import json
from decimal import Decimal
from typing import Dict, Union
from pydantic import BaseModel
from deprecated.classic import deprecated
from linkml_runtime.dumpers.dumper_root import Dumper
from linkml_runtime.utils import formatutils
from linkml_runtime.utils.context_utils import CONTEXTS_PARAM_TYPE
from linkml_runtime.utils.formatutils import remove_empty_items
from linkml_runtime.utils.yamlutils import YAMLRoot, as_json_object
from jsonasobj2 import JsonObj
[docs]class JSONDumper(Dumper):
def dump(self, element: Union[BaseModel, YAMLRoot], to_file: str, contexts: CONTEXTS_PARAM_TYPE = None,
**kwargs) -> None:
Write element as json to to_file
:param element: LinkML object to be serialized as YAML
:param to_file: file to write to
:param contexts: JSON-LD context(s) in the form of:
* file name
* JSON String
* dict
* JSON Object
* A list containing elements of any type named above
if isinstance(element, BaseModel):
element = element.dict()
super().dump(element, to_file, contexts=contexts, **kwargs)
def dumps(self, element: Union[BaseModel, YAMLRoot], contexts: CONTEXTS_PARAM_TYPE = None, inject_type=True) -> str:
Return element as a JSON or a JSON-LD string
:param element: LinkML object to be emitted
:param contexts: JSON-LD context(s) in the form of:
* file name
* JSON String
* dict
* JSON Object
* A list containing elements of any type named above
:param inject_type: if True (default), add a @type at the top level
:return: JSON Object representing the element
def default(o):
if isinstance(o, BaseModel):
return remove_empty_items(o.dict(), hide_protected_keys=True)
if isinstance(o, YAMLRoot):
return remove_empty_items(o, hide_protected_keys=True)
elif isinstance(o, Decimal):
return str(o)
return json.JSONDecoder().decode(o)
if isinstance(element, BaseModel):
element = element.dict()
return json.dumps(as_json_object(element, contexts, inject_type=inject_type),
indent=' ')
@deprecated("Use `utils/formatutils/remove_empty_items` instead")
def remove_empty_items(obj: Dict) -> Dict:
Remove empty items from obj
:param obj:
:return: copy of dictionary with empty lists/dicts and Nones removed
return formatutils.remove_empty_items(obj, hide_protected_keys=True)
def to_json_object(self, element: Union[BaseModel, YAMLRoot], contexts: CONTEXTS_PARAM_TYPE = None,
inject_type=True) -> JsonObj:
As dumps(), except returns a JsonObj, not a string
:param element: LinkML object to be emitted
:param contexts: JSON-LD context(s) in the form of:
* file name
* JSON String
* dict
* JSON Object
* A list containing elements of any type named above
:param inject_type: if True (default), add a @type at the top level
:return: JSON Object representing the element
return as_json_object(element, contexts, inject_type=inject_type)
def to_dict(self, element: Union[BaseModel, YAMLRoot], **kwargs) -> JsonObj:
As dumps(), except returns a JsonObj, not a string
:param element: LinkML object to be emitted
:param contexts: JSON-LD context(s) in the form of:
* file name
* JSON String
* dict
* JSON Object
* A list containing elements of any type named above
:param inject_type: if True (default), add a @type at the top level
:return: JSON Object representing the element
return json.loads(self.dumps(element, inject_type=False, **kwargs))