: """Validate the given instance :param instance: The instance to validate :param target_class: Name of the class within the schema to validate against. If ``None``, the class will be inferred from the schema by looked for a class with ``tree_root: true``. Defaults to ``None``. :return: A validation report :rtype: ValidationReport """ return ValidationReport(results=list(self.iter_results(instance, target_class)))
[docs] def validate_source(self, loader: Loader, target_class: Optional[str] = None) -> ValidationReport: """Validate instances from a data source :param loader: An instance of a subclass of :class:`linkml.validator.loaders.Loader` which provides the instances to validate :param target_class: Name of the class within the schema to validate against. If ``None``, the class will be inferred from the schema by looked for a class with ``tree_root: true``. Defaults to ``None``. :return: A validation report :rtype: ValidationReport """ return ValidationReport(results=list(self.iter_results_from_source(loader, target_class)))
[docs] def iter_results(self, instance: Any, target_class: Optional[str] = None) -> Iterator[ValidationResult]: """Lazily yield validation results for the given instance :param instance: The instance to validate :param target_class: Name of the class within the schema to validate against. If ``None``, the class will be inferred from the schema by looked for a class with ``tree_root: true``. Defaults to ``None``. :return: Iterator over validation results :rtype: Iterator[ValidationResult] """ loader = PassthroughLoader(iter([instance])) yield from self.iter_results_from_source(loader, target_class)
[docs] def iter_results_from_source( self, loader: Loader, target_class: Optional[str] = None ) -> Iterator[ValidationResult]: """Lazily yield validation results for the instances provided by a loader :param loader: An instance of a subclass of :class:`linkml.validator.loaders.Loader` which provides the instances to validate :param target_class: Name of the class within the schema to validate against. If ``None``, the class will be inferred from the schema by looked for a class with ``tree_root: true``. Defaults to ``None``. :return: Iterator over validation results :rtype: Iterator[ValidationResult] """ if not self._validation_plugins: return [] context = self._context(target_class) for plugin in self._validation_plugins: plugin.pre_process(context) has_failure = False for index, instance in enumerate(loader.iter_instances()): for plugin in self._validation_plugins: for result in plugin.process(instance, context): if result.severity == Severity.FATAL or (self.strict and result.severity == Severity.ERROR): has_failure = True result.instance_index = index yield result if has_failure: break if has_failure: break if has_failure: break for plugin in self._validation_plugins: plugin.post_process(context)
@lru_cache def _context(self, target_class: Optional[str] = None) -> ValidationContext: return ValidationContext(self._schema, target_class)