import logging
from dataclasses import field, dataclass
from enum import Enum
from typing import Union, Optional, Any, Dict, Callable
from jsonasobj2 import JsonObj, items
from linkml_runtime import SchemaView
from linkml_runtime.linkml_model import SlotDefinitionName, PermissibleValue, ClassDefinitionName
from linkml_runtime.utils.enumerations import EnumDefinitionImpl
from linkml_runtime.utils.eval_utils import eval_expr
from linkml_runtime.utils.walker_utils import traverse_object_tree
from linkml_runtime.utils.yamlutils import YAMLRoot
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
RESOLVE_FUNC = Callable[[str, Any], Any]
def obj_as_dict_nonrecursive(obj: YAMLRoot, resolve_function: RESOLVE_FUNC = None) -> Dict[str, Any]:
Translates an object into a dict, for the purposes of input into formatted strings
:param obj:
:param resolve_function:
if resolve_function:
return {k: resolve_function(v, k) for k, v in items(obj)}
return {k: v for k, v in vars(obj).items()}
class Config:
Controls which inferences are performed
- slot.string_serialization
- slot.equals_expression
use_string_serialization: bool = field(default_factory=lambda: True)
parse_string_serialization: bool = field(default_factory=lambda: False)
use_rules: bool = field(default_factory=lambda: False)
use_expressions: bool = field(default_factory=lambda: False)
resolve_function: RESOLVE_FUNC = None
[docs]class Policy(Enum):
Policy for when inferred values differ from already set values
STRICT = "strict"
OVERRIDE = "override"
KEEP = "keep"
def generate_slot_value(obj: YAMLRoot, slot_name: Union[str, SlotDefinitionName], schemaview: SchemaView,
class_name: Union[str, ClassDefinitionName] = None,
config: Config = Config()) -> Optional[Any]:
Infer the value of a slot for a given object
- string_serialization
- equals_expression
:param obj: object with slot whose value is be generated (not mutated)
:param slot_name: slot whose value is to be filled
:param schemaview:
:param class_name:
:param config: determines which rules to apply
:return: inferred value, or None if not inference performed
if class_name is None:
class_name = type(obj).class_name
mapped_slot = schemaview.slot_name_mappings()[slot_name]
slot_name =
slot = schemaview.induced_slot(slot_name, class_name)
logger.debug(f' CONF={config}')
if config.use_string_serialization:
if slot.string_serialization:
if isinstance(obj, JsonObj):
return slot.string_serialization.format(**obj_as_dict_nonrecursive(obj, config.resolve_function))
if config.parse_string_serialization:
raise NotImplementedError
if config.use_expressions:
if slot.equals_expression:
if isinstance(obj, JsonObj):
return eval_expr(slot.equals_expression, **obj_as_dict_nonrecursive(obj, config.resolve_function))
if config.use_rules:
raise NotImplementedError(f'Rules not implemented for {config}')
return None
[docs]def infer_slot_value(obj: YAMLRoot, slot_name: Union[str, SlotDefinitionName], schemaview: SchemaView,
class_name: Union[str, ClassDefinitionName] = None,
policy: Policy = Policy.STRICT, config: Config = Config()):
Infer the value of a slot for an object
:param obj: mutable object to be transformed
:param slot_name:
:param schemaview:
:param class_name:
:param policy:
:param config:
v = getattr(obj, slot_name, None)
if v is not None and policy == Policy.KEEP:
return v
new_v = generate_slot_value(obj, slot_name, schemaview, class_name=class_name, config=config)
logger.debug(f'SETTING {slot_name} = {new_v} // current={v}, {policy}')
if new_v:
# check if new value is different; not str check is necessary as enums may not be converted
if v is not None and new_v != v and str(new_v) != str(v):
if policy == Policy.STRICT:
raise ValueError(f'Inconsistent value {v} != {new_v} for {slot_name} for {obj}')
elif policy == Policy.OVERRIDE:
setattr(obj, slot_name, new_v)
setattr(obj, slot_name, new_v)
#print(f'CALLING POST INIT ON {obj} from {slot_name} = {new_v}')
[docs]def infer_all_slot_values(obj: YAMLRoot, schemaview: SchemaView,
class_name: Union[str, ClassDefinitionName] = None,
policy: Policy = Policy.STRICT, config: Config = Config()):
Walks object tree inferring all slot values.
- if a slot has a string_serialization metaslot, apply this
- if a slot has a equals_expression metaslot, apply this. See :func:`eval_expr()`
:param obj:
:param schemaview:
:param class_name:
:param policy: default is STRICT
:param config:
def infer(in_obj: YAMLRoot):
if isinstance(in_obj, YAMLRoot) and not isinstance(in_obj, EnumDefinitionImpl) and not isinstance(in_obj, PermissibleValue):
for k, v in vars(in_obj).items():
#print(f' ISV={k} curr={v} policy={policy} in_obj={type(in_obj)}')
infer_slot_value(in_obj, k, schemaview, class_name=class_name, policy=policy, config=config)
return in_obj
traverse_object_tree(obj, infer)